a bit of time I decided to write a post on the donation of blood and, knowing that I will not say anything new and illuminating I will try to say my opinion about it.
I believe that this practice, widely publicized, has not entered with "arrogance" in the lives of most of the population enjoys good health.
For myself, I know very few people who donate, many do not consider the least the possibility and not assessing its importance.
blogoclasse I hope that in the environment of the situation is somewhat different, in fact I am sure, but I put a poll on your relationship with your donation.
The reason I did is because when we are faced with a question, ponder.
E'normale that reflection leads to the evaluation of their behavior and perhaps this may trigger something.
I want to emphasize that I did not quote to make you feel guilty about those who do not give, nor to feel better than those who do not.
might think that the articles written on topics of this type have as their goal to feel my conscience is clear: I do not think so.
not worth the consequential "if I give more then they are good and good for you."
In fact, in my opinion, the simple act of giving is an act of civil, common sense, is not heroic to give a practical example is how to call 118 if you are in front of an accident.
In my mind, the mechanism is much the same.
"I'm healthy and well, me I do all this if my blood marrow may very well play it quickly, while the other can not? ".
I get, as I call 118: in both cases does not cost me anything.
I think it should be mandatory to donate, if you have the requirements.
Donated blood is key to the so-called "multiple transfusions" or patients with leukemia, thalassemia, haemophilia, liver disease and various anemias, but also for direct transplants.
We currently depend on foreign and since
blood is a good renewable seems almost paradoxical to be self-sufficient.
Of course I hope that someone decides to donate after responding to a trivial question.
I want to clarify that the reasons that prompted me to write a post on this subject was the news some time ago on artificial blood, which all have heard.
If you have not done click here.
However, in short "a British research center has promised over three years will be developed artificial blood".
's news to itself is formidable.
Just a moment, though, to realize that behind such a brilliant discovery, there are a number of logistical issues but also economic.
Who knows how much this will cost blood bionic?
And who knows how long a resource will be used in our hospitals?
Maybe when we are already retired.
So, why wait on our hands with these 3 or more years?
Just find some time: the Cube is in front of the plate Services, but in every hospital there is the Blood Transfusion Centre.
I have waited a long time before donating: no agofobica-exist? - Nor particularly fond of my blood a little the we-all! - , but between one thing and another, while Having always had a desire to donate, I decided to do only a few months ago, after having sent a lot of times.
I hope my voice will be heard at least, if not heard: "Be the change you wish in the world" Gandhi.
I invite you to leave your opinions and experiences.
Surely some of you will be part of an association di donatori, può gentilmente spiegarmi le differenze che ci sono con chi non è iscritto, ma comunque dona?
P.S: Non mi tornano due cose sui requisiti per i donatori:
- Peso maggiore di 50 Kg. Se uno è 50 Kg ma è molto basso perchè non dovrebbe donare? Andrebbe considerato il rapporto peso/altezza;
- Bisogna essere maggiorenni per donare, ma perchè si può guidare il motorino a 14 anni? Assurdo. Magari dipenderà dalla sviluppo, ma penso che in linea di massima a 16 anni si sia già sviluppati e maturi(in teoria) per decidere cosa fare del proprio sangue.
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