Sunday, March 13, 2011

Having Intercourse With Folliculitis

LANDFILL optimism after the confrontation at Arco
'Maza', it's time for dialogue

again to the fore the issue of waste: the other night, the mayor and councilors of Arc met administrators and technicians Valley communities. A preparatory meeting on the controversial issue of the landfill Maza, with President Salvador Valandro, Councillor Michael Calzà Arco in the Community and experts Piero Parolari, architect, Bruno Ferrari, surveyor, and Alberto Bonisolli, responsible Gestel. On the table in the current situation and future assumptions designed by the Province. In fact, the evening was preparatory to an upcoming meeting with the Trentino: Vice President Alberto Pacher will be the guest of the city council in the near future. Moderately optimistic opinion of the mayor of Arco, Paolo Mattei, who had previously attended a 'dialogue of the deaf between the Province and the Region, but today the impression is that the climate is positive. " The President Valandro confirms this feeling: "The relationship with the Province and Pacher is constructive and characterized by comparison. There are monthly meetings in progress, and serves to show that the area holds high attention to the problem. There is an on listening to each other, a clear path on resources and actions. " The commissioner Michael Calzà presented a report on landfill speaking also discussed the coverage of € 16 million, the provincial capital to give a waterproof coating to lots of Maza. Not only capping: 200 000 € even for a second storage tank of 600 cubic meters of leachate, 400 000 € to move the electrical room and the provision for 3 months of a pilot plant for pre-treatment of leachate, which will consider installing a permanent basis. Biogas can be translated into energy value? The signing of a project to start in this direction there, said Michael Socks, and will soon be appointed a technician responsible for the feasibility study. CT

the Adige 13/03/2011

Investing in a system collapse: the big plans for the future.


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