Friday, June 12, 2009

Women In Saree Showing Breasts

Per essere Franchi...

A "sniper" is one who votes in secret is not following the directions of the party.

Yesterday, the House of snipers in the classroom as they voted on the bill, there were no interceptions.

Let's step back and let's figure out what happened: you must vote in the House the bill on wiretapping. The government, which obviously wants to put pressure on parliament, put the confidence or approving, or the government falls. It 'clear that in this context, the compact majority vote in favor.

The PD has requested that the vote by secret ballot. He was granted.

What's the secret ballot at a time like this? Who is in the majority would vote against the bill, and in doing so may not only fail the law but also bring down the government to which it belongs. It would, indeed, a "sniper". It 'clear that this thing can affect only someone who is willing to deliberately bring down the government. But who could it be? I regret AN? The League? Some maverick? It seems to me highly unlikely that some members of the majority, the social and political context of these days, might have an interest to do such a thing.

So why the secret ballot?

The other possibility is that you want to hide the vote are those who do not want the opposition to vote against!
With the ballot, a vote in favor if you see it, you can accuse him. However, with the secret ballot, some "center-left" who does not like the interception he felt free to vote in favor of this law without any hindrance. Who could it have been? For example, someone who has already had problems with interceptions ... do you remember them times Unipol-BNL? Or someone who fears for the future interception ... someone used to doing favors for friends of friends, make such changes to zoning in order to bring entire neighborhoods built illegally ... for example ...

short, if "twenty" circa di deputati dell'opposizione ha votato a favore del ddl sulle intercettazioni, dopo che la stessa "opposizione" ha chiesto di votare a scrutinio segreto, secondo me non si può parlare di franchi tiratori. Si deve parlare invece di politici in odore di illegalità che vogliono tutelare se stessi e riescono a farlo anche pilotando le mosse pubbliche della loro compagine politica: la richiesta, appunto, di voto segreto.
Non sapremo mai chi è stato a votare a favore, di che partito sia, perché l'abbia fatto, ma di certo possiamo dire che non è andato contro le indicazioni del suo partito, perché l'indicazione his party was "voted as you like, so much is secret!"

Among other things, by forcing the trust, these gentlemen were quietly confident that the bill would pass anyway . So could collect the result and also make a good impression clearly voting against. But no. They were so afraid it will not pass that we have put up more votes security.

These are our representatives.
People who are afraid of the "red togas" even when in opposition ...


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