di Michele Basso
Sulla questione della Libia occorre riflettere molto, perché, con la campagna di disinformazione year, which puts everything in terms of tyranny and democracy, if we're not that careful, we run the risk of having to demonstrate on the streets with Emma Bonino and Walter Veltroni.
no coincidence that Dante Lepore writes: "... the social occurrence which has ravaged the North Africa ... already assumed levels of handling and is filtered in the patterns of propaganda in such a way that the perception of the phenomenon and its teachings should be in the sense of 'aspirations for modernization, democracy and bourgeois freedom "against dictatorial regimes obsolete, rather than as an explosion of claims proletarian (who are everywhere quite clearly the protagonists) to a better world. "(1)
events in Libya, even more than on the Tunisian and Egyptian propaganda was widespread confusion and misunderstanding, which has fallen even the extreme left. Some people in the name of an alleged anti-imperialism of Gaddafi hopes his victory. Forget that the high oil revenues have led to important Libyan exports of capital in its imperialist metropolis, starting with Italy: "Libya has now 7.5% Unicredit (4.99% of the Libyan Central Bank and 2 , 5% of the sovereign fund Libyan Investment Authority), 1% of ENI, amounting to 750 million euros, 2% of Finmeccanica, the Retelit 14.7% and 7.5% of Juventus. In all, the Libyan Italian companies invested 3.7 billion in publicly traded. (2) Libyan
The bourgeoisie has done business with the surface of all the imperialist powers, and unlimited exploitation over a half million immigrants, mostly illegal immigrants, now abandoned to their fate.
Even more dangerous trap the other, who, in the name of fighting the tyrant, seeks the intervention of Europe and America. Communists and workers aware in no case shall side with the U.S.. The thing was quite obvious the White House when Bush lived the rough, unable to hide its imperial aspirations, is less obvious now that it is charging Obama and subtle diplomat. But a seemingly minor incident can make people understand who they really are the "humanitarian" imposing sanctions, and to envisage military no-fly zones and landings, shouting to the tyrant. An aircraft of U.S. security forces had to carry equipment and instructors to keep the Geof (Grupo Especial de Operaciones Especiales de la Policia Federal) courses for the fight against terrorism.
But a suitcase contained "drugs such as epinephrine, morphine and many other sedative hypnotics with immediate effect, in addition to its antidotes. Not only drugs. In the case of the Argentine forces also found tools for data transmission and decryption of files. "" All il carico sequestrato era contenuta in casse di legno contrassegnate ‘7° Gruppo Forze Speciali, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina’, secondo il giornalista argentino Walter Goobar Alcuni dei farmaci trovati, secondo Tercera Información News Service, erano adrenalina, ketamina, solfato alcaloide di morfina, midazolam, naloxone, OxyContin e l’oppioide semi-sintetico nalbufina.” (3) I moralizzatori girano per paesi amici con pesanti carichi di droga e con apparecchiature che presuppongono operazioni illegali. Approfittando dell’impunità che hanno nelle maggior parte dei paesi (a cominciare dall’Italia) violano quotidianamente tutte le norme del diritto internazionale che asseriscono di difendere. Questa è l’alta morale alla quale l’imperialismo americano s’ispira.
Per evitare queste trappole, occorre una bussola, per fissare l’asse principale delle lotte al quale tutti gli altri sono collegati. Sull’esempio dei comunisti del passato, dobbiamo chiederci qual è la forza che, a livello mondiale, rappresenta un costante pericolo per qualsiasi conquista dei lavoratori. Marx ed Engels individuarono nello zarismo russo la riserva di tutte le reazioni, e vi ravvisarono l’ostacolo principale, non solo per un’eventuale rivoluzione proletaria, ma persino per le rivoluzioni e le riforme borghesi. Dopo la caduta dello zarismo, Lenin e l’Internazionale indicarono nella Gran Bretagna colonialista il enemy to be killed, and found allies in the anti-colonial movements. Zinoviev, scandalized many Communists naive, in Baku ended his speech with these words: " Now the time has come where you can begin to organize a popular holy war against the robbers and oppressors. The Communist International turns today to the peoples of East and told them: "Brothers, I call for a holy war, especially against British imperialism . (4)
After World War II to hit the despot was represented by the republic to the stars and stripes. In a letter dated 1951, Onorato Damen, he called Moscow "the central of imperialism on a par with the American role in putting the issue of Russian domination of the world ", Bordiga, having considered the factors of concentration of productive forces, reserves human, historical continuity of state power, military, replied:" Examined all these factors, we see that America is the No. 1 concentration in the sense, as well as everything else, and over the odds in more conflicts, which certainly can step in wherever anti-capitalist revolution to win. In this historical sense I say that today the revolution, which can only be international, not lose time if you take out the state of Washington. This means that we are still far away? Okei. " (5)
Today, the United States no longer, as in the late '40s, half of world industrial production, but there is a power that is unparalleled in military, diplomacy and have a central spy powerful, a powerful network of alliances and a thousand instruments of blackmail. Any strengthening them away, perhaps even decades, the revival of class struggle and revolution. Seriously wrong in those who hope that we can make some progress towards the revolution with the help of U.S. direct or indirect. The latter gladly boast the title of liberators, but each action results in a more complete form of enslavement for the people "liberated." Iraqis, Afghans, and the peoples of Latin Americans still bear the marks of kindness imperialism of Washington. The Vietnamese have escaped this "liberation" by paying an enormous price.
NATO's intervention in Libya, blessed by the UN or not, so the solution would be worse.
European countries - an eternal shame of the Europeans, who dream of a super-bourgeois able to treat on a par with the U.S., fortunately aborted because it would be a further obstacle in the path of the proletarian struggle for a common Europe - lead to different foreign policies and potentially conflicting with each other. Sarkozy, the sworn enemy of workers and retirees and immigrants in France, driven by spawning elections were competitive with the far right, acknowledges the National Council of Benghazi, and wants to bomb the positions of Gaddafi. Merkel does not want to get mixed up in wars Mediterranean, we willingly leave to others, given that Germany is too busy to conquer markets, to the detriment of dear, noisy neighbors. Berlin, however, is part of NATO, and could be forced, reluctantly neck, to intervene. England is already compromised by the special forces raid in Benghazi. A group of SAS, headed by a senior officer of the M16 (the British secret service), complete with helicopters, explosives, ammunition and fake passports, was arrested as a gang of chicken thieves. Evidently, the time of the empire are far away to London, but some political leaders if they have not yet made a reason.
As regards Italy, we know only too well, that statements made by Berlusconi completely vary depending on the place where the pronunciation. There is no rooster weathervane faster to change position: pro-Russian Moscow Yankee in Washington, a friend of Mubarak, Ben Ali, and a few days after the rebels, libertine baciapile home and in church, at a conference would be capable of seminarians to speak of the beatitudes. Even less reliable Frattini. To understand the Italian policy towards Libya is better to see what he does ENI, which is il vero protagonista, e per ora i suoi contratti non sono stati annullati.
Gli insorti libici stanno arretrando, e questo fa pensare che siano state fatte loro promesse ingannevoli. Non sarebbe la prima volta. Bush padre, al tempo della guerra del 1991, fece dichiarazioni che furono interpretate come un invito agli sciiti perché insorgessero, ma, una volta prese le armi, furono lasciati alle vendette di Saddam. L’interesse reale delle potenze per le vite umane si vede anche dall’abbandono in cui sono lasciati i lavoratori immigrati di pelle nera, perseguitati dagli insorti perché scambiati per mercenari, e scacciati dalle truppe di Gheddafi.
Non è escluso, però, che Obama prenda tempo per preparare meglio l’attacco. It 's true that America is already heavily committed in terms of military, but Libya is an opportunity too good. So far, the success in penetrating the U.S. military and economic situation in Africa was not great. In an interview with Hassan Mohamed says: "... the United States fail to prevent African countries from trading with China, and have lost a great influence on the continent. Testimony of the blow suffered by the Pentagon, was when it tried in vain for a country hosting the headquarters of its regional command AFRICOM. All the continental states have refused to accommodate this basis. The South African Defence Minister said that the refusal is "a collective decision Africa and Zambia, had also responded to U.S. Secretary of State: "Would you like to have an elephant in the living room?" Currently, the headquarters of the Regional Command for Africa is in Stuttgart ...! It 's a shame for Washington. " (6)
Nevertheless, the U.S. has managed to have strengths in individual states, for example in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in Kisangani, in the heart of Ituri, Eastern Province, where they work to form a professional army. We know What this meant in Latin America, where a coup d'etat carried out by armies trained by the Americans were on the agenda. But General William Ward: "We will form an army più professionale, che rispetti l'autorità civile e garantisca la sicurezza del popolo congolese. Ciò che facciamo qui come in altri luoghi d'Africa, d'accordo con i governi sovrani, è nell'interesse dei popoli. Agli USA e alla comunità internazionale interessa che il popolo congolese viva in pace ed abbia la possibilità di un futuro migliore”. (7) Amen! La politica di Obama segue punto per punto quella di Bush, con più intelligenza e più concessioni alle belle maniere.
L’importanza strategica della Libia è enorme, non solo è nel cuore del Mediterraneo, ma si spinge a sud nel Sahara e può controllare gran parte dell’Africa nera. Fu lasciata all’Italietta Giolitti, but if it fell into the hands of Germany, would constitute a mortal danger to the British Empire and French, Belgian, Portuguese, etc..
At the time of the Cold War, the United States had no interest in antagonizing France and Great Britain, which left them free hand in the former colonial empires. Tripped because the two allies over Suez in 1956, is an exception: when Nasser nationalized the canal, Britain, France and Israel intervened militarily, they were forced to withdraw from Russia and America. After the parenthesis of Nasser, Egypt ended the American orbit. Fall of the Soviet Union, the euro-American contrasts were accentuated, until in recent years Chinese competition threatened to drive out U.S. and European market from Africa. If Africom will be able to settle in Libya, however, the U.S. will be able to bet with more likely to succeed to the domain of the African continent, Latin America will have less room for maneuver, and Washington can think of to deal with Russia and China. Some may say that the U.S. is in decline from the economic point of view, but this just makes them more aggressive and more dangerous in the struggle to maintain dominance.
Therefore, we must oppose military intervention, and you can only do so seeking the cooperation of the workers and antiwar Americans, the ones who hit the imperialist monster inside. Who, for anti-American resentment, he plans to exclude this crucial sector of the world proletariat from the budget on the international class struggle, regard it as a huge counter-labor aristocracy, it precludes only the way to the understanding of international relations between the classes.
In Italy, there is one more reason to fight anti-militarist, and a clear written COBAS Confederation of Sicily: "concern are the statements of Minister Frattini, who candidly states that to implement the No Fly Zone should bomb military bases Airlines and the Libyan army. Minister La Russa knows that our coasts and the basis for Sigonella, airport, and Augusta and Niscemi, which he made available to the Western war machine, are in the range of the missile weapons of Libya. " (8)
you do with these missiles Ignacio Benito Maria La Russa? Stop them on the shore?
March 12, 2011
1) Dante Lepore, "Imperialism in the North African big game - Part I".
2) Il Sole 24 Ore, 18 February 2011 and "From the notes on Libya" by Angela Marinoni)
3) Alexander the Great, "a U.S. military plane lands in Argentina with a cargo not properly declared. The authorities will act touched the crisis between the two countries. " Peacereporter, 17/2/2011. Mario Andrade, "confiscated in Argentina as a U.S. military aircraft in a covert operation in South America, CIA agents under investigation," Aurora, 28/2/2011
4) "Assault on the sky, and manifestos of the Congress Documents of the Communist International (1919 - 1922). Congress of the Peoples of the East (Baku, 1920) "
5) Alfa to honor" (with Amadeo Bordiga Onorato Damen), July 9, 1951, published in "Prometheus", Series II, No 3 April 1952.
6) Indian Ocean: here there is the great battle for world domination. Interview Lalieu Gregory & Michel Collon Investig'Action Mohamed Hassan - mondialisation September 15, 2010. Translated by Alessandro Lattanzio - Aurora.
7) AFRICOM in the heart of Africa war for oil, Amadou Fall, November 11, 2010.
Source: Translation from English to by the Documentation Centre of Culture and Popular in Anti-Imperialist Camp - Italy.
8) "No armed intervention in Libya," COBAS Confederation of Sicily in sottolebandieredelmarxismo Source
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