Friday, February 18, 2011

South Park Ipod Xepisodes

Money in Landfill

come 16milioni Euro
to "improve" the landfill

At the suggestion of Vice President and Head of Public Works Alberto Pacher, the provincial government has allocated just yesterday morning about 16 million € to secure and expand the landfill surfed the Maza. The provincial budget is part of the third update of the plan of investment in sanitation works 2009-2013 that totals, and then the entire province-wide, just under 60 million €. Here is also the funding for all this series of works it needs the old dump the district, especially in theater the last two years of episodes just "encouraging" for the environment and also the subject of special attention from the judiciary. The resolution, which includes the financing of interventions for Maza has been approved as mentioned yesterday morning, hours after the now usual monthly meeting between provincial authorities and the council of the Community of the Valley that took place late Wednesday afternoon. At that time there were the Vice-Provincial Pacher, president of Community and Councillor Michael Valandro Calzà which has the specific authority to the "cycle of waste and landfill Maza." The amount allocated by the province also includes the so-called "capping" the intervention of the final cover of Lot 1 (now discontinued) designed to prevent the intrusion of rain water inside the body wastes and to prevent leakage of gas from the landfill. In the first instance, but we have to wait another couple of years, planting will cover 6.5 hectares and covering the first lot that extends to almost double the total area. In the meantime, however, as we confirmed yesterday the commissioner Michael stockings, the Province will provide its own resources (about 300,000 € transaction cost) to the interim covered with sheets of so-called "tub Broz" of the first lot which will among other things, the draining of rainwater. While the intervention of "capping" the real final draft should be ready in a few months. As in May, with spending of about € 200,000 always borne by the Province, the project should be completed in the leachate collection tank of 600 cubic meters. It is also in the design phase of the operation of the drill always a lot to get some definitive data and the levels of pollution of the land where the years have been deposited millions of tons of waste. They should instead start by the end of March, two other measures considered important for securing the situation of the site moving the electrical room (cost about € 480 000) and the creation of a test vessel for the treatment of leachate. For now just "experimental" but whether it should give the expected results would, through the infamous treatment of leachate, to cut costs by 30-40%, which now must be supported to close the loop.

Paul Liserre
The South 18/02/2011

Why think today what you can defer (a price) until tomorrow?


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