Limit thin
Da quando il Professore ha scritto, per rispondere a un mio post, che " il vostro futuro dipende dalla vostra capacità di essere visionari ", questa frase ha continuato a tornarmi in mente, con insistence.
I answered that yes, you have to be visionary, but do not forget the reality.
Without realizing it I wrote with absolute innocence, two simple words, considering the difficulty of their implementation.
E 'here is the difficult balance reason and folly, finding the perfect balance, or at least try.
In our future work we will be able to move between reason and madness follow a 'absurd hypotheses, when you feel that maybe there is a solution, rely on the insanity and the ability to understand, however, starting from our know.
The intuition is independent of any form of reasoning and bias, for this is complex and risky to rely on her.
But you must have the courage to do so.
few minutes ago I looked up and saw, among my many post-it, one who spoke on the subject.
"For me the only people are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous fireworks exploding among the stars and in the middle you see the blue center of the blast and everybody ... oh! "
This speech struck me a few years ago, when I read "On the Road" and I always left there, as to remind me that life is also known how to dress with a bit of madness, let us not forget ever.
I, unfortunately, often I do.
Kerouac speaks of crazy, not crazy, but I think the message of these words is in any way connected to the madness. He must have had reason
Kerouac, he knew him?
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