Fred Weston
publish this article appeared on Wednesday on the site
In Defence of Marxism . In the civil war raging in Libya some descriptions of events can be overcome, but the political position of defense retains all its validity.
rebels in the town of Az Zawiyah (near the capital) has defeated an attempt by the forces of Gaddafi retake the city. According to an eyewitness, there were six hours of clashes during the night le due parti hanno lottato per il controllo della città. Come ha detto uno degli attivisti anti-Gheddafi: “Siamo riusciti a sconfiggerli perché il nostro spirito è alto e il loro è zero”.
Entrambi i campi sono armati, visto che l'esercito si è schierato in grossa parte con le masse che si sono sollevate, mentre Gheddafi ha ancora un settore di forze leali. Le forze ribelli hanno carri armati, mitragliatrici e contraerea Infatti nella città di Misurata le forze ribelli sono riuscite ad abbattere un aereo di Gheddafi lunedì. Ora c'è una possibilità reale di uno scontro armato tra i due campi, nella misura in cui Gheddafi e i suoi figli insistono a resistere con tutte le loro forze, e cercano disperatamente di keep the area under her control. This rotten regime, which has lost control of large parts of the country, has no qualms about killing their own people. Their motto seems to be: "If we leave, we will bring down with us the whole country"
hypocrisy of imperialism
Faced with this scenario all the major world powers are joining forces to put pressure on Gaddafi to leave. The crisis in Libya has already increased the price of oil at $ 114 and if the situation worsens, could rise further. The growth in three main areas of advanced capitalist countries, North America, Europe and Japan was already weak before these events. A significant spike in oil prices could push the world economy back into recession.
This explains why they are talking about the disaster "humanitarian" in Libya. The UN Security Council voted unanimously to impose sanctions on the regime of Gaddafi. These include an arms embargo and the freezing of assets of Gaddafi. Powers like the United States and Britain are considering the possibility of imposing a no-fly zone, like the one they put on the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. The United States has moved the aircraft carrier in the vicinity of Libya, while Britain is considering sending Typhoon jets based at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus.
Gaddafi feels "betrayed" by the West
imperialism's hypocrisy knows no bounds. In the past they have made agreements with Gaddafi, a military and economic. This explains why Gaddafi in an interview with the BBC has revealed that he feels "betrayed". If we look at the Itemized Budget of the U.S. Congress on page 524, paragraph a Foreign Operation FY 2009 budget request, we find that the U.S. government, far from working to overthrow Gaddafi, Libya was funding in their so-called war against Al-Qaeda " .
The document spells out U.S. objectives in Libya:
"the Use build links with the Libyan security forces that will help to strengthen cooperation against terrorism. U.S. trainers and trainers instruct the Libyan security forces to create vital links with Libyan officials after 35 years of rupture of contacts. The funds will be used initially for teaching English to the extent that the U.S. government is seeking candidates for specific courses on civil-military relations, border security and counter-terrorism. "
In 2008 the U.S. has allocated 330mila Imet dollars of funds and other 350 thousand in 2009 to Libya for its "efforts in the renunciation of weapons of mass destruction, to combat the rapidly growing threat terrorism posed by Al Qaeda in Libya "[Note: IMET, International Military Education and Training]. The Europeans and Russians have done better. According to the report of the European Union, in 2009 only EU member states have given to Gaddafi military equipment for about 344 million euros. The Russians have recently made a statement about the inadequacy of Gaddafi to lead the country, but only a year ago, in January 2010 signed a contract to supply Libya's military of about 1.3 billion euro.
The imperialists consider military intervention ...
What the imperialists are considering is taking the crisis in Libya to put one foot in North Africa, the area shaken by revolutions, from Egypt to Morocco through the entire Middle East. Their concern is not guaranteed, however, the approval of the Libyan people, but supplies of oil and defend the interests of the multinationals operating in the area. The falsity of their sudden shock at the situation of the Libyan people can be seen comparing the reaction to the war in Congo, where an estimated 5 million people killed in recent years. There was no humanitarian intervention in that case, given that the war was quite profitable for Western multinationals were extracting minerals in Congo in slavery conditions. The various militias in that case were supported by one or another imperialist power.
We must say clearly: the reason why NATO and the United Nations would support military intervention in Libya would be to strangle the popular revolt and put the oil resources under its control. Gaddafi with his strength at all costs led to a revolutionary situation in Libya, with whole sections of the army who have passed away. The de facto power has fallen into the hands of the rebels in large part of the country and terrorizing the Western powers.
... but the Libyan people want to leave alone
All communists will oppose an imperialist invasion in the country. But they are also Libyans themselves who oppose this invasion. According to Al Jazeera Andel Fattah Younes, a former interior minister in the opposition, said the idea that people would welcome foreign troops "is beyond question." What Ghoga confirmed by Hafiz, a spokesman for the new "Libyan National Council" established in Benghazi. Ghoga said: "We are completely opposed to foreign intervention. The rest of the people ... will be released from Libya and Qaddafi's security forces will be eliminated by the Libyan people. "
journalists who managed to enter the liberated areas have reported that the crowd held up signs in Benghazi against foreign intervention and say they do not want the army American. They understand perfectly that the purpose of NATO is not an invasion to liberate the Libyan people. They understand that as long as Gaddafi was firmly in power, with the regular use of torture and murder against dissent, the power "democratic" had no complaints about doing business with him. They have done business, they sold the weapons, the same that are now being used against the insurgency.
The task belongs to the people to overthrow Gaddafi of Libya, workers, young people, the unemployed, the dispossessed. If any outside power will come on stage only to steal the victory. The Libyan people know this and will oppose to this scenario.
March 1, 2011
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