Lately I feel the need to vent. The
Abruzzo earthquake has shaken me something that was put on hold but continued churning.
addition, the fact that they regularly follow some Marco Travaglio week's interventions on his blog and he went to fish out some old episode of his resume as Word of mouth has made all the disgust I feel for this political class, this patchwork of storyteller who tells us a lot of crap (on TV are given the shift to cover 24 hours) and is intent on getting their hands on the goods of the community and to share the leave with friends and friends of friends (capisc'ammé).
On the other hand the earthquake I was also an increased use of newspapers and television, despite the crap they do, looking for a bit 'of information (what little remains now works better than Facebook) and some opinion that deserves to be heard. Now, usually, for me, just stand up and Travaglio Di Pietro.
Last night I saw fragments of Ballarò.
Someone asked what is freedom. Someone said that freedom means respect for the rules.
Be ', now I would say mine on this difficult topic.
Compliance with the rules can be a value. It is, however, depending on the goodness of the rules and who makes them. Compliance with the rules dictated by a dictator is coercion, not freedom. Respect the rules we have set for themselves, invece, può essere libertà.
Faccio un esempio banalotto, da due lire: se io mi riprometto di non fumare perché sono convinto che mi fa male, nonostante abbia preso il vizio, soffrirò ogni volta che cercherò di trattenermi dal fumare ma starò affermando la mia libertà. Se invece non posso fumare perché mi è imposto da dio o dal re, allora non è libertà ma repressione.
Ma c'è anche un altro aspetto da considerare, che arricchisce e complica il problema. E' il fatto che non siamo monadi, non siamo schegge impazzite ed isolate. Viviamo together. We must learn to exercise our freedom together. Going back to the first: If you collectively decide that smoking is bad, the smoking ban may be an affirmation of collective will. In this context, I also accept that compliance with the rules means freedom, but not enough. Not enough.
Freedom is able to determine their own lives. Actually be involved and the protagonists of what happens to us. Be able to choose what is best for us. Be involved in decisions that affect us and others.
It must mean, then, that the decisions that are made for the community are not taken to the face or our account without any account in our thinking and our existence. Life in the community imposes obligations and constraints, but this only means that everyone must pay taxes. It also means that everyone must participate in the decision of how much tax you must pay and how it should be spent. This means that everyone should be able to monitor the implementation of the decisions taken and that those who contravenes these decisions should suffer the consequences.
short, returning to the form of the slogan, freedom is not only obey the rules. Freedom is Do is respect the rules.
This requires many conditions that were very difficult.
must have sufficient information to know.
must have enough culture to understand.
must have sufficient knowledge and reason to choose for themselves.
must have ideals to discern and address the choices.
must have character, not to be fooled and manipulated.
must be involved in decision-making in the conduct of public affairs.
That 's what's around us?
's so that we live in?
I think not.
I speak for myself. I have a good standard of life. I have a certain culture. I think I have a mind quite independently. Yet I am far from feeling free, or citizen of a state that makes me feel free. I miss the information, as I said recently. I still lack a certain culture needed to understand an economy that is out of control and social mechanisms that do not understand (customers, nepotism, consociativismo, mafias). I miss completely the involvement in the management of the country, as 99% of the general population.
I have another surgery in the closet, still half-sketched, by the way the so-called "caste". I plan to come back to it. But here I must say the essential: the common people, the people, it is still light years away from the exercise of power by an invisible curtain separated the environments where decisions are made and maneuver assets.
And this curtain is made of people! Mainly political.
If we want to feel free to stop being hostage to an oligarchy of professional politicians and start putting your mouth in the administration of public affairs. As if it were a gigantic building, in which all participate in making decisions and pay the bills, so all that this entails.
Given what they know to be contentious communal assemblies, I know that the solution of problema è ancora lontana.
Soprattutto se continueremo a tollerare un paese dove l'informazione è fatta dagli zerbini e la politica dai collusi. In questo contesto libertà non è il rispetto delle regole e tantomeno farle, ma soltanto "fare quel che cazzo ci pare sempre e comunque alla faccia di tutti e andargli in culo". E se per far questo occorre sedere in parlamento, tantomeglio.
Viva la libertà!