Thursday, December 3, 2009

Copycat Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Recipe

Anticorpi democratici - 2

- The age of movements (il'68, the 70s)

missed some step not to bore too much and so I apologize for the excessive synthesis of this point.
The idea is that in the '60s and '70s, there are strong popular movements, student, workers, claiming instances suggest a popular and advancement of democratic conditions in the country, through the awareness of the lower classes and the assertion of their claims.
E 'was an exceptional phase of our history, whose achievements are still some today, but it is also an objective that the political and economic power has made square and used the systems more violent and barbaric to subdue the spirit of the demonstrators. Assisted in this, in my opinion, even by the Left parties and the unions, working full-time movements to harness and ride them, to make the leap and go also to manage their public affairs.
I know that many do not share my position. I repeat that I am shown to better than I'd like, but I can not put me to write a book, we are on a blog (and also very popular!).
The fact that the "peace" back in the country and that many militants defers good, flattered by the parties, poker from power or even satisfied with what they were nevertheless able to achieve. The following years will be sufficiently quiet and calm to bring back many consciences in torpor.

- the false democracy unveiled

It 's time in which begins to take shape a new phenomenon of rampant political partition of malfeasance in public management that will explode a few years later, following the investigations of the pool of "Clean Hands". But what was happening in practice? That employers subsidize the policy to derive economic benefits (you know what a surprise!), That the politicians did favors for friends (you know what a surprise!), Which in the circles of power fucking and blowjob (originali!). Well, simply that the new cast, after some 'time in which it was settled and well-established in its place, had stepped up its corporate interests and lost some' of shame in being your own business.
The king gave assignments to those who wanted him, receiving gifts and making. Corruption was not called because that was how the system works. Politicians have simply learned to do by kings and are nestled comfortably on the throne.
"Clean Hands" uncovers a Pandora's box. It raises the popular indignation of all those honest citizens who took it for granted that even the mighty were fair (poor deluded!). Some new political benefits from it to throw darts, look good and collect votes (Forza Italy and the Lega Nord, in this case).
Birth of the "second republic" that today we can say that again, they were created as the first march. So much so that "the left" of the past no longer exists (transformed in a hybrid Frankenstein former Democrat), who have climbed the mafia and corruption institutions and we got to the point where laws are made to make discounts to mobsters that are dirty from abroad and return capital to clear the corruption trials of some prominent politicians.
The king did not need all this: more than any opponent was imprisoned or executed. But in "democracy" in order to rule the country by corrupt require a constitutional law that enshrines, complete with a blessing of the opposition of "left".

- The role of Berlusconi

Old Democrat leader acted with some class and discretion in dealing with nepotism, patronage, favoritism. Con l'avvento del socialismo craxiano la faccia di bronzo è cresciuta a dismisura, ma ancora la gente era convinta che fossero singoli casi di politici corrotti. Ultimamente, però, gli scandali coinvolgono indistintamente destra e sinistra, rendendo impossibile per il cittadino onesto scegliere serenamente una delle due compagini politiche.
Di Pietro si è dato alla politica evidenziando questa situazione col nome del proprio partito - l'Italia dei Valori - ed ergendosi a paladino della legalità nel cuore del covo del nemico. Gli scandali imperversano, toccando personaggi a prima vista assolutamente integerrimi (vedi caso Marrazzo). Il mondo del giornalismo non ci fa una figura migliore, dimostrando continuamente di essere asservito ad interessi higher.
All this is crowned by the emblematic figure of the "Cav" entrepreneur votatosi policy in a very suspicious smell in collusion with the Mafia, accused of a series of crimes with a common denominator: money. Paid to political parties, hidden abroad, used to bribe witnesses and judges, perhaps emanating from organized crime.
Despite all these shadows, the Cavalier gets great results in the elections, important alliances with parties that until the day before they advertise honesty and fairness as core values, repeatedly fails to take the reins.
Yet something is wrong. Its too much to feel the protagonist, idol, capopopolo, the belief that they can afford everything because "elected by the people" (and here we return to Fuorionda Fini's comments, quoted at the beginning of the previous post) led him to overdo it. Berlusconi is revealing all the limits of Italian democracy precisely because it is perfectly convinced that he can do what they like. Where foreign politicians try to hide even the most maniacally slight trimming of their honor, he reverses the value system and boasts of what it should hide. Brings up the whole rotten system of a faux-democratic, where friends of friends always count more than others and where you do favors, speculation and trumpet as a time when there was the king.

Indeed, he is the king!

In the next (and last?) Bet: the flight on the internet, independent thinking, a return to real life.


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