seriously injured after the assault
Cuneo City Gold Medal in the Resistance, led by a junta of the center with PRC. The idea was to open a club of "CasaPound" many did not go down and, earlier this week, Town, unions and Historical Institute of the Resistance have joined the Anti-Fascist Committee. Decision: organizzare un presidio nonviolento sulla piazzetta del municipio per testimoniare il «no» all’apertura del «circolo di chiara ispirazione neofascista». Sicuramente il sindaco Alberto Valmaggia non si aspettava l’arrivo dei Centri sociali di Torino. Dei trecento in piazza per il «presidio antifascista» un centinaio arrivava da fuori. E si sono fatti subito sentire con il lancio di due potenti petardi. Il sindaco, dal palco: «I violenti qui non sono ben accetti. Voi non siete i benvenuti». L’hanno coperto di fischi. Hanno aspettato l’intervento del segretario provinciale di Rifondazione Fabio Panero, poi di Livio Berardo, presidente dell’Istituto Storico. E si sono alzati come a un comando. Hanno attraversato Via Roma to reach the circle "CasaPound" already in the night had been smashed and covered with writing. To defend the right of the forty boys (half Cuneo, half from Turin), there were a hundred soldiers and police in riot gear.
The procession moved quickly and violently. Before the launch of a dozen bombs card, then charged with flagpoles, belts and batons. From behind the launch of paving stones and beer bottles into the right-wing group that has reacted. The first one was injured Filippo Palagreco known policeman in the city because the neighborhood: a cube of porphyry to the affected knee. It was on the ground, screaming. Then the assault on a car Finance, bombs and even paper. Quickly the group of centers has shifted from street to street Mondovì Diaz, in the quadrangle where the club was opened on 'CasaPound. Moments of tension when a cube of porphyry hit to the head of Turin who was behind the police. He lost consciousness. At 18, as it was formed, the procession of the centers is dissolved. In fear of further raids' CasaPound "remains open and unattended.
Iannone, unacceptable has not been done anything to prevent aggression
Rome, February 26 - A militant CasaPound Italy was seriously injured in the scuffles that broke out a wedge shot after being attacked by a hundred leftists antagonist, fully armed with helmets, chains and ax handles, which wanted to prevent by force the opening of the new headquarters of the movement.
''was a news announcement - said the leader of Italy Gianluca Iannone CasaPound - and the institutions will be called to account for what happened. E 'is unacceptable that despite threats and intimidation, despite the violence that have occurred in recent days, despite only yesterday, even before he opened, the seat of Cuneo has been damaged by the same provocative today took to the streets, no action has been taken to prevent premeditated aggression against a legally recognized association that has the full right to pursue its political activity, that has nothing to do with violence. The reason we said and we repeat today, and with more force: gestures like these are children of the political climate of hate created by the hysterical behavior of inadequate political forces, which are not able to get past the witch hunt and the stirring hatred useful idiots.''
''If we add to this what happened this morning in the center of Bologna, where security forces have been helpless in the face collectives to blitz, leaving them to enter the room where he was to hold a conference organized by CPI, we realize we are faced with a state abdicates its function, which fails to defend the rights of citizens to remain at the mercy of violent and of bullies. CasaPound Italy still is not intimidated and will continue to carry on its business as usual political and cultural.''
Cuneo: CasaPound Italy, a thousand members in less than 24 hours on the facebook group 'mayor must resign'
Iannone, principals of what happened are the institutions in the head Valmaggia
Rome February 27 - has passed the one thousand members in less than 24 hours the facebook group "The Mayor of Cuneo must resign!", born after the aggression on the part of the community centers within the wedge CasaPound Italy opened in the city of Piedmont.
in messages to a lot of anger and indignation at what happened yesterday, when 150 antagonists armed with helmets and handles with pickaxes attempted assault, throwing paper bombs, bottles and cobblestones, one of which was shot in the head and seriously wounded a CPI militant, now out of danger. Anger and indignazionione also determined by the fact that the group of attackers that devastated the city center, however, injuring eight police and carabinieri, it is disconnected from anti-fascist garrison promoted, among others, just by the mayor of Cuneo Alberto Valmaggia and, municipal council of Rifondazione Fabio Panero.
our''A militant was shot in the head by a cobblestone 'democratic' - says Gianluca Iannone, President of CasaPound Italy - Principals of what happened are isitituzioni, led by the mayor, who had decided that the seat of CPI in Cuneo does not open and that their conduct unworthy and hypocritical people stirred up hatred and violence that legitimated the 150 cowards who attacked us. Headquartered CasaPound still is open and will remain so, they know it all, including Valmaggia that no shame for what happened yesterday, already speaks of using the bureaucracy to get us close.''
The customer aggression
"Igor was hit by a cobblestone democratic head. The isitituzioni, led by the mayor, decided that the headquarters of the ICC was not open. legitimacy of the institutions infamous 150 helmets and armed with batons stormed our community centers in Piedmont police in riot gear and 'run away, you know. were in our 30. and their bare hands. and have fought for a promise .
A Cuneo as in too many places Italy of the alarming reports of centers that serve as violent arm where the parties can not reach. Riva del Garda to, remember, it was just personal threats and hotels, here are taking action, but The analogy is far too long. guilty as the torturers principals.
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