Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ron Pope Free Sheet Music

7 ° Assignment: Poppy, sleep and oblivion

I landed myself on .
As always, the first feeling I see strange things that do not understand is an initial refusal, followed by the strongest curiosity that brings me back then, in this case, the site had closed early because they do not understand anything c'avevo. Then very slowly start
to take its first steps and then, gradually, I run.
My race has led me to find many interesting algorithms, which I think will be useful to first contact with the patient.
We need to build some sort of pattern, precise, accurate, on which then the uncertainty will be inserted in turn.
This system is a kind of balance: to understand the limits of certainty without relying totally or her, or uncertainty.
The speech comes back, is due to the chaos, order, madness and reason.

I felt pretty soon the usefulness of, but not having the necessary tools to do a search in the medical field, pretty decent, I tried something totally inutile: ricondurre attraverso l'esame delle urine se un paziente ha abusato di semi di papavero e quindi si è intossicato.
La ricerca è un po'sulla solita linea d'onda di quella che feci su PubMed riguardo alla cadaverina e la putrescina: a prima vista sembra inutile, ma poi non è così, almeno per me!
Avremo le orecchie piene di malattie comuni o meno comuni (non vedo l'ora!), ma appunto il bello sta nei casi meno comuni: l'incertezza dà il brivido.
Per adesso non siamo in grado di costruirci un solido bagaglio di esperienza, almeno all'interno dell'università, e quindi le cose diverse bisogna un po'inventarsele!

Inserisco un breve passo tratto dal libro"I paradisi della droga", the heading "What are the drugs" of Nedd Willard explains that at the elementary level as the products are various kinds of drugs, in this case, opioids.
The book does not think that is still published.

"... When you scratch the capsule of the poppy flower or practice is an incision, leaving a resin paste: opium.
In this form it can be eaten raw, or drink, or smoke. The extraction procedures in order to obtain morphine and another powerful product, heroin. Whatever their form, the overall effects of these substances remain roughly the same. Opium and opiates calm and suppress the pain, and relieve anxiety. The mechanism of their effects is poorly known. They seem to exert a sedative effect on certain regions of the central nervous system and thus tends to reduce hunger, thirst, fear and pain. they do not seem to diminish the ability of everyone to work, or to react in different situations in different experiments. "

That said, just to bring to mind the subject, declare that I have chosen this theme because maybe could happen the case of a child who ingested poppy seeds and has certain symptoms explained in the algorithm.
Just to remember: I do not know how many gems from small poppy I opened to see if the flower would be born red or not! (Actually, I think the lighter ones were simply younger. That was cruel.)
Me I'll be eaten someone, even if I removed!
However what I am talking about is I was Papaver somniferum, which grows in our lawns, even if the substances are the same, but present in smaller quantities.
However, the poppy, the magic flower, has the power to attract with its almost transparent fading.

If you are interested go to and, after joining, write poppy.
The page is the first I've seen (there are only two items that come from research!)
I provato a mettere il link all'articolo, ma non si può: è necessaria la registrazione a


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