Sunday, February 27, 2011

Maxine Cartoons On Birthdays


Lorenzo Mortara

This text has already appeared in two other sites ( Utopia and red Under the banners of Marxism ) here has been expanded, revised and corrected. It may be interesting to go back to the origins of the clash-Fiom Marchionne, to better address the evolving situation after the referendum on Mirafiori.

The exchange of letters between Marchionne and the workers enjoy complete slaughter of Fiom delegates. The answer top of the highest trade union is by Giorgio Cremaschi, for better or for worse our best leader. I agree with the substance of his article except for the initial assumption: there is no Fiat to fascism, but only the most authentic face of capitalism. And you have to beat him. That's it. Sure, bring it down would be better, but in situations where we are today, is a crucial first clear victory after years of defeats. Fiat to all the premises are: the flop of the plebiscite referendum Pomigliano, repression Melfi and Mirafiori and strikes in response to the workers. Anyone who has even the faintest idea what it is Fiat's that kind of lager, he knows that spontaneous strikes are not easy to organize. When you are out alone means that the degree of consciousness and militancy of workers is relatively high. In fact that's it, see if the problem is on the upper floors of the Fiom will be able to receive and retransmit the signal, multiplied, in the whole industry decisive metalworkers. For now, and could not be otherwise, we record the delay of our leaders on the fighting spirit of workers. Landini wishes to defend the strike and the disease, opening the doors to the grueling rounds (1). must have confused the right to mutual in isolated case disease, with the duty of illness during naturally. Similarly, since the smile is taking a stand in favor of the right to strike. The only way to defend the right to strike is to do it as soon as someone dares to question it. Landini wishes to defend the right to strike from the top of a bureaucracy that the years reserve duty not to proclaim it almost never. Fiom barricadiera all here. Not to mention the top leaders of the CGIL. Epifani calls Confindustria to retrace his steps and to withdraw the dismissals because he fears the risk of radicalization. Who is at risk, forgot to add, are the masters, in fact we have only to gain from the radicalization rights momentous as the Workers' Statute so on. Radicalization means mobilization, and Epifani and Motion 1 represented by him are nothing more than part of CGIL opposed to any mobilization. Then the normal position Epifani. Motion 2 is the then Fiom in mind, that still does not dissolve the moorings and lingers in sterile complaints. Being a conglomeration of people serious about fighting for their rights mixed with many other trovatesi inside to case the Motion 2 can not think that the paralysis of internal contradictions of Fiom. The Motion 2 be renamed by its real name: Motion one and a half! (2) Part of the Fiom
merely to whine like a little girl in front of the repression of its delegates. It is up to more conscious, stand before them, helping them to improve. Four dismissals are a good sign, it means that delegates Fiom are moving quite well. Who is not licensed, which should explain what a delegate is. It is no disgrace to be still in place, but certainly as a union delegate who has never Rogne with the owner, sooner or later have explain to workers who offers his services. It will not be easy to convince the workers of his good faith.
The most active part of Fiom is not there to cry on, do restore as soon as our heroic soldiers, meanwhile put them in the service of its structure because affilino their critical spirit. The hysterical tears are left, at most, supporters of the First Motion! They will be perfect, amongst others, for their eyes crocodile.
Marchionne's letter, if compared to the responses of workers, is emblematic: the consciousness of the owners is still vastly superior to ours. If our senior management will not help the delegates to fill the gap, will never be the height of the battle. And without the height of the bosses, there ever higher above the wage slavery. That
Marchionne, is the usual letter from 1800 written all masters. It is bourgeois ideology at its purest. If the ideologies were really finished, would have ended theirs too. And if it is alive and kicking them, it means that we is not dead, just dormant, buried in the rubble of countless defeats in recent years. At the first major victory outside will return stronger and heavier than before.
addition to the usual platitudes summarized in "we are all one big family," Marchionne says that "there are alternative. " In fact it is just that: there are no alternative but for the bosses, not workers. The alternative for the workers themselves. This alternative will materialize soon agree to fight without compromise, to the end against Marchionne. "The rules of international competition - writes the old idol of so many bureaucrats - we have not chosen us and none of us has the ability to change, even if we do not like . Not bad for being the newest among the great men of the country pumped! All the greatest men in history, from the Alps to Sicily as well as from the Andes to the Urals, have done anything to be able to change even a comma of the world, he is the first that seeks to enter the legend of the monkey left stationary and motionless in the image and likeness of that which has the petrified jungle in the head! It is therefore clear that those are only Marchionne delusions of grandeur, because in practice, behind the sweater, there's just another beast safari zoo entrance forever be fair, the first letter of admission, in human dustbin of history.
Fortunately, only Marchionne and his ilk have no possibility to change the rules of a competition without rules, because even if they pretend to not love them, really love them as the most ridiculous fetishes. When Marchionne said nobody can change the rules of the market, no landlord will only . And no owner can change the rules, because each of them wants to ruthlessly exploit the workers. In fact, behind the impersonal nature of the market that Marchionne wants independent, objective and absolute, there is only the collective will of class, the interests of all owners. Because if they wanted, they would prohibit anyone to agree to raise wages and rights on an international scale. If they do not because it is impossible, but because it is not wanting to. And God forbid that the owners also wanted to change the rules of a game that is rigged to win always and only them. They are the workers and only them that can and must change. Indeed, to be more precise, not only have to change them, but just remove them from circulation and replacing them with an exceptional socialism. Difficult task for the workers, the rest if it were easy it would be similar in all respects to those that are imposed Marchionne, but what is difficult is not impossible if you do not make more illusions in front of the advertising literature of the managing directors to liquidate Fiat. The letter of the delegates of the Fiom, unfortunately, illusions, it is still a lot. It is an illusion believe that an industrial policy in Italy is missing from the '60s. Another industrial policy does not exist, nor will ever exist. For owners, a good industrial policy is one that produces good profits. Just look how many have made over the last twenty years to realize that their industrial policy is not only good but excellent. And that's why they be not competitive enough. To them, cut the first goal of the competition do not give a tube if it does not bring profits. High or low it is, the competition does not undermine the wages of a factory able to stay on the market like that of Melfi. The wage rate, however, depends on the profit. The higher the wage, the more it changes profitto e viceversa. Ecco perché Marchionne vuol schiacciare il più possibile il salario. Schiacciare il salario è la migliore delle politiche padronali e bisogna prenderne atto. Altre politiche sono un’eccezione che confermano le normali politiche di tutti i Marchionne del mondo.
Quello che manca, ad essere generosi dagli anni ’80, è una politica sindacale. Ma la politica sindacale, in assenza di un partito, è la politica stessa per quanto monca della classe operaia. Ai tempi belli ma tristi dei 35 giorni alla Fiat, qualche anima audace propose, inascoltato, la riduzione dell’orario di lavoro. Sono passati 30 anni da quella sconfitta, 30 anni di ritardo della classe operaia sulla necessità impellente dell’accorciamento the working day. And the reduction, in brief, is the policy of the working class. To Fiat in 2010 there are new conditions to try to put it into practice. Missing only a little effort. Just Fiom delegates, for a bit 'of invisible ink, do not submit themselves to the thought-Marchionne. Marchionne is the propaganda penetrated far into their heads, no doubt the best we have, to make him write that "it is not in opposition workers and entrepreneurs." In fact, it is precisely in opposition workers and contractors. It is they, the delegates of the Fiom, which have a great responsibility to do so. Serious mistake would be not sobbarcarsela. When
Marchionne write the letters they write, do not ever turn to the workers, but to themselves, other shareholders and the cynicism that keeps them all united against the workers. The CEO, has virtually written a love letter to his wallet.
Similarly, the response of the delegates Fiom be aimed at workers, not to Marchionne. It is he who should be invited among the workers. Where there is also a mirror to tell her tales. They are the delegates who should be among the workers to rally with them in the tough fight against him. When Marchionne declared war, in fact, do not try even one thousand loopholes to avoid it, but try a good times to win. The entire working class expects a big win for over thirty years. Workers at Fiat have a great chance to try them quell'ebrezza lost. The delegates of the Fiom not wasteful with other useless chatter. Courage, then , audacity, boldness and daring yet ...!
And we, young delegates from the province? We simply can not do anything to help delegates metropolitan? Normally there are major industrial centers in the suburbs lugging less important. This does not mean we should just stay with our arms folded, waiting to move to Fiat. Indeed, our first move "Canton", before the great industrial centers, lightened by the inertia of the province, the rocket will accelerate throughout the Italian class struggle to the finish line of the first great victory of the new millennium.

Lorenzo Mortara
Representative Fiom-CGIL

Vercelli, July 18, 2010 ________________________________________________________________


1) See The Republic of Friday, July 2, 2010

2) I must the paternity of the expression to the genius of Roberto Massari. I could not resist and I immediately made my own, so I find it fitting. I hope Note that this is sufficient to settle the debt with the publisher partner.


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