Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Nostril Hurts And Runs

With no one wear a solid house

Home Mortgages: Sting comes
The fixed rate rose from 4% to 6%, increases of 300 €

Alarm consumer groups on the rise in benchmark rates that the Bank European Central will decide on April 7. If the increase is limited to 0.25%, a home loan of 120 000 € for 15 years at a floating rate would increase the rate of € 24 per month, 288 € a year. But if the ECB still tweak the rates during the year, the increases may exceed 10%. But the increase in interest rates is already in recent months. The principal benchmark for floating rate, the Euribor, has doubled in a year. And the fixed rates, which until November proposals could still below 4% deals, jumped in a few weeks more than 5%, to almost 6% and to overcome it if you add the costs. The ECB in order to counter inflationary trends fueled primarily by rising fuel, is expected to increase in a few weeks the cost of money lent to banks from 1 to 1, 25%. But observers expect a further increase to 1, 50% in June. The accounts make them Federconsumatori and Adusbef. In the case of a ten-year loan of € 100 thousand, an increase of 0.25% would bring the monthly payment from 920 to 931 €, with an annual burden of 132 €. If the loan is twenty years, the annual inflation is 144 €. In the case of a loan of 200 000 € for a decade the burden is 264 euro per year for a twenty-year € 288. But with an overall increase in the base rate of 0.50%, as might occur between April and June, inflation for the adjustable rate mortgage of € 100,000 would be € 276 per year in the case of funding to 10 years and 312 € in the case of financing in 20 years. For a loan of € 200 000, burdens would rise respectively to 552 and 624 euro per year. All this, plus the associations, "provided that Italian banks do not make the ridge, the rates rise further." In the meantime, however, the most widely used benchmark rate mortgages variable, the Euribor, which is the rate at which they lend money to each other banks, has doubled in a year. The 1-month Euribor, the reference to such loans from the Bank of Trento and Bolzano, has passed the March 2010 from 0.41% to 0.91% in recent days. The three-month Euribor, the typical parameters of variable mortgages Rural Banks and Unicredit, jumped over the same period from 0.66% to 1, 19%. Adusbef and Federconsumatori criticize banks that last year advised the variable rates instead of 'unique' fixed rates. The Consumer Protection Centre of Trent was surveyed in November to the lowest 4%. But that era is over. The fixed rate "Mutual carefree" di Bnl Paribas , che era al 3,99%, è oggi salito al 4,50% per un mutuo decennale e al 5,30% per un finanziamento a 25 anni. Il «Domus fisso» della Btb è passato, per il decennale, dal 3,95 al 4,75% e dal 4,60 al 5,45% per un mutuo a 25 anni. Nel caso del mutuo a tasso fisso di Unicredit , su 15 anni il tasso è passato dal 4,75% di novembre al 5,80%, su 20 anni è salito dal 4,80 al 5,85%. Il fisso di Banca Sella Nord Est Bovio Calderari , che lo scorso novembre variava, in base alla durata, dal 4,39 al 4,94%, ora è al 5,95%. La proposta di tasso fisso di Poste Italiane è salita dal 4,39 al 4,70% per i mutui a 10 anni e dal 4,91 al 5,11% per quelli a vent'anni.

As a comedian he said: if I do not understand why the early money in the bank my money worth much if it is 1%, while if the bank lends them to me its worth 6% ...
banks raise fixed rates (unless you wear this ...) and the state does not defend its citizens. The dream of the economy is beyond human reality.
Mutuo Sociale. Now.
fixed in growth rates, was absent condemnation


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