Thursday, December 17, 2009

Non Irritant Anti Perspirant

The dust that has invaded my blog, and this disturbs me.

not exceed either one of the desk, nor on the books of Biochemistry, nor that of the mailbox, or one that is accumulating on me. But that

el blog in any way I want to fix it.
remains my blog, even if the bird in the background is ugly and I never liked it.

In reality more than dust would call it ice, is more uniform, compact, slippery and treacherous dust.
Ice is transparent, you are attacking him without that we look, it's just a bit 'cooler.
The ice makes you fall in the street. All

diversity becomes even under a thin layer of ice.

This winter is taking its fair share of ice for everyone.
With me it was very generous.
Thanks Winter.
And you have yet to come.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Type Of Engineer Designs Cars

E poi mi sveglio tutto sudato

Yeah ... sometimes it is nice to dream ... I wonder if you realize

just a snippet of what I wrote?

Baby Tattoos With Wings


I enjoy because I'm happy.

I'll settle for a million people (and perhaps even more) that since nothing has been spilled into the streets to say to our Prime Minister: "resign", "without trial."
An event not called by parties, not called by trade unions ... which says a lot about how parties and unions are made today and how low-cut by the company, whose instances are now no more representation.

Dear gentlemen, the people who are scesa in piazza il 5 dicembre scorso voleva dirvi una cosina, una sola, semplice, se volete addirittura banale: non vogliamo essere governati dai delinquenti!
Quindi, cari signori, decidete un po' da che parte stare, perché oggi abbiamo assunto consapevolezza di esserci, di saperci organizzare anche senza di voi e che voi siete stati assolutamente incapaci di rapportarvi a noi.

Godo perché ho sfilato all'interno di una manifestazione composta, serena, dignitosamente incazzata, composta da una marea di giovani ma anche di tanti signori come me, di una certa età, di una certa onestà, che si sono rotti le scatole di vedere che in parlamento conta solo chi ha avuto almeno un avviso di garanzia.

Godo perché mi aspetto che adesso, di quel milione di persone, almeno poche migliaia sparse in tutta Italia cominceranno ad organizzarsi perché tutto questo non vada perso. Quelli che hanno organizzato i pullman, quelli che hanno fatto i banchetti ed i volantinaggi, quelli che hanno scritto sulla rete per chiamare alla partecipazione, tutta questa gente che ha dedicato un po' del proprio tempo a far sì che la manifestazione riuscisse: tutti loro hanno visto chiaramente che avevano ragione a darsi da fare, ad impegnarsi, e che se si muovono loro allora si muovono un sacco di persone.

Godo perché sogno un parlamento in cui il popolo viola riesce ad infiltrarsi, un po' per volta, prima uno, due, poi qualcuno di più, e piano piano far fuori le cariatidi del potere, quelli che sono eletti e rieletti da una vita perché controllano i partiti (e magari perché sono collusi con la malavita organizzata).

Ieri ho scritto su Facebook: io non voglio essere governato da dei delinquenti, Berlusconi o altri che siano!

E mi sono obiettato da solo: ma come fai a dire che Berlusconi è un delinquente?

E, ovviamente, mi sono anche risposto: non sta a me dirlo! Lo deve dire la magistratura, che è l'ente preposto a questo. Quindi, visto che la magistratura qualche doubts have it, let it free to do his job. We carry out 'sti cabbage processes Berlusconi and then let's put where it deserves, will decide where to put the judiciary.

Now it's time to plan.
must think about how to consolidate the protest, which clearly revealed by the company. You have to think
to maintain and enrich the network of contacts that has been created around the event.
We need to start thinking about tomorrow, you can spend a lifetime demonstrating just because you get tired and then spring. No, you have to think in more concrete ways to intervene in society to ensure that the protagonists of this new energy find themselves seeing protest made, at least in part, their goals.
A network that aims to train a new political class, a new team of public administrators, disconnected from the old rulers, but able to study the problems, devise solutions and make choices.

We need counselors, district councilors, mayors, governors of the region, there are parliamentary. This is laying the groundwork for the replacement of a mammoth bureaucracy. You can not think of doing it in a day and you can not think of doing without specific skills: We need laboratories public administration where to begin to shape our future leaders purple, that does not take bribes, not tarot contracts, which does business with organized crime, that does not feel compelled to please the big industry, the remnants of nobility, masonry ...

... to put it in one word: a generation of honest people who administer public affairs honestly, without private purposes or shameful skeletons in the closet.

It will take decades at least, and we have against everyone: all those who have power in hand now. All tell of being masters of exemplary honesty (Berlusconi in the first place), but all are where they arrived as part of this system of division.

will be a long battle and learn, but if we do say we have made a full revolution! And maybe we'll even

the tricolor listing violates a third republic!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thick Lotion Like Discharge After Ovulation

Anticorpi democratici - 3

We were talking about Berlusconi ...

Paradoxically, the greatest exponent of this system is doing the worst possible service to the system because of its boldness and stubbornness: many people start to get bored of its excesses, there is no figure in the political system that is opposed to this so seriously to do (except maybe Peter, but also on him are been raised many doubts, rightly or wrongly) and decides to sever the umbilical cord with the old party system, based on a delegation to their white leader, starting to think for themselves and make their own decisions: where go and find information, exchange news and views with like-minded people, how to organize an opposite effect to this fake democratism oligarchy.

- the first antibody of true democracy in this

The network was essential. With the spread of the Internet more and more people have decided to create a website, where to put personal information, list their passions, but also where make available to others their own specific skills and where to find equally skilled partners and lovers, who in everyday life it is hard to find. This applies to the leisure, hobbies, and for information, news of all kinds.
After an initial period of low prevalence, which was mainly populated by nerds, the network has slowly become a place of public domain where the individual may become extremely visible even with little means. First, following the newsgroups and forums are places where opinions are compared. On the blog you expose what you think. Word of mouth is raised to the system until the advent of social networking.

Online you will find hospitality e successo personaggi che nel "mondo reale" vengono emarginati dal sistema di potere. Beppe Grillo col suo blog diventa un caso dirompente. Sulle sue pagine (ma anche sul proprio blog) trova visibilità Marco Travaglio. Molti altri giornalisti non allineati trovano nella rete il canale per comunicare con persone che desiderano disperatamente un altro modo di fare informazione. Chi riesce a trovare un blog interessante lo segnala ai suoi amici. Il tam-tam degli utenti non è mai stato così potente ed efficace. Internet rende estremamente facile la comunicazione ed amplifica gli effetti del pensiero indipendente.

- dal virtuale al reale, il cerchio si chiude

La combinazione di frustrazione verso i partiti politici e gli organi information, searching for something alternative network, then end up with a return to the "real" life: Marco Travaglio stakeholders is to establish a new daily paper, based on the knowledge of having already on a "hard core" of players it follows from the blog and can not wait to get my hands on a paper different from others. Beppe Grillo launched the initiative of civil lists, stressing that civil society must get involved in the first person to get rid of the parasitic system of political parties. Thanks to its support and network response you get good results at local and European elections. Now is launching a movement to introduce in the next election for regions.

last in order of time, but perhaps more importantly, the demonstration of the Day No Berlusconi This time there is a charismatic figure like Grillo Travaglio or dragging the ground. This time the mass has moved on its own, astounding even those early bloggers that, after the Constitutional Court ruling on the Lodo Alfano, had planned to launch an initiative to request the resignation of Prime Minister. Open a group on Facebook is something that does not cost anything, so much so that if they are many frivolous way, but this time there were people interested and motivated, so much so that in a short time the membership fee on FB has received more than 350 thousand .

From the Net up the road may be harder than expected to join something online does not cost anything, just one click, back up your ass and go to Rome to attend an event is already something more concrete.
course, still not enough. Not enough: if the problem of our pseudo-democratic system is that the population does not use enough and your brain does not move quite the ass, a demonstration is not enough to change things.
But meanwhile, you can take note of the fact that a party does not need to hold an event (with all due respect Mrs. Finocchiaro). Then find out how much Italy is moving against those 350 thousand accessions virtual and will be a challenge interessante.
Poi, soprattutto, la rete di persone che si è organizzata per noleggiare pullman, montare palchi, gestire interventi, organizzare il servizio d'ordine e la comunicazione, dal 6 dicembre si troverà con molti più contatti rispetto a prima, con un precedente di autoorganizzazione e magari con il gusto e la voglia di continuare a farlo.

- dove andremo a finire?

Qualche giorno fa ho scritto sul mio profilo FB che "un nuovo barlume di speranza sta nascendo in me".
Forse sto caricando eccessivamente di significati questo evento. Però, con i miei trascorsi politici, la militanza giovanile in un partito dell'estrema sinistra, il sogno della rivoluzione democratica, la delusione and frustration in daily contact with people who do not want to hear, not want to see, do not want to think about ... Upon release, all because I was convinced that there was more hope that people get up and head light the brain, now I begin to see something move. When I was a Trotskyite
my party was fighting like a lion trying to reach the roof of a thousand members. I am sure that today, 350 thousand among those who clicked "become a fan" there are certainly more than a thousand who would be leaders of a real change in our society.
Someone has already begun to call it the "purple revolution", recalling the color revolutions in other countries.
I do not know if it will be a revolution, I do not know if it can affect short-term policy framework on the Italian, in fact, I think not. But I am convinced that it could be a revolution in the minds of those who have worked hard to organize and advertise the initiative.
I hope strongly that the civil lists of Beppe Grillo, Done by the readers of The Daily, the organizing committee of the No Day Berlusconi began to flourish a new democratic consciousness in people. Antibodies true democrats, for once and for all get rid of the smell of the monarchy, it is overt or covert.


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Anticorpi democratici - 2

- The age of movements (il'68, the 70s)

missed some step not to bore too much and so I apologize for the excessive synthesis of this point.
The idea is that in the '60s and '70s, there are strong popular movements, student, workers, claiming instances suggest a popular and advancement of democratic conditions in the country, through the awareness of the lower classes and the assertion of their claims.
E 'was an exceptional phase of our history, whose achievements are still some today, but it is also an objective that the political and economic power has made square and used the systems more violent and barbaric to subdue the spirit of the demonstrators. Assisted in this, in my opinion, even by the Left parties and the unions, working full-time movements to harness and ride them, to make the leap and go also to manage their public affairs.
I know that many do not share my position. I repeat that I am shown to better than I'd like, but I can not put me to write a book, we are on a blog (and also very popular!).
The fact that the "peace" back in the country and that many militants defers good, flattered by the parties, poker from power or even satisfied with what they were nevertheless able to achieve. The following years will be sufficiently quiet and calm to bring back many consciences in torpor.

- the false democracy unveiled

It 's time in which begins to take shape a new phenomenon of rampant political partition of malfeasance in public management that will explode a few years later, following the investigations of the pool of "Clean Hands". But what was happening in practice? That employers subsidize the policy to derive economic benefits (you know what a surprise!), That the politicians did favors for friends (you know what a surprise!), Which in the circles of power fucking and blowjob (originali!). Well, simply that the new cast, after some 'time in which it was settled and well-established in its place, had stepped up its corporate interests and lost some' of shame in being your own business.
The king gave assignments to those who wanted him, receiving gifts and making. Corruption was not called because that was how the system works. Politicians have simply learned to do by kings and are nestled comfortably on the throne.
"Clean Hands" uncovers a Pandora's box. It raises the popular indignation of all those honest citizens who took it for granted that even the mighty were fair (poor deluded!). Some new political benefits from it to throw darts, look good and collect votes (Forza Italy and the Lega Nord, in this case).
Birth of the "second republic" that today we can say that again, they were created as the first march. So much so that "the left" of the past no longer exists (transformed in a hybrid Frankenstein former Democrat), who have climbed the mafia and corruption institutions and we got to the point where laws are made to make discounts to mobsters that are dirty from abroad and return capital to clear the corruption trials of some prominent politicians.
The king did not need all this: more than any opponent was imprisoned or executed. But in "democracy" in order to rule the country by corrupt require a constitutional law that enshrines, complete with a blessing of the opposition of "left".

- The role of Berlusconi

Old Democrat leader acted with some class and discretion in dealing with nepotism, patronage, favoritism. Con l'avvento del socialismo craxiano la faccia di bronzo è cresciuta a dismisura, ma ancora la gente era convinta che fossero singoli casi di politici corrotti. Ultimamente, però, gli scandali coinvolgono indistintamente destra e sinistra, rendendo impossibile per il cittadino onesto scegliere serenamente una delle due compagini politiche.
Di Pietro si è dato alla politica evidenziando questa situazione col nome del proprio partito - l'Italia dei Valori - ed ergendosi a paladino della legalità nel cuore del covo del nemico. Gli scandali imperversano, toccando personaggi a prima vista assolutamente integerrimi (vedi caso Marrazzo). Il mondo del giornalismo non ci fa una figura migliore, dimostrando continuamente di essere asservito ad interessi higher.
All this is crowned by the emblematic figure of the "Cav" entrepreneur votatosi policy in a very suspicious smell in collusion with the Mafia, accused of a series of crimes with a common denominator: money. Paid to political parties, hidden abroad, used to bribe witnesses and judges, perhaps emanating from organized crime.
Despite all these shadows, the Cavalier gets great results in the elections, important alliances with parties that until the day before they advertise honesty and fairness as core values, repeatedly fails to take the reins.
Yet something is wrong. Its too much to feel the protagonist, idol, capopopolo, the belief that they can afford everything because "elected by the people" (and here we return to Fuorionda Fini's comments, quoted at the beginning of the previous post) led him to overdo it. Berlusconi is revealing all the limits of Italian democracy precisely because it is perfectly convinced that he can do what they like. Where foreign politicians try to hide even the most maniacally slight trimming of their honor, he reverses the value system and boasts of what it should hide. Brings up the whole rotten system of a faux-democratic, where friends of friends always count more than others and where you do favors, speculation and trumpet as a time when there was the king.

Indeed, he is the king!

In the next (and last?) Bet: the flight on the internet, independent thinking, a return to real life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When Do You Fertilize Apple Trees

Anticorpi democratici - 1

La rivoluzione francese

E 'for a long time that these ideas in my mind, but I never found time to record them with a minimum of order and thoroughness.
In recent days, this need has become urgent in view of the event 5 December: "No Berlusconi Day."
Today, finally, I read the dialogue between Fini and Trifuoggi, a "Fuorionda" about Berlusconi

Trifuoggi: "He was born with a few thousand years of delay, the Roman emperor wanted to do"
Fini: "But I told them ... confuses leadership with absolute monarchy ....

(The Fact Daily, 2/12/2009, page 3)

this exchange has made the move "landslide" of my thoughts, in part because it anticipates my thoughts and in part because it is unintentional confirmation. But the matter is complex and must proceed in stages.
Indeed, let us say in installments. Let's start with the first:

- The power in the history

do not wish to professor of history, a field in which they are poorly shod, but I think we can do a quick summary of the forms of power in our European civilization / West in recent centuries in these terms: before the powers were absolute monarchies, dictatorships, empires. Then came the first card again in the presence of constitutional monarch. Finally, we have established the republics (but some still resist the king or queen).

In absolute regime, the monarch makes virtually whatever it wants, which usually took the form of: extracting wealth to the people doing favors for his friends (parentame, nobility), trumpets a lot of courtesans grant favors in return, to kill whoever was unpleasant, to wars, etc. ...
The circle of those who enjoyed the power of the sovereign was quite restricted: the nobility and courtiers, with few if any religious appendix.

With the rise of the bourgeoisie, the system has had to expand and provide some self-rule, because if the bourgeoisie felt harassed and incited the people killed tyrants. In this way the king has nevertheless continued to fuck like a hedgehog, have her circle of licking, grant favors, but also the upper middle class (much more numerous than the nobility) has had access to the corridors of power. And what has he done? Well, 'what you do with power: they trumpet a bit', you do favors for friends, we are enriched.

disappears when the figure of the monarch, the nobility also be de-legitimized and you must convert to upper middle class (but with the stench in the nose!). Failed the most discretionary power, they begin to believe that the constitutional system now reflects the democratic ideal. But it is not so! In a country with large pockets of poverty, with a school yet to be invented, without utilities, in fact people who have access to the halls of power continue to be few: former nobles and rich merchants. In fact, a caste. But
disguised as democracy! Universal suffrage, even to women (!), Which leads us to believe Now everyone can have their say on the administration of public affairs, through their representatives. But who are these representatives? Always members of the caste of the above: the only ones able to manipulate large segments of civil society to encourage them to vote and to vote on them in particular.
I think the only substantial change in Italy has been the entry of the communists in parliament, but ultimately is not that Gramsci and company were the peons! In order to debating policy in the late nineteenth century, however, had to have some 'family of money, otherwise they should be studying and politic is going to work with children.

What I want to conclude this brief review of pseudo-history? That in the midst of a mass of ignorant, a small circle of wealthy and educated people can manage the power as long as it continues to be a distinct and separate social caste. Increase the nuances rispetto alle vecchie monarchie, si allarga la composizione, ma non si può dire che sia vera democrazia quando i cafoni vanno comunque a votare per il signorotto locale.

Un po' come a Ceppaloni, per capirsi...

Nella prossima puntata: movimenti, terrorismo, il boom economico, il craxismo, Berlusconi... probabilmente ne serviranno un altro paio! Ma seguiteci con fiducia: c'è il lieto fine!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hispanic Quotes Difference In Hispanics

A flower, with love

"But the day we apersero the gates, that we could touch them with your hands, those beautiful roses that we could finally get drunk with flowers of their own destiny.

Divine, lush roses!

I could not write in that when nothing about the flowers because I myself had become a flower, I myself had a shank and a sap. "


Saturday, October 17, 2009

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Chi si ricorda della strategia della tensione?

Facciamo innanzitutto il punto, perché fra una settimana questo post sarà già vecchio e vale la pena di essere chiari.

Nei giorni scorsi il signor Berlusconi ha preso un "uno-due" clamoroso: da un lato è stato De Benedetti ordered to pay 750 million euro, was rejected on the other hand the law that put him away from the process until the end of term, the so-called "Lodo Alfano".
The reaction of the gentleman has been broken within a few days and managed to insult the top of opposition political figures and institutions, make inferences about the reliability of the judges promised sensational revelations and so on.
From his papers has already left the media lynching of the judge who ordered to pay a millionaire (guilty, think about it, wearing turquoise socks !!!), as well as a press campaign aimed at de-legitimizing the Constitutional Court, called "body politico".

E questa è la premessa.

Un paio di giorni fa, ascoltando un TG (non ricordo di quale rete), viene data la notizia di un commando di piromani che a Napoli ha incendiato tre autobus nel giro di poche ore. Ho fatto una ricerchina in rete e le notizie sono abbastanza confuse: chi parla di tre raid, chi dice "due autobus in fiamme", chi parla di taniche di benzina, chi di molotov. Una sola cosa torna sempre costante: l'ipotesi che i responsabili di questi atti siano dei disoccupati. Peccato che non esista una rivendicazione degli attentati e che quindi questa ipotetica "pista" sia solo, appunto, ipotetica.

Ma i media la lanciano e la rimpallano e quindi diventa "verità".
La conclusione is that unemployed people in Naples set fire to buses. Look at this video

La 7 and judge for yourself whether it was the case of accusations of this type without a shred of evidence in this regard. And remember that the 7 is known to be a broadcaster more sober and serious than the other national newspapers!

Another source which differs in details but not in the indictment to the unemployed organized

Moral of the story: the unemployed are now organized terrorists.
Keep this in mind, let's get back there soon.

morning, taking a ride on the usual sites I follow daily, I find another disturbing news: death threats for Berlusconi, Bossi and Fini. A threatening letter sent to the editorial of "The Reform" and signed "Revolutionary Brigades fighter for communism."
It seems that in recent days, other similar letters were delivered to the editors of Il Foglio, Il Messaggero and Il everyday occurrence. (Odd choice of titles, among other things ... very "tripartisan"!)
I read regularly, "the daily show" and I've noticed about news. Maybe they considered that they were not worthy of attention or who do not deserve the hype media who instead wanted to give "The reformist".

Going to deepen the contents of the letter turns out that these novel Red Brigades calling for the resignation (resignation ?!?!?!) Berlusconi , Fini and Bossi and cite as fact emblematic of the ruling See (?!?!?!). A little 'institutionalists, these terrorists! Once confined to fire those who did not went to the genius. Now, however, comforted by the rulings calling for the resignation of the top institutional bodies ... In short, what makes Peter! And it is also a terrorist

Here, this is the second fact worth noting.
We will see in the next few days if there will be others along the same lines ... me because I now have the same expectation.

Why do they look?
Why all this makes me think of something that has already happened in Italy some years ago, used terrorism as a means to silence public opinion, silencing the opposition and the government to strengthen and legitimize it also moves the extraordinary repression that normally would not be tolerated.

It was called "strategy of tension".
someone puts bombs, someone unleashed the police, someone ended up in jail or beatings, but it was not what he had planted bombs. No, because the bombs were put right-wing extremists flanked by the secret services of the state, while the crackdown started on time to the left, more or less extreme. The PCI at that time could not help but "distance themselves", but decided to do it to their peers rather than to institutions bombers, justified in part by the fact that still no one knew for sure that the institutions had been put bombs.

If you want to take a dip in the past, read "The massacre was" a little book easy and interesting, although undoubtedly biased.
If you want more impartial sources, you can recover the solid volume "The night of the republic" a highly respected journalist as Sergio Zavoli, now president of the Commission for the Supervision of RAI. The book covers the stages of a very interesting TV program curated by the same Zavoli in 1989. Think a bit ', Berlusconi had not yet "taken the field" then!
If you prefer something newer, go find the old episodes of Blue Night talking about terrorism and massacres.

So here we are come to conclusions: I see a prime minister in great difficulty, after the scandals puttanistici, the judgments against him, the imminent resumption of the processes affecting it. I see strange facts that are immediately charged to persons who, in my opinion, seem difficult to get close to these facts (unemployed arsonists?? Brigades institutional demand resignation ???). I see a media hype that not the slightest effort to reflect on what he is saying and spreading alarmist unexpectedly.

I expect to see a short ministers seeking crackdown, opposition parties say that majority of siding "with us or with them," the opposition parties to "distance themselves" ... and ordinary people will not feel more right to protest against the government not to go for a terrorist.
It 's a film already seen!

We will soon see if I'm right or not. I hope so much wrong ...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pokemon Soul Silver Hints


usually read the news reported on the blog "Daily Letter" and a recently teased me below the belt:

"The site for adulterers" They talk about the site, a platform for meetings between married persons.

Because I'm a big pig (to talk, of course: those who know me can attest to as I frequently indulge in conversation topics considered inconvenient to more) and are also morbidly curious in general, I could not resist the temptation to go and see for yourself.

A homepage discreet, sober, elegant, where if you make a fine show of beautiful chicks ... Good, that only women ... accompanied by slogans that invite you to join.

I wonder: if the site is aimed at married people, should do so with men than with women, right? Or is addressed only to married gay? A talk would seem not, but in fact here the "bait" to fish boys are just horny and desperate housewives ...

The suspect that hiding behind the site hundreds of "escort" (now it is fashionable to call them concubines bribed) willing to meet the repressed fantasies of husbands, maybe even dressing up as a shepherdess, a nurse or a nun, if it makes them happier.

And instead recite the slogan, "A moderately demanding a policy of zero false members.

So, no whores, seem to understand ... and yet something is wrong.

Among other things, makes me laugh sbellicare by the double meaning of the word "members". It makes you think that they are not allowed on Gleeden cazzettini limp and failures of rubber, tough but true members (even members of the League?). Thought

made even more disturbing by the following slogan: "Gleeden and its members are waiting for you!"

A Livorno answer, "Now I put on my pants in Bandon!" (BANDONE = gate)

Other aspects are the curious display of internationality and the insistence on adultery.

The second can be justified on grounds of "target" means any platform meetings could go, but at least let's be clear here now that it is married people and those who participate know this and is happy to oblige. Occhèi.

But the international

? What sense does it seek outside the lover? It works only for top managers who are frequently in international travel? But they have a bundle of money and they know how to find the intrigues without ads online!

But then, reading more, you discover that there is also a system of "credits" ..

What are credits ?!?!?

We find in the FAQ, where we are told that a user can see all the profiles that free will, but if he decides to contact those people can only do so to be paid!

"How does the Post Office? (...) The receiving and sending messages are charged. See Terms and Conditions (GTC)."

So peep show and fancy free. The interaction is paid.


"Membership is free. Create a profile so it does not cost anything. For free, you can also access other profiles, send winks of the book and consult the public of other States. If you want to send or read a new message, start a dialogue in chat, or watch a private book, you choose a package claims. See CGV. "

So are free to search, browse the public profiles (up to three photos are available to all, and" caste "), the making the jerking off thinking about what you'd get that beefy there send a "wink " a beefy to say that even delayed "you're just a nice beefy".

beefy But if you want to contact him via email or chat, you must pay.

If you want to see private photos of the book (max 5 files, accessible only with the consent of the individual concerned and therefore, supposedly more licenses), you pay.

And what excuse? Security! (They were not even in the election campaign)

"Gleeden has created a system of credit packages. Members are assured in this way, the seriousness and determination of the truth of the other members want to make new experiences. These packages There is a fee to provide the community Gleeden a better quality of the meetings. "

gloss over translators churn out gems like "veritable" and lets look at the substance: if you pay you have serious intentions, if you pay your meeting will have a better quality (???). Beautiful view that people and relationships in general!

Obviously there are different forms of payment, subscription, or rechargeable, all strictly online for the sake of privacy (yes, who ???).

last grains: for those who will not be sgam by his wife's bank statements to check the heading "Gleeden will not appear. Will be replaced by a more sober and very reliable name "Blackdivine. So your wife will not think you go on a dating site for married men, but you call directly to a prostitute & M color!

I tried to sign up.

Yes, because I wanted to see in his face a bit 'of members (I expected much of the chicks, fake, and the poor losers, true). But I did not succeed. The browser repeatedly gave me the "error loading page" (sexual problems as well for him, poor thing) and I could not finish the procedure.

Street Mission came a doubt have understood that mica is a "fake "???? State

stubborn, driven by hormones gone crazy by now, hoping to change browser that does not "opt cia dud." I leave quindi l'inaffidabile IE per il più giovane e vigoroso Firefox.

Stavolta la procedura arriva fino in fondo ma guardate un po' con che risultati:

"Adesso sei ufficialmente membro della comunità Gleeden!

Per ringraziarti della tua fiducia, noi desideriamo fornirti l'accesso ai servizi del nostro sito! Riceverai tra poco un'email con un codice promozionale che dovrai inserire alla sessione "Acquisto crediti" il giorno del lancio ufficiale. Sarai tra i primi iscritti e per questo il sito sarà per te gratuito!

La breve attesa non ti deluderà...anzi...

you expect

you soon! "

" The official launch day??

But if the article said they have already members in 2000 (French)!

"The short delay will not disappoint you "????

But damn it, but I was all horny and 'bitch is me saying" hello, goodnight, I'll call you back "?!?!?!?

In conclusion: for now I have only taken away an email address. We will see what use will ...

... if I was a bit 'more than I would have noticed, in fact, noticed that the pages of Gleeden there is no way to login. Only new entries. If one day was out it was a fake site created for statistical purposes or to gather demographic a bit 'emails from spam, I'm not surprised at all.

Time will tell ...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Havaianas Online London

an honorary

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mitchell 624 Fishing Rod

Chi fa da sé...

few days ago, Berlusconi was on sale at door to door to talk about the delivery of the first houses for earthquake victims in Onna. The event caused a huge amount of controversy on which I prefer to skirt the issue because I find it very unattractive. What interests me most, Instead, it is a comment from a friend of mine joked that the Prime Minister had gone to a show "without contradiction" to complain about "those who speak ill of him without contradiction."

is what interests me: a reflection on the contradictory.

Let's start with the basics: the dictionary. The usual good
De Mauro says:
1 adj., The pl., Value-rec., Of facts or words that are in conflict with one another: conflicting opinions, contradictory events
2 adj., Which is conflicting, inconsistent, ambiguous : c. speech, character, behavior c.
3 sm, public discussion between two people who claim to contrary opinions, esp. during debates, processes and sim. The case that

ci riguarda è ovviamente il terzo, ma vedremo che alla fine si ricasca anche nei primi due.

Quindi chiediamoci: com'è che funzionano le esternazioni al giorno d'oggi in televisione?
Perché in effetti è dello specifico della televisione che stiamo parlando: nessuno si sognerebbe di pretendere un contraddittorio sulle pagine di un giornale o di un sito internet... al massimo esiste il diritto di rettifica... ma nessuno si aspetta che su "Il Giornale" accanto all'editoriale di Feltri compaia anche un contro-editoriale della Concita De Gregorio, o viceversa su L'Unità.

Torniamo alla televisione: che guardiate un telegiornale o un dibattito televisivo ormai la formula è chiara: si devono riportare le posizioni di "Both" sides. Comment by (center) left a comment (center) right (intentionally omit the "sandwich", which in this context I do not care)

In each transmission of "debate" there is always a clear division between the seats of the guests, right and left sides face each other and, of course, talk him and rail against each other. I no longer see what is the difference between the two sides. Everyone moves to positions that are at odds with the other party. On any topic interpretations are pre-defined and symmetrical. In place of these programs could easily put a pair of robot that when one says "white" the other replies, "black" and get the same result.

And then we come to the elusive "contradictory."
What added value will never be able to make obscure the presence of a contradiction to the goodness of the arguments of the parties?
's simple, at least in appearance if one can accuse him mind the other if one fails the other may, if one disregards the other will be corrected. But the real fact is that it never happens! They both lie, both fail, both misrepresent, each to pull the water to his mill and do "good impression" in front of spectators. So it becomes a debate in a race of dialectic, in which the winner is the one with the strongest arguments but what manages to make the figure of another idiot.
It is also a dialectical structure borrowed from an area that should not have anything to do with these debates: the courtroom. In the process the accused by counsel is trying to dismantle the arguments of the prosecution. In a perfect world, the public prosecutor and counsel for both pursue the search for truth, each with a different point of view: the first protects the interests of the community, the second to the accused. Both should be champions of justice, to prevent miscarriages of justice, facing each other in court just to make sure that every test and every witness will be examined thoroughly and from both points of view.

not what happens in the televised debates!
The televised debate is not like a process which seeks the truth, but at a boxing match where you try to knock out the opponent, using even strokes prohibited if the referee allows it there or is distracted.

And then what the "contradictory"? If you did
simple interviews, each would tell her, the audience would hear the two bells (or maybe even two, why not?) And then judge with his head. Instead this will stand by and watch a match and there is limited at best, as the judges of the ring, to give one vote to the two contenders so deciding "who won" the second each of us. A farce!

And so the much famed "contradictory", which should lead to the truth ends up contradicting himself, playing the role of arena where truth dies, a victim of the plays.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Car Lease Template Letter


E'da few days I want to write a post sull'insonnia, insomnia true that I have never suffered, but, behold, I have difficulty falling asleep when approaching certain events that I'm afraid or that I have many expectations.

The fact of wanting to write a post, I thought I could help rationalize the fact that my is not a big problem.
I was interested to see what really was this mysterious insomnia. Sincerely
not that I know much more now, I read something here and there and this seems the most interesting , ma dato che non sono per niente fresca, per il suddetto problema, i miei neuroni lavorano a una velocità ridicola e non è che assimilino tanto in questi giorni!!

Mi sono appuntata qualche titolo da leggere, lo farò in tempi migliori.

Quello che mi andava di scrivere non sono i rimedi presi qua e là e tramandati di padre in figlio che sono tanto pittoreschi, ma a me, in tutta sincerità, non hanno mai fatto niente, ma consigliarne uno.
Leggete la Littizzetto !!
Questo è il mio antidoto anti-insonnia: è stata efficace durante la maturità, ma purtroppo funziona solo quando leggo qualcosa di nuovo.
Se si degnasse di pubblicare Another, perhaps my sleep would return quiet ...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Should I Shower Before Getting My Back Waxed


evaluation of the effort, which dissect the thought, searching for a contact point, a new and fair compromise, Maletti points in common, and stagger, I feel that in some senses it's worth, the Efforts are now rewarded : all this has a name, call it with your name.
The certainty will kill me.

"How do I feel far away from them, from the top of this hill. It seems to me to belong to another species. They come from the offices, after their day's work, watching the houses and streets with an air of satisfied , they think it is their city, "a beautiful city bourgeois. "They are not afraid, they feel at home. They've never seen nothing but water coming out domesticated from the taps that the light that radiates from the lamps when you press the 'switch that trees mestizos , bastards, who are supported with stakes. They have the proof, a hundred times a day, that everything is done mechanically , that the world obeys laws fixed and immutable. The dead bodies all fall on deaf ears with the same speed, park is closed every day at sixteen in the winter, and at six in summer, lead melts at 335 degrees, the last tram leaves from City Hall to twenty-three and five. I am peaceful, a little 'melancholic, thinking Until tomorrow, that is simply to another today, the city does not have that one day it returns always the same every morning. This is a little the plumed Sunday. What idiots. Disgusts me to think I'm going to review their faces full of dull and safe. Legislate, write novels populist, get married, have the extreme stupidity of having children.
And meanwhile the vast uncultivated nature has run crept into their city, has run everywhere insinuated in their homes, their offices, in themselves. He does not move, it freezes in them, they will standard in full, breathing and do not see it, believe it is out, twenty miles from the city.
I see this nature, I see ... I know its submission is laziness, I know ch 'it has no laws: that they exchange for his consistency ... He has that habit, and can change tomorrow.
And if something happen? If you suddenly put to a beat? Then s' noticed by his presence and seems to feel his heart burst. What's serve, then, their dams, their banks, their power, their blast furnaces, their steam hammers? This could happen at any time, even now, the omens are there. For example, a father of family will be walking towards him, across the road, like a red rag pushed by the wind. And when the cloth will be very close which is a piece of rotten flesh, smeared with dust, which you drag strip, swings, a tortured piece of meat that you roll in the gutters projecting a jet of blood spasms. Or a mother looks at her baby's face and asks: "What cos' you have there, a scab?" And the meat will swell a little, fracturing, and hatch in the bottom of the scepolatura will get a third eye, a mocking eye. Or they will feel soft, gentle movements throughout the body, such as stroking the rushes of the rivers are swimmers. And realize that their garments have become living things. And another one will notice that something tickles him inside the bag. Come near to a mirror, opens his mouth and his tongue will become a huge centipede alive, shake paws scraping the palate. He'll want to spit, but a thousand feet will be a part of himself, and will strapparselo with your hands. It appears a lot of things that need to find new names, the eye of stone, the great arm alcoholic strength, the ' allucegruccia , the spider-jaw. And one who will asleep in his comfortable bed in his room sweet hot awakens naked sopra un suolo bluastro, in una foresta di verghe rumoreggianti , rosse e bianche, erette verso il cielo come le ciminiere di Jouxtebouville , con grossi coglioni a metà fuori di terra villosi, turgidi come cipolle. E intorno a quelle verghe svolazzeranno uccelli che le becchetteranno facendole sanguinare, e da queste ferite colerà lo sperma, pian piano, lentamente, sperma mescolato a sangue, vitreo e tiepido, con piccole bolle.
O anche, niente di tutto questo succederà. non vi sarà alcun cambiamento apprezabile ,ma, la gente, una mattina, aprendo le persiane , sarà sorpresa a kind of thick horrible pesantemete placed on things, and that seems to have the air of waiting. Null 'other than this: but not for long this lasts, there will be suicide by the hundreds.
Well, yes! That all changed a little, I ask no better. If other people see, then, suddenly plunged in solitude. Men completely alone, solissimi with horrible monstrosities, will run through the streets, heavily pass in front of me, staring, fleeing their ills and bringing with him , with their mouths open and their language-slam insect wings. Then I
creperie laughter, even if my body is covered with scabs suspected that sewage will bloom into flowers of flesh, in purple, buttercup. M'addosserò a wall, and cry as they passed: "What have you done with your science? What have you done your humanitarianism? Dov 'is going to end your dignity as a thinking reed?". I will not fear-or at least not more than at this time. Maybe this will not be still there? All those eyes that slowly eat a face will be too, no doubt, no more than the first two. E'dell'esistenza I'm afraid. "
Jean - Paul Sartre

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Raimuiro Senkitanuncensored


In a summer evening, his mind perhaps not freer but more relaxed than usual, I found myself in the penultimate row of a makeshift open-air cinema, actually a car in the company of elderly couples who have waited for some cool slow to advance beyond their doors, whereas traits relaxed and seraphic smiles on his face.
I have been there awhile case, a little bit to nostalgia del Cinema d'Essai that is here in the winter (they are the same people who organize it), a po'perché'm back from vacation by two days and I found a completely deserted and the whole country, the environment, people, the starry sky can be seen from the roofs, the film, were among the pleasant and unpleasant had a sweet taste unusual.

He was easy to pick up in less than 30 nanoseconds I was the youngest of the sitting, and although it is normal, I do not know why I continue to amaze me.
But the point is the film Tulpan , the girl who was not there Sergei Dvortsevoy.
The story itself has nothing exciting, but it was strange, in that context, to perceive the message sent, it was dissonant, trivial on the surface but a little scary at the bottom.
speaks of a young Kazakh who, after serving in the Navy, he returned in the dryness and steppe, to begin a life of its independent, it needs a flock, but first and foremost a wife. The only
can not be allowed.

on these open spaces and magnificent gravity cage so heavy and thick, not to let the air. The network of events, the nature and nomadic life to keep imprisoned gioventu'come old age in a circle forever without escape.

The possibility of change, an 'evolution have probably never goes out without burning, as if hovering sense of death is held in a terrible beauty.

The message of the film, at least what I received, it is precisely the opposite of what I try to see into the future. It is the possibility
of change that sets us free to act, but the terrible thing is that within some cages do not perceive that there is a check, you do not hear, we are not objective if involved. But what we

in a cage? Neither
a movie, or a public or a heaven to me will never say.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Large Lump Full Of Fluid On Skin Of Dog

With the benefit of hindsight. Course Evaluation

I waited an immense space of time before deciding to write this post, which will not necessarily the last, indeed it will not be certain, but that has to be some sort of showdown, thought mature in the sense of the course.

Perhaps the real reason for my delay exhausting Histology was that I had absorbed, kidnapped and destroyed any form of independent thought and disconnected from her (big mistake for anything else. I will learn to split, I hope), but I think it was the only one.
Although the last period I have not dabbled in the writing of my "interesting " posts, I have seen from above, without making me see, what is left of blogoclasse during the examination session.
imagined a swan song, but it's been, and is, all very different. The frequency of updates
was reduced, but still feels that there is life and we will remain for a while '.

However, it must assess the course.
start from the my perspective.

In the beginning I was terrified idea to keep a blog, not because I felt more embarrassed or completely in Web 2.0, but because frightened me showing off.
I did not feel that you were reading what I wrote because not consider this type of comparison that seemed indirectly as productive and stimulating, and I was scared and that's it.
However I wish to make this new experience, I was attracted to the idea.
So I started writing something and then, making violence, I started to comment on others' blogs.
Eventually, though, I'm really into.

I have never written consistently, but only when there was something I wanted to share.
I said so. I do not think about right and wrong is simply happened so.
response to stimuli sent by the Professor was, fortunately, quite heterogeneous.

fact the aspect that I appreciated most in this experience was born from discussions dissonant reactions and criticisms to what it was being proposed. In this way I got more food for thought.
I got to, in fact, to focus on things that I imagined I would not be involved, as they have done.

Prof spoke repeatedly of experience during reflections on education: more than so many words he sent this message with us to create the blogoclasse .
It was a course, and will continue to be a course of free thought and free expression.

But for me it was all so easy and straightforward.
I accepted after some time, this way of doing a course, not so much in learning mode, so to speak, but in the way the questions were posed. Too provocative
. But now I understand why
it was necessary to be so.
What we want to admit it or not, the Professor was right in saying that we pass under his eye for short time and that is fundamental be sharp to react.

For me it was a lot more computer courses.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Toxic Dose Alprazolam


"Every morning in Africa, as the sun rises, a gazelle wakes up and knows to run as the lion or be killed.
Every morning in Africa, as the sun rises, a lion wakes up and knows he must run as the gazelle or he will die of hunger.
Every morning in Africa, as the sun rises, no matter whether you are a lion or gazelle, the important thing is that you start to run. "

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tropical Exterior House Colors

Il nuovo fumetto di Bonelli parla del terremoto de L'Aquila!

not true. Does not mention it at all. And yet ...

We start from the premise that the Bonelli comics before arriving at newsstands have gestation times from two to four years at least. So there is no doubt that Caravan, the new mini-series of 12 numbers published by Sergio Bonelli Editore, whose first issue was released a few days ago, was conceived, written and drawn much prima che si verificasse il terremoto del 6 aprile scorso nei dintorni del capoluogo abruzzese.
Eppure le somiglianze ci sono, sono tante ed inquietanti. Forse le noto solo io perché sono stato toccato da vicino dal terremoto (amici e parenti) e quindi ho il nervo un po' scoperto... ma leggete il seguito e giudicate voi stessi.

La serie parla di un evento misterioso ed imprevisto che costringe tutta la popolazione di una piccola cittadina a lasciare in fretta e furia le proprie case, senza avere il tempo di prendere con sé più che poche cose indispensabili. Un esodo forzato, controllato dal rigido braccio armato dell'esercito, che costringe nell'immediato i cittadini to live in their cars, waiting for alternative accommodation and driven from unknown.
The personal stories are overwhelmed by the unexpected and a lifetime of citizenship changes, bringing to light hidden aspects of the character of the characters, set in a dramatic way to an uncertain fate and extremely precarious.
The second number in the series, on sale from July 9, will speak to someone who, impatient to order the iron administered by the military, seek to escape their control. We can imagine the dramatic developments of the story.
The third issue of the series, on sale from 11 agosto, parlerà del sindaco della cittadina che decide di capeggiare la rivolta dei cittadini esasperati contro la gestione militare dell'emergenza.

Si tratta di una storia, una narrazione di intrattenimento, l'analogo di un film di azione o di una fiction TV, ma provate ad immaginare come sarebbe il terremoto de L'Aquila se venisse romanzato un po' per farne una trasposizione televisiva. La descrizione sommaria che ho dato sopra dei primi tre episodi potrebbe calzare a pennello, con la sola correzione di sostituire all'esercito l'accoppiata Protezione Civile/Forze dell'Ordine.

Poi, entrando nei dettagli, le differenze ci sono eccome: non c'è terremoto ma un misterioso fenomeno meteorologico che interrompe tutte le linee di comunicazione, non ci sono tendopoli ma una colonna di sfollati in movimento di cui non si sa la destinazione, è ambientato negli Stati Uniti... ma, si sa, la fantascienza utilizzando la metafora ci parla di noi stessi e di casa nostra mentre ci racconta di alieni e viaggi spaziali... o di americani e viaggi misteriosi.

Fra tutti i paragoni che mi sono venuti in mente (e sono tanti!) mi ha fatto sorridere soprattutto l'immagine del sindaco Cialente (o forse calzerebbe meglio la presidentessa della Provincia, Pezzopane?) che affronta di petto il "generale" Bertolaso in tuta mimetica, to claim the right of citizens to be helped Abruzzo honestly and concretely by the State. Just yesterday there was a demonstration in Rome to Abruzzo earthquake which was also attended by politicians from the two mentioned above, while the House is discussing the "Decree Abruzzo," what has been dubbed "Decree Abracadabra" for play money materializes out of thin air, spread over three decades and claiming Derivation from scratch & win.
It seems that all the promises of Berlusconi on the extension and expansion of the protections contained in the decree is not stayed nothing more than hot air. But we are not all that surprised. Who knows how

continue the adventures of our heroes?


Reality 20e% 20Tributi / 2009/06/decreto-abruzzo-aula-camera.shtml

Friday, June 12, 2009

Women In Saree Showing Breasts

Per essere Franchi...

A "sniper" is one who votes in secret is not following the directions of the party.

Yesterday, the House of snipers in the classroom as they voted on the bill, there were no interceptions.

Let's step back and let's figure out what happened: you must vote in the House the bill on wiretapping. The government, which obviously wants to put pressure on parliament, put the confidence or approving, or the government falls. It 'clear that in this context, the compact majority vote in favor.

The PD has requested that the vote by secret ballot. He was granted.

What's the secret ballot at a time like this? Who is in the majority would vote against the bill, and in doing so may not only fail the law but also bring down the government to which it belongs. It would, indeed, a "sniper". It 'clear that this thing can affect only someone who is willing to deliberately bring down the government. But who could it be? I regret AN? The League? Some maverick? It seems to me highly unlikely that some members of the majority, the social and political context of these days, might have an interest to do such a thing.

So why the secret ballot?

The other possibility is that you want to hide the vote are those who do not want the opposition to vote against!
With the ballot, a vote in favor if you see it, you can accuse him. However, with the secret ballot, some "center-left" who does not like the interception he felt free to vote in favor of this law without any hindrance. Who could it have been? For example, someone who has already had problems with interceptions ... do you remember them times Unipol-BNL? Or someone who fears for the future interception ... someone used to doing favors for friends of friends, make such changes to zoning in order to bring entire neighborhoods built illegally ... for example ...

short, if "twenty" circa di deputati dell'opposizione ha votato a favore del ddl sulle intercettazioni, dopo che la stessa "opposizione" ha chiesto di votare a scrutinio segreto, secondo me non si può parlare di franchi tiratori. Si deve parlare invece di politici in odore di illegalità che vogliono tutelare se stessi e riescono a farlo anche pilotando le mosse pubbliche della loro compagine politica: la richiesta, appunto, di voto segreto.
Non sapremo mai chi è stato a votare a favore, di che partito sia, perché l'abbia fatto, ma di certo possiamo dire che non è andato contro le indicazioni del suo partito, perché l'indicazione his party was "voted as you like, so much is secret!"

Among other things, by forcing the trust, these gentlemen were quietly confident that the bill would pass anyway . So could collect the result and also make a good impression clearly voting against. But no. They were so afraid it will not pass that we have put up more votes security.

These are our representatives.
People who are afraid of the "red togas" even when in opposition ...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Best Of The Uk Gay

immortality Network

I turned on the computer without having the slightest intenzione di scrivere un post, ma come potrete notare ho cambiato rotta.
Considerando che i miei neuroni sono in stand-by e che questo sarebbe un momento di riposo dall'embriologia, non garantisco niente.
Prendete un po'quello che mi viene, sempre che vi vada di leggere queste due pensieri buttati là e scritti anche male.
Gli argomenti di cui vorrei parlare sarebbero due, ma forse è meglio "riflettere"solo sul primo.

Domenica il mio caro bel computerino è morto, o meglio, la sua anima è uscita dal corpo.
L'hard disk se ne è andato verso più bei luoghi, mentre le membra sono rimaste in camera mia.
Ed ecco fatto: in un batter d'occhio tutte my stuff written, photographed, downloaded in the past two years have vaporisation.
Why? Because something did not work.
I know bullshit when something does not work in our car, which we ourselves, is clearly much worse, but still want to talk about the monster, technology, which, like everything else, when you want to take away material things which, in a sense, hold a lot.
not want to take the intelligent object that got sick of doing his duty, the idiot just me that I have saved all on an external hard drive or on a wiki page, let alone the same thing that happened to my sister a month ago.

However, and here the eulogy at the Web 2.0, he holds, resistant, tough and does not break. But
is immortal?
Since it was created by us and that nothing enduring can not exist, the answer is certainly not.
The network is a living thing, the Prof told us in "Cultivating Connections", and I can only say that if it's alive can die.
'm not an expert in computer, the beginner and for me having a blog is so much already, and hence, ultimately, the foundations do not know how this amazing thing that will allow contact with the outside anywhere (or almost) you are.

Obviously you can not even predict, although it is very remote and unthinkable, that jumps around.
But it can happen, I guess. For
how it's done, at least outwardly, seems invincible over the Internet to share the opportunities it offers and for the immense size of information, views and contacts who were born there.
E'umano not conceive the idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of black out, in every field, but what if the end coincides with the loss of something that has never been "real" in the sense of tangible, is even more strange.

And here I come to say that would not be a problem.
temples, statues, buildings and the various forms of art were made by man to be looked touch and feel of concrete nell'accezione term.
Internet, when used in a sense, is a set of tools that lead to reflection, to the care and development internal only feed the soul, as do the forms of art, but in a different way.

The rest that is out, the one created by man, must remain, to be kept as long and can not evolve: it always shows the same way (think of a painting) and must reach the most over time because it will certainly something different to say to them, depending on the historical period of personal preference and many other things. The observation, knowledge and experience will come from there other ideas that hopefully will not erase what is stato, ma partano da lì per migliorarsi e per andare avanti. La Rete, invece, è costruita in modo da rinnovarsi e superarsi di attimo in attimo, quasi fosse davvero naturale e non statica, come molte delle cose che noi costruiamo.

E se si rompe,pace: verrà ricostruita meglio, con idee nuove.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How To Remove Baby Mucus

fish cakes and chocolate

Finalmente una torta vera!
Mi sono decisa a fare una Torta, senza la solita attenzione a cercare la meno calorica possibile!
Anche se dove potevo, ho ridotto le dosi.
Sinceramente l'aspetto non è dei migliori, lascia alquanto a desiderare, ma è buonissima!

Quindi se siete depressi da istologia/embriologia, magari indulge a sweet moment of pause, and improvised pastry.
I sometimes need.

still leaves the recipe.

Running time: 1 hour

  • 600 g peaches (I used walnuts, but the same!)
  • 200 g of dark chocolate;
  • 60 g butter (I made 60, although the recipe was written 100 g. It 'a little light, but I do not think you feel the difference);
  • 3 eggs (they wanted 4: see above reason my discount!)
  • 100 g of white sugar;
  • 50 g of flour.
  1. Far scottare le pesche in acqua in ebollizione, per qualche secondo, scolarle e farle raffreddare in acqua fredda. Scolarle di nuovo, privarle della buccia, eliminare il nocciolo e tagliarle a fette abbastanza spesse.
  2. Spezzettare il cioccolato, unire il burro e farli fondere in un tegamino a bagnomaria.
  3. Dividere i tuorli d'uovo dagli albumi. Mettere in una terrina i tuorli, aggiungere lo zucchero e lavorarli fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro e spugnoso; unire la farina setacciata e incorporarla delicatamente.
  4. Montare gli albumi a neve.
  5. Aggiungere al composto il cioccolato e il burro fusi, gli albumi montati a neve e incorporare il tutto con un mestolo Wood, then join the peach slices.
  6. Pour the mixture into a buttered and floured, place it in the oven at 180 ° and bake the cake for 35-40 minutes.
  7. Remove the pan from the oven and serve the sweet, warm, in the same pan.
Good sweet!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ron Pope Free Sheet Music

7 ° Assignment: Poppy, sleep and oblivion

I landed myself on .
As always, the first feeling I see strange things that do not understand is an initial refusal, followed by the strongest curiosity that brings me back then, in this case, the site had closed early because they do not understand anything c'avevo. Then very slowly start
to take its first steps and then, gradually, I run.
My race has led me to find many interesting algorithms, which I think will be useful to first contact with the patient.
We need to build some sort of pattern, precise, accurate, on which then the uncertainty will be inserted in turn.
This system is a kind of balance: to understand the limits of certainty without relying totally or her, or uncertainty.
The speech comes back, is due to the chaos, order, madness and reason.

I felt pretty soon the usefulness of, but not having the necessary tools to do a search in the medical field, pretty decent, I tried something totally inutile: ricondurre attraverso l'esame delle urine se un paziente ha abusato di semi di papavero e quindi si è intossicato.
La ricerca è un po'sulla solita linea d'onda di quella che feci su PubMed riguardo alla cadaverina e la putrescina: a prima vista sembra inutile, ma poi non è così, almeno per me!
Avremo le orecchie piene di malattie comuni o meno comuni (non vedo l'ora!), ma appunto il bello sta nei casi meno comuni: l'incertezza dà il brivido.
Per adesso non siamo in grado di costruirci un solido bagaglio di esperienza, almeno all'interno dell'università, e quindi le cose diverse bisogna un po'inventarsele!

Inserisco un breve passo tratto dal libro"I paradisi della droga", the heading "What are the drugs" of Nedd Willard explains that at the elementary level as the products are various kinds of drugs, in this case, opioids.
The book does not think that is still published.

"... When you scratch the capsule of the poppy flower or practice is an incision, leaving a resin paste: opium.
In this form it can be eaten raw, or drink, or smoke. The extraction procedures in order to obtain morphine and another powerful product, heroin. Whatever their form, the overall effects of these substances remain roughly the same. Opium and opiates calm and suppress the pain, and relieve anxiety. The mechanism of their effects is poorly known. They seem to exert a sedative effect on certain regions of the central nervous system and thus tends to reduce hunger, thirst, fear and pain. they do not seem to diminish the ability of everyone to work, or to react in different situations in different experiments. "

That said, just to bring to mind the subject, declare that I have chosen this theme because maybe could happen the case of a child who ingested poppy seeds and has certain symptoms explained in the algorithm.
Just to remember: I do not know how many gems from small poppy I opened to see if the flower would be born red or not! (Actually, I think the lighter ones were simply younger. That was cruel.)
Me I'll be eaten someone, even if I removed!
However what I am talking about is I was Papaver somniferum, which grows in our lawns, even if the substances are the same, but present in smaller quantities.
However, the poppy, the magic flower, has the power to attract with its almost transparent fading.

If you are interested go to and, after joining, write poppy.
The page is the first I've seen (there are only two items that come from research!)
I provato a mettere il link all'articolo, ma non si può: è necessaria la registrazione a

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What Happens To Protein After They Expire

"The doctor and the sorcerer"

Ieri ho assistito alla proiezione del film "Il medico e lo stregone": una commedia italiana degli anni '50 molto piacevole e divertente, ma allo stesso tempo ricca di un messaggio educativo profondo ed ancora attuale.

Prima di parlare della discussione/riflessione derivata dalla visione del film cerco di spiegare brevemente la natura del progetto che ieri è stato presentato.
Si tratta della proiezione di una serie di otto films , a partire da gennaio prossimo, che devono ancora essere scelti, ma che will have as theme "Medicines".
Drugs can be designed as alternatives to traditional medicine, such as medicine or hospital and territorial, this is yet to be seen.
The meetings will be followed by discussion forums led by experts.
The project ends with a kind of laboratory, but honestly I did not understand what it will.
The information that I'm writing have been given by Prof. ssa Valanzano and other employees involved in the project during yesterday's meeting, the future will certainly change.
The project, which is emerging in other medical schools, ha come obiettivo quello di portare gli studenti, che stanno percorrendo la lunga strada della formazione, a riflettere sul lato umano del ruolo che ricopriranno in futuro attraverso la visione di un film, che è in grado di provocare reazioni emotive istantanee e pertanto può essere utile.
Si inserisce nel panorama, nella linea guida che la Prof. ssa Valanzano sta plasmando nella nostra facoltà: potenziare il carattere umano della comunicazione durante la formazione, attraverso progetti come il nostro tirocinio al primo anno, che anche se troppo lungo, aveva come finalità un aspetto degno di molto rilievo: il percepire, senza schemi di pensiero predefiniti, la vita e la communication in the department, looking at the human side of things, or watching the men, they are sick (even diseases that do not yet know), but also the rest of the staff is around the hospital.

The film should lead to this type of reflection, at least as I understand it, moving away slightly from the usual books.
It 's a bit like the people to see the play to denounce the politics of visual media are very straightforward.

Anyway, back to the movie, in two words tells the story of a young doctor (Mastroianni) who is sent to pursue his profession in a mountain village in which no medicine had arrived, and with her progress. In the village people were "cured" by Don Antonio (De Sica), a wizard that exploiting the ignorance and trust that the people had towards him, "fix" health problems and more.
The doctor does not receive immediately from the openness and respect for people who had hoped for.
The people rejected his care simply because the doctor had not made contact, as he had done the wizard.
It will take time because the doctor purchases the trust of people and this will be to his human, that will force him even to reach a compromise.
between quackery and medical science, certainly won the second, but, although it is difficult to admit, she has something to learn from first: its first comprehensive el 'empathy (so the quackery is represented in the film).

Your doctor can help heal and then only if the patient has confidence in him and created a human relationship with him. How
came out of the discussion, the discussion may seem limited to only a general practitioner, who is the first point of health of the citizen, but it is not true, it can also be extended medical team and not on the ward : communication among the staff to himself and the patient is the basis for creating an environment more conducive to treatment.

In this reflection seems to have been left by the side of knowledge in the strict sense. I have not stressed because it is considered essential unanimously. Knowledge is
conditio sine qua non , but in medicine it is essential not to lose sight of the person with his experience and values \u200b\u200bthat are not only respected but also understood and accepted. Got

always positive psychology and the placebo effect: the trust is already so much on their own.