Thursday, March 3, 2011

Are You Born With Gallbladder Polyps


Paul Naso

According to a proven script and peremptory assertions ready denials in recent days the prime minister said that "freedom means not having to send [their children] in a state school, where there are teachers who want to instill principles that are the opposite of those of their parents' and attack journalists and Communists who still would vote misrepresented his views.
Well that does not attack the head of the government itself that the school funding on the basis of a constitutional principle, it is good and important. However, some doubt remains over the idea that the prime minister of public schools and the difficult situation in recent years. The evils of the school is not new and many people and leaders of different political orientation This state of affairs. Berlusconi, however, preside over the Government in power and today it is fair to ask him and his idea that has majority of the public school and how it intends to restore the centrality for decades - even those of the "Christian Democrat power" - and she always had.
"The Republic lays down general rules for education and establishes state schools for all orders and degrees.," Reads Article 33 of the Constitution which postulates the centrality of the school "the Republic". The recognition that "institutions and individuals have the right to establish schools and educational institutions" does not detract from this focus and not imply that private schools operate "at no cost to the state." We know that this clause is circumvented in several ways but the text says this and it is this formulation which should be the guiding star of every law school.
The statement of Prime Minister Berlusconi and the silence of the minister Gelmini who applauded his sentence rightly a debate that deserves great attention and worth keeping open for a while.
nodes are at least three.
The first concerns the resources: the state school needs more funds, while the trend is exactly the opposite direction.
The second point concerns the freedom of teaching in which a person may waive in whole or in part without the Republic of the school a school of "regime" or "trend" magari con le bandiere padane o quelle neoborboniche, o con gli sponsors che decidono contenuti, finalità e metodi della didattica.
Il terzo punto – che per i valdesi e i metodisti come per tante altre comunità di "minoranza" è ovviamente decisivo – è quello della laicità. I protestanti italiani sono impegnati da anni su questo fronte perché convinti che soltanto in una scuola laica possa costruirsi e crescere la libertà del cittadino, di quello che crede come di quello che non crede o crede in modo non convenzionale. Contrariamente a quello che in Italia spesso si afferma e si predica, la scuola laica non è affatto "contro" la religione ma assume (dovrebbe assumere, se potesse essere pienamente laica) il tema delle religioni come questione culturale di grande rilievo a prescindere dagli orientamenti o dalle appartenenze confessionali.
Il premier ha parlato (male) della scuola pubblica e raccolto la standing ovation di fronte alla platea dei Cristiano riformisti. E' una nuova forza culturale e politica che intende rifarsi alla dottrina sociale della Chiesa " senza i quali – si legge nel loro sito - ogni nostra azione perderebbe di identità e di intensità, ma soprattutto di significato" . Frase rituale e generica, tuttavia ben chiarita dall'appello contro la cristianofobia e a "difendere l'Italia cristiana" pubblicato in evidenza sul sito. Al leader di questa formazione, Antonio Mazzocchi, the premier was given the task "to cure, under the new project, relations with the Catholic world at the local level" . Berlusconi's statements therefore lie in the context of an explicit run-up to the approval of the Catholic world, after a long association, the bunga bunga on show understandable embarrassment. Place on a plate supply a public school policy less and less central to the secular education system, and maybe some additional funding to private schools: the Christian message to the almost unknown reformists is actually routed to other ears and other hierarchies instead, probably, have understood very well what the prime minister would say.

March 1, 2011



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