Friday, February 25, 2011

Acoustic Solutions Tv Stuck In Demo Mode

DEMOCRATIC In the Mediterranean,

                                   Comunicato stampa del Tavolo Asilo

Gli enti e le associazioni di tutela riuniti nel Tavolo Asilo ritengono che quanto stia avvenendo in Libia e in altri paesi del Maghreb constitutes a historic event of enormous importance that should be considered not only in relation to the likely intensification of arrivals of refugees to Europe, but primarily looking at the enormous potential benefits, economically, socially and culturally that start, 's Europe as a whole and for the Mediterranean countries in particular, following the fall of corrupt and violent regimes that for decades have dominated the area.
Europe and Italy have a duty to support effectively the start of the process of democratic transformation in these countries and with a sense of responsibility should avoid alarmism and the possible spread in the Italian and European population, feelings of fear to those fleeing ongoing violence. On the contrary, it is time to achieve, even with the help of local institutions and civil society initiatives for acceptance and solidarity and the initiation of programs of aid to the countries concerned for a return to democracy as quickly as possible.
In particular, it is necessary to ensure an efficient rescue system at sea, in international waters, as in the past by following the best tradition of our country, strictly avoiding conflict and rejection of any transaction in sea arrivals, take place directly with men and Italian media, or indirectly, with logistical support to military units and police in the countries concerned by the crisis. Such a hypothesis would be a choice fraught with tragedy.
should of course be granted access to the asylum procedure, in strict compliance with the principle of non refoulement. It also provides a form of temporary protection for those fleeing the crisis areas.
must certainly be sought to prevent a concerted European Italy and other countries of the southern Union find themselves having to manage a situation of increasing their own emergency. However, it should also be remembered that Italy was in 2009 and 2010, a modest number of applications for asylum and that is in a position to be able to meet its international obligations concerning the protection of refugees rispetto ad un numero di arrivi di gran lunga maggiore rispetto alle attuali presenze.
E' indispensabile garantire una protezione immediata e adeguata accoglienza alle persone in fuga, nel rispetto degli strumenti previsti dalle leggi vigenti.
L’attuale scenario di crisi va gestito predisponendo dei piani di accoglienza straordinari senza però stravolgere l’attuale procedura di asilo, preservando il buon funzionamento di un sistema di accoglienza, nel rispetto dei principi minimi previsti dalle direttive comunitarie in materia.
Inoltre, va evitata un’applicazione generalizzata di misure di detenzione, specie se arbitrarie, a chi chiede protezione poiché ciò stravolgerebbe il principio fondamentale del diritto dei welcome to asylum seekers in conditions of freedom.
In particular, it should avoid the use solely or primarily to large structures, as experience has amply demonstrated that the administration of the structure is very costly and compromise in starting a good relationship with the territory. It is believed there are any conditions to favor instead a warm diffuse easily activated quickly and cost-effective even using those already established in the system of over 130 Italian municipalities adhering to SPRAR (protection system for asylum seekers and refugees)
associations and institutions that subscribe to this appeal also express a deep concern over the announced move to the new center of Mineo (Catania) the legal nature undefined, asylum seekers already present in the current Cara (reception centers for asylum seekers). That measure, which would undermine the foundations of the functioning of the asylum system built painstakingly over the past year, does not appear to conform to current regulations on procedures for examining applications for asylum, even in light of an urgent decree.
asks that Italy, also because of its privileged partner with Libya, to take a greater and stronger international role for an immediate end to the current bloodshed in that country and in any case suspends the effectiveness of the Treaty of friendship between Italy and Libya no longer met the conditions for its implementation.

ACLI, ARCI, ASGI, House of Social Rights, Center Astalli, Cir, Community S. Egidio, FCEI, No Border

Rome, February 25, 2011


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