Associations harass by SIAE
"in 2007 - wrote the aldermen Pederzolli Mauro Riva, Carlo Modena, Enzo and Luca Grazioli Bassetti - was presented with a motion requesting the City Council to convey, through the appropriate fora, to start a path that would lead to a reduction of 50% of rights' author that associations must pay the agency SIAE. Motion showed that, among other things, as existing legislation on copyright provides, or, to be paid a fee for the creation of shows / entertainment, or any other form of musical representation. At present - added the advisers - does not distinguish between the consideration that is required for a business to that paid by the associations non-profit, or even have solely a benefit for music, theater or cinema. The price for copyright is generally 10% on revenue earned by the organizer of the show, including any income from advertising, sponsorship and contributions if they are connected to the event. If music is a complementary element to the show (for example, plays or films), the rate is considerably lower (eg 3.33% for the theater and 2.10% for the films). If the organization has no income of any kind, and then the show is actually gratuito, vengono applicati compensi minimi in cifra fissa, a seconda della capienza del luogo di spettacolo o dell'affluenza del pubblico. Nonostante l'applicazione di compensi minimi in cifra fissa, il comitato organizzatore si trova a versare un importo, determinato dalla tipologia di rappresentazione e dalla possibile affluenza nel luogo di svolgimento, che prevede versamenti che si attestano, di norma, in almeno qualche centinaia di euro. Costi che incidono non poco sulle spese che le associazioni locali si trovano a sostenere per spettacoli ed eventi che hanno la finalità di raccogliere fondi da destinare a situazioni di difficoltà e disagio. Recentemente, sia la Confartigianato che la Confesercenti, hanno stipulato una convenzione con la Siae which foresees a reduction of costs related to copyright in the members will enjoy. The reduction in the tariff schedules is equal to 25% for the payment of royalties for background music broadcast in the workplace not open to the public in stores open to the public in premises. 10% discount for payment instead of royalties during evening dancing and / or concertina. And less than 40% for the payment of copyright fees on the whole of the appliances installed in public vehicles (buses, coaches). We are talking about activities that have a profit-making and that, under that agreement, there are still a small discount that allows a lower disbursement of money. Justifiable, since many believe that this "tax" unjustified additional expense, but that becomes a sort of "slap" for all the charities that no national organizations that support the activities, find themselves having to bear the cost in full. Groped for a road that could lead to a kind of agency agreement between SIAE and non-profit associations, the council could be an appropriate contact person at the local level. " Hence, a motion to engage the junta Riva del Garda "to initiate a study, with the local agency SIAE, which may result in a sort of agreement for a reduced payment of royalties for events, organized by local non-profit associations, which will be held in the town of Riva. Convention that might have a basis similar to that done at national level with trade associations and trade and crafts, also shared with other local municipalities, have increased incidence in bargaining with the SIAE.
the Adige 14/03/2011
Just to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the SIAE and in what manner the collection of lace operates the largest certified by conspiracy state and major record labels:
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