Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Cheat On Cube Field Facebook

                            THE SALVATION OF THE WORLD,
Miguel Martinez

For years, some ecologist brings out the reasoning that, if every Chinese had the car would be the end of the world and are years that some progress contends that the Chinese have right to the car as the Italians.
As the two discourses operating on totally different levels - the first on the scientific, the second in that of morality - is difficult to say who is right.
For believers in the theology of the Invisible Hand, but something much more devastating would even save the world. A
Giampaolo Visetti wrote about Republic un   articolo  (uscito il 7 dicembre, ma ce lo segnalano solo ora) intitolato, trattenete il fiato:

Seconde case , auto e tanto lusso i consumatori cinesi salvano il mondo

La notizia non è che un miliardo trecentomila cinesi vogliano avere la Cinquecento. La notizia è che

Oltre 800 mila famiglie guadagnano 1 milione di euro l’ anno, 65 mila cinesi possiedono un patrimonio superiore ai 10 milioni e nelle metropoli vivono 950 mila individui con un reddito annuo pari a 2 milioni. Ma ciò che conta non è che in Cina si concentra il secondo numero più alto di miliardari: è che 250 milioni di cinesi hanno uno stipendio annuo di diecimila euro e che il 5% della popolazione viaggia oltre i tremila al mese .”

E questa minoranza di cinesi (perché restano pur sempre fuori oltre un miliardo di pezzenti) ha deciso di consumare più di ciò che produce:

Ricorrono ai prestiti bancari, usano la carta di credito, investono in Borsa, si indebitano e fanno esplodere i prestiti delle finanziarie. Nel 2010, per la prima volta, in Cina oltre 3500 miliardi di credito saranno fuori bilancio e il 35% della popolazione avrà un mutuo da pagare .”

Vendendo agli americani che si sono indebitati with credit cards - and now they are paying in a manner well known - a minority of Chinese then made enough money to borrow for longer than he has. And with that more-of-what-he is about to go shopping:

" The priorities are the second house and 'car, but the novelty is the discovery of the superfluous. Trends 2010 are travel, purchase of domestic animals, domestic technology, cosmetic surgery, designer furniture, luxury clothes and accessories, jewelry, big game hunting and sport 's elite .[...]

The report, "Hurun "Luxury on shows that all big now produce specifically for the China. Watches from 200 000 €, 30 000 a bottle wine, custom-built yachts from 400 000 and have no money exclusive lines for the new Chinese consumers. Speak Mandarin but also high fashion, footwear and accessories top, temples d 'art and truffles, the trade in diamonds and gold. Who dreamed reflected today on the washing machine 'screen width of the 3D plasma TV and the mutation is so fast that even the dominant brand in the Western middle class are losing ground. In Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, as in the wealthier districts, purchase luxury already out of fashion. The 'cult image is that of Tian Mingqiao, importing coal from Inner Mongolia, which under the' eye of the cameras parks Bentley rose between his two yellow Ferrari in the center of Shenzhen. Enter a six-star hotel and after a 'now his companion comes loaded with bags, explaining that he had spent $ 45,000 on shoes and $ 51,000 in caviar, oysters and lobsters. " "Nothing famous - Tian says - none of which possess all cheap. Compro-only logo, unique pieces, made to measure '. "
will be the result of an inevitable process, which should not be judged morally, I agree.
But in my religion, is called eutrophication . In them, save the world.
And whether we like it or not, while the world can live with my religion (And also with that of the cannibals, for that matter) can not live with their

March 7, 2011

site kelebeklerblog .


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