"The doctor and the sorcerer"
Ieri ho assistito alla proiezione del film "Il medico e lo stregone": una commedia italiana degli anni '50 molto piacevole e divertente, ma allo stesso tempo ricca di un messaggio educativo profondo ed ancora attuale.
Prima di parlare della discussione/riflessione derivata dalla visione del film cerco di spiegare brevemente la natura del progetto che ieri è stato presentato.
Si tratta della proiezione di una serie di otto films , a partire da gennaio prossimo, che devono ancora essere scelti, ma che will have as theme "Medicines".
Drugs can be designed as alternatives to traditional medicine, such as medicine or hospital and territorial, this is yet to be seen.
The meetings will be followed by discussion forums led by experts.
The project ends with a kind of laboratory, but honestly I did not understand what it will.
The information that I'm writing have been given by Prof. ssa Valanzano and other employees involved in the project during yesterday's meeting, the future will certainly change.
The project, which is emerging in other medical schools, ha come obiettivo quello di portare gli studenti, che stanno percorrendo la lunga strada della formazione, a riflettere sul lato umano del ruolo che ricopriranno in futuro attraverso la visione di un film, che è in grado di provocare reazioni emotive istantanee e pertanto può essere utile.
Si inserisce nel panorama, nella linea guida che la Prof. ssa Valanzano sta plasmando nella nostra facoltà: potenziare il carattere umano della comunicazione durante la formazione, attraverso progetti come il nostro tirocinio al primo anno, che anche se troppo lungo, aveva come finalità un aspetto degno di molto rilievo: il percepire, senza schemi di pensiero predefiniti, la vita e la communication in the department, looking at the human side of things, or watching the men, they are sick (even diseases that do not yet know), but also the rest of the staff is around the hospital.
The film should lead to this type of reflection, at least as I understand it, moving away slightly from the usual books.
It 's a bit like the people to see the play to denounce the politics of visual media are very straightforward.
Anyway, back to the movie, in two words tells the story of a young doctor (Mastroianni) who is sent to pursue his profession in a mountain village in which no medicine had arrived, and with her progress. In the village people were "cured" by Don Antonio (De Sica), a wizard that exploiting the ignorance and trust that the people had towards him, "fix" health problems and more.
The doctor does not receive immediately from the openness and respect for people who had hoped for.
The people rejected his care simply because the doctor had not made contact, as he had done the wizard.
It will take time because the doctor purchases the trust of people and this will be to his human, that will force him even to reach a compromise.
between quackery and medical science, certainly won the second, but, although it is difficult to admit, she has something to learn from first: its first comprehensive el 'empathy (so the quackery is represented in the film).
Your doctor can help heal and then only if the patient has confidence in him and created a human relationship with him. How
came out of the discussion, the discussion may seem limited to only a general practitioner, who is the first point of health of the citizen, but it is not true, it can also be extended medical team and not on the ward : communication among the staff to himself and the patient is the basis for creating an environment more conducive to treatment.
In this reflection seems to have been left by the side of knowledge in the strict sense. I have not stressed because it is considered essential unanimously. Knowledge is
conditio sine qua non , but in medicine it is essential not to lose sight of the person with his experience and values \u200b\u200bthat are not only respected but also understood and accepted. Got
always positive psychology and the placebo effect: the trust is already so much on their own.
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