Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When Do You Fertilize Apple Trees

Anticorpi democratici - 1

La rivoluzione francese

E 'for a long time that these ideas in my mind, but I never found time to record them with a minimum of order and thoroughness.
In recent days, this need has become urgent in view of the event 5 December: "No Berlusconi Day."
Today, finally, I read the dialogue between Fini and Trifuoggi, a "Fuorionda" about Berlusconi

Trifuoggi: "He was born with a few thousand years of delay, the Roman emperor wanted to do"
Fini: "But I told them ... confuses leadership with absolute monarchy ....

(The Fact Daily, 2/12/2009, page 3)

this exchange has made the move "landslide" of my thoughts, in part because it anticipates my thoughts and in part because it is unintentional confirmation. But the matter is complex and must proceed in stages.
Indeed, let us say in installments. Let's start with the first:

- The power in the history

do not wish to professor of history, a field in which they are poorly shod, but I think we can do a quick summary of the forms of power in our European civilization / West in recent centuries in these terms: before the powers were absolute monarchies, dictatorships, empires. Then came the first card again in the presence of constitutional monarch. Finally, we have established the republics (but some still resist the king or queen).

In absolute regime, the monarch makes virtually whatever it wants, which usually took the form of: extracting wealth to the people doing favors for his friends (parentame, nobility), trumpets a lot of courtesans grant favors in return, to kill whoever was unpleasant, to wars, etc. ...
The circle of those who enjoyed the power of the sovereign was quite restricted: the nobility and courtiers, with few if any religious appendix.

With the rise of the bourgeoisie, the system has had to expand and provide some self-rule, because if the bourgeoisie felt harassed and incited the people killed tyrants. In this way the king has nevertheless continued to fuck like a hedgehog, have her circle of licking, grant favors, but also the upper middle class (much more numerous than the nobility) has had access to the corridors of power. And what has he done? Well, 'what you do with power: they trumpet a bit', you do favors for friends, we are enriched.

disappears when the figure of the monarch, the nobility also be de-legitimized and you must convert to upper middle class (but with the stench in the nose!). Failed the most discretionary power, they begin to believe that the constitutional system now reflects the democratic ideal. But it is not so! In a country with large pockets of poverty, with a school yet to be invented, without utilities, in fact people who have access to the halls of power continue to be few: former nobles and rich merchants. In fact, a caste. But
disguised as democracy! Universal suffrage, even to women (!), Which leads us to believe Now everyone can have their say on the administration of public affairs, through their representatives. But who are these representatives? Always members of the caste of the above: the only ones able to manipulate large segments of civil society to encourage them to vote and to vote on them in particular.
I think the only substantial change in Italy has been the entry of the communists in parliament, but ultimately is not that Gramsci and company were the peons! In order to debating policy in the late nineteenth century, however, had to have some 'family of money, otherwise they should be studying and politic is going to work with children.

What I want to conclude this brief review of pseudo-history? That in the midst of a mass of ignorant, a small circle of wealthy and educated people can manage the power as long as it continues to be a distinct and separate social caste. Increase the nuances rispetto alle vecchie monarchie, si allarga la composizione, ma non si può dire che sia vera democrazia quando i cafoni vanno comunque a votare per il signorotto locale.

Un po' come a Ceppaloni, per capirsi...

Nella prossima puntata: movimenti, terrorismo, il boom economico, il craxismo, Berlusconi... probabilmente ne serviranno un altro paio! Ma seguiteci con fiducia: c'è il lieto fine!!!


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