Saturday, February 26, 2011

White Discharge At 38 Weeks

  di Domenico Moro

Le rivolte che, partite dalla Tunisia, si sono estese in tutto il Nord Africa sono state spiegate dai media nostrani, secondo l’ideologia democratica occidentale, come rivolte contro il dispotismo. Tale categoria, però, non spiega perché “despoti” al potere da quaranta anni siano stati messi fuori gioco in poco tempo, né la diffusione rapidissima del contagio in un’area molto vasta. Le cause di quanto sta avvenendo sono senza dubbio molteplici e complesse, ma certamente vi giocano un ruolo importante il modo in cui sono state gestite la crisi mondiale e la globalizzazione.
Il centro del sistema capitalistico mondiale, gli Usa, ha scelto to resolve the crisis, whose epicenter was in 2007, keeping interest rates near zero on the money and proceed with the placing of a huge mass of money into the economy through the so-called "quantitative easing . This involves the purchase of Treasury bonds by 600 billion dollars by the U.S. central bank, which has been added to extend for 800 billion dollars, the tax cuts Bush era. In this way the state raised the U.S. GDP (in the 4th quarter of 2010 to 3.2%) and profits of enterprises (+35%) and grants, especially on Wall Street, which closed on the rise for nine weeks in a row since '95. [1] It is, however, as happened following the 2001 crisis, a growth junkie that does not solve the crisis, even the serious, increasing the huge public debt, and without altering the high unemployment (10%). [2]

The quantitative easing not solve the crisis but also extends to other countries, the U.S. being the center of the international financial system. The most important effect of the operation of government Obama is the global spread of inflation. In fact, the huge liquidity created by its usage in speculative trading activities, which provide higher profits, rather than in productive activity. In fact, manufacturers in the U.S. has not even remotely addressed the over-strong at the base of the outbreak of the crisis and, moreover, the U.S. is becoming less important. The excess liquidity has been so directed toward the speculative market of futures contracts on raw materials, which have been carefully avoided the regulatory promise at the time of the outbreak of the crisis. Speculation in futures contracts , as occurred in 2008, triggered an exponential increase of all raw materials, of which many, especially those of cereals, have their own world trade center the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which is the stronghold of U.S. finance and the stock exchange where most options and futures .

Between January 2010 and January 2011, energy commodities have increased by 20.4%, 28.3% metals, and food raw materials by 32%. The biggest increases were recorded from wheat (62%) and wheat (58.7%). [3] In particular, the market prices of wheat rose from $ 177.5 per tonne in Q2 2010 to $ 326 in January 2011. [4] While it is true that the corn market has been affected by bad weather and poor harvests in some exporting countries, come Russia e Australia, è però altrettanto vero che la volatilità dei mercati è la condizione migliore per chi specula con i futures . Del resto, persino il caffè, che non c’entra nulla con l’Australia e la Russia, è cresciuto ai massimi da tredici anni.

L’aumento delle materie prime alimentari ha avuto un impatto maggiore nei paesi più poveri, dove una quota molto maggiore del reddito viene spesa in alimenti. Mentre in Italia la spesa alimentare ammonta al 17,5% dei consumi, in Egitto raggiunge il 48,1%. L’impatto peggiore si è avuto proprio in Nord Africa, perché è l’area più lontana dall’autosufficienza alimentare and the largest importer of wheat worldwide (21.4 million tonnes), followed by the Middle East (18.72 tons). In particular, Egypt, to which Russia recently cut supplies, is the world's largest importer, and Algeria, before being converted to energy monoproduzione was a net exporter of cereals, the second one. [5] Therefore, in these areas the food prices have increased dramatically (by 20% in Algeria).

The increase in food prices was, however, the trigger that ignited an already volatile situation. In this regard, we must ask ourselves a question: why riots occur in North Africa, which, according to the OECD, has recorded in recent years one of the highest growth rates in the world? Just as Egypt, for example, grew by 5.4% in 2010. The real problem in these countries is the lack of development, but the development model that has emerged. That of North Africa is an economic boom without spreading the wealth. In Algeria, for example, there is poverty and unemployment, although the country is floating on enormous reserves of oil and especially gas, and the State, thanks to exports, holds some 150 billion of reserves. Although foreign investment in production and natural resources held in these countries, the social gap has increased, because the development was based on low wages and lack of rights for workers, while the rich, for example in Egypt, have been checked with a maximum rate of 20% on the positive, a tax haven taxation. Relocations West and globalization of the world market, thus benefiting only the companies and foreign banks and restricted local elites. The function of the latter was to ensure that Western capitals, especially the French, Italians and British, convenient use and access to the exploitation of raw materials. Just the contradiction between development and the reality of poverty has created fertile ground for the uprising, which took contenuti sociali ed economici molto evidenti.

In definitiva, negli ultimi anni si è verificato uno sviluppo dipendente, subalterno a quegli stessi Paesi occidentali che oggi parlano ipocritamente di democrazia e che condannano la violenza di “despoti” fino a ieri appoggiati in tutti i modi e considerati controparti affidabili. La debolezza e la repentina caduta di queste élite è dovuta proprio al fatto di essere pressoché semplici intermediari degli interessi esteri. In qualche caso, saliti al potere con il concorso decisivo dei servizi segreti europei, come Ben Alì in Tunisia grazie ai servizi italiani. Se “a parte le forze armate lo stato egiziano ha fondamenta fragili come la sabbia” [6], is due to the nature of the Egyptian state employee. If the armed forces, the core of all state authority in Egypt are the only power left is because they are closely linked to the outside of the country, particularly the U.S., which have funded for thirty years with 40 billion. [7] no coincidence that the Egyptian chief of staff, resigned after Mubarak agreed with the U.S., pledged "to respect all international and regional treaties," not even dream of eliminating the emergency law in force for 30 years. [8] Other than democracy. Moreover, there have been many Western and European leaders to express the view that gli egiziani non siano ancora pronti per la democrazia.

Oggi, il tentativo occidentale in Nord Africa e soprattutto in Egitto è quello di gestire i sommovimenti in corso dandogli uno sbocco che, proprio attraverso l’esercito, garantisca un trapasso indolore per gli interessi della Ue e degli Usa. Questi ultimi, poi, possono far valere come leva egemonica sui Paesi dell’area, oltre alla loro potenza militare, il loro ruolo di principale esportatore mondiale di cereali. In particolare, nel 2010 l’Egitto è stato la quinta destinazione dell’export Usa di grano e la quarta di frumento, rispettivamente con incrementi del 129% e del 59% rispetto al 2009. [9] In questa fase, con molta probabilità, da parte degli Usa c’è anche la volontà di sfruttare la situazione per ridefinire gli equilibri nell’area mediterranea, riaffermando un ruolo egemonico appannatosi negli ultimi anni.

Il principale nemico dei popoli arabi e nord-africani è chi sta dietro i “despoti”, ovvero quello che possiamo chiamare neoimperialismo, che non si basa sul controllo diretto del territorio, come il vecchio imperialismo colonialista. L’imperialismo odierno si fonda sul controllo per procura dell’economia e delle materie prime e scarica, attraverso i mercati finanziari, le sue contraddizioni, la crisi in primo luogo, sui paesi periferici. Il punto, dunque, non è la rivendicazione di una democrazia astratta, ma la rivendicazione di rapporti sociali e internazionali di tipo diverso.

1. Marco Valsania, “Wall street festeggia e sfora quota 12mila”, Il sole24ore, 27 gennaio 2010.

2. Morya Longo, “Alta liquidità e profitti doping di Wall Street il Dow a quota 12mila”, Il sole24ore, 30 gennaio 2010.

3. International Monetary fund, Indices of Market Prices for Non Fuel and Fuel Commodities, 2007-2010.

4. International Monetary Fund, Actual market prices for Non Fuel and Fuel Commodities, 2007-2010.

5. United States Department of Agriculture. In Roberto Bongiorni, The threat of wheat falls to Cairo and Algiers, The Sole24Ore, January 27, 2011

6. Alberto Negri, "A wave of strikes paralyzed Egypt for wages and work," The Sole24Ore, February 15, 2011.
7. Alberto Negri, Army judge the new course, The Sole24Ore, February 2, 2011.

8. Alberto Negri, The Egyptian army reassures the world that the treaties, the Sole24Ore, February 2, 2011.

9. United States Department of Agriculture. Top 10 U.S. export market for wheat, corn, soybeans and cotton by volume.



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