Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How To Cook Chicken Legs In Microwave

W la libertà!

Lately I feel the need to vent. The

Abruzzo earthquake has shaken me something that was put on hold but continued churning.
addition, the fact that they regularly follow some Marco Travaglio week's interventions on his blog and he went to fish out some old episode of his resume as Word of mouth has made all the disgust I feel for this political class, this patchwork of storyteller who tells us a lot of crap (on TV are given the shift to cover 24 hours) and is intent on getting their hands on the goods of the community and to share the leave with friends and friends of friends (capisc'ammé).

On the other hand the earthquake I was also an increased use of newspapers and television, despite the crap they do, looking for a bit 'of information (what little remains now works better than Facebook) and some opinion that deserves to be heard. Now, usually, for me, just stand up and Travaglio Di Pietro.

Last night I saw fragments of Ballarò.
Someone asked what is freedom. Someone said that freedom means respect for the rules.
Be ', now I would say mine on this difficult topic.

Compliance with the rules can be a value. It is, however, depending on the goodness of the rules and who makes them. Compliance with the rules dictated by a dictator is coercion, not freedom. Respect the rules we have set for themselves, invece, può essere libertà.
Faccio un esempio banalotto, da due lire: se io mi riprometto di non fumare perché sono convinto che mi fa male, nonostante abbia preso il vizio, soffrirò ogni volta che cercherò di trattenermi dal fumare ma starò affermando la mia libertà. Se invece non posso fumare perché mi è imposto da dio o dal re, allora non è libertà ma repressione.

Ma c'è anche un altro aspetto da considerare, che arricchisce e complica il problema. E' il fatto che non siamo monadi, non siamo schegge impazzite ed isolate. Viviamo together. We must learn to exercise our freedom together. Going back to the first: If you collectively decide that smoking is bad, the smoking ban may be an affirmation of collective will. In this context, I also accept that compliance with the rules means freedom, but not enough. Not enough.

Freedom is able to determine their own lives. Actually be involved and the protagonists of what happens to us. Be able to choose what is best for us. Be involved in decisions that affect us and others.
It must mean, then, that the decisions that are made for the community are not taken to the face or our account without any account in our thinking and our existence. Life in the community imposes obligations and constraints, but this only means that everyone must pay taxes. It also means that everyone must participate in the decision of how much tax you must pay and how it should be spent. This means that everyone should be able to monitor the implementation of the decisions taken and that those who contravenes these decisions should suffer the consequences.

short, returning to the form of the slogan, freedom is not only obey the rules. Freedom is Do is respect the rules.

This requires many conditions that were very difficult.

must have sufficient information to know.
must have enough culture to understand.
must have sufficient knowledge and reason to choose for themselves.
must have ideals to discern and address the choices.
must have character, not to be fooled and manipulated.
must be involved in decision-making in the conduct of public affairs.

That 's what's around us?
's so that we live in?

I think not.

I speak for myself. I have a good standard of life. I have a certain culture. I think I have a mind quite independently. Yet I am far from feeling free, or citizen of a state that makes me feel free. I miss the information, as I said recently. I still lack a certain culture needed to understand an economy that is out of control and social mechanisms that do not understand (customers, nepotism, consociativismo, mafias). I miss completely the involvement in the management of the country, as 99% of the general population.

I have another surgery in the closet, still half-sketched, by the way the so-called "caste". I plan to come back to it. But here I must say the essential: the common people, the people, it is still light years away from the exercise of power by an invisible curtain separated the environments where decisions are made and maneuver assets.
And this curtain is made of people! Mainly political.
If we want to feel free to stop being hostage to an oligarchy of professional politicians and start putting your mouth in the administration of public affairs. As if it were a gigantic building, in which all participate in making decisions and pay the bills, so all that this entails.

Given what they know to be contentious communal assemblies, I know that the solution of problema è ancora lontana.
Soprattutto se continueremo a tollerare un paese dove l'informazione è fatta dagli zerbini e la politica dai collusi. In questo contesto libertà non è il rispetto delle regole e tantomeno farle, ma soltanto "fare quel che cazzo ci pare sempre e comunque alla faccia di tutti e andargli in culo". E se per far questo occorre sedere in parlamento, tantomeglio.

Viva la libertà!

Where Does Laminating

Limit thin

Da quando il Professore ha scritto, per rispondere a un mio post, che " il vostro futuro dipende dalla vostra capacità di essere visionari ", questa frase ha continuato a tornarmi in mente, con insistence.

I answered that yes, you have to be visionary, but do not forget the reality.

Without realizing it I wrote with absolute innocence, two simple words, considering the difficulty of their implementation.
E 'here is the difficult balance reason and folly, finding the perfect balance, or at least try.

In our future work we will be able to move between reason and madness follow a 'absurd hypotheses, when you feel that maybe there is a solution, rely on the insanity and the ability to understand, however, starting from our know.

The intuition is independent of any form of reasoning and bias, for this is complex and risky to rely on her.
But you must have the courage to do so.

few minutes ago I looked up and saw, among my many post-it, one who spoke on the subject.

"For me the only people are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous fireworks exploding among the stars and in the middle you see the blue center of the blast and everybody ... oh! "

This speech struck me a few years ago, when I read "On the Road" and I always left there, as to remind me that life is also known how to dress with a bit of madness, let us not forget ever.

I, unfortunately, often I do.
Kerouac speaks of crazy, not crazy, but I think the message of these words is in any way connected to the madness. He must have had reason
Kerouac, he knew him?


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Harcourt Brace Social Studies

5 ° Assignment: A Perfect Murder breath or death? The Viale Pieraccini

I tried a different approach PubMed days ago and I have to admits, that I immediately found it difficult to use for the amount of articles and for my inability to put the appropriate limits.
Over time, my attitude has gradually improved.

I read the article of Professor and share his vision of the current scientific world: on one hand we must not throw with his eyes closed in PubMed and, more generally, among the multitude of materials available: a leap into the unknown, but with a little luck and practice you should be able to find what interests us.

I have done several searches but I want to quote on cadaverine and putrescine .

These two substances were presented to me last year by my Professor of Organic Chemistry, which by the way I remember with pleasure, and their absurd name-say-and their power aroused my curiosity.

Professor told us that these compounds were products of the decomposition of proteins and were lethal.
These substances are released into the rotting flesh, after a few hours of death.
So if you withdraw from a dead body and injected into another, the other died. A Perfect Murder
because cadaverine and putrescine would be formed in the new dead and they would mix with those placed first, leaving no trace.

I searched on PubMed and the Web study, but unfortunately I did.
But in doing this research I discovered that these substances are among those responsible for halitosis.

If you are interested, this is the ' article .

This disease is caused usually by the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth that produce, among other substances, including cadaverine and putrescine, which "give" the odor to breath.

For those interested in the subject, decomposition and the like, I recommend a book "cue. The curious lives of cadavers" by Mary Roach, a journalist who told his brilliant research on cadavers donated to science in the U.S..
E'interessantissimo and very well written: they are perfectly proportioned irony and scientific information.

Monday, April 27, 2009

루이스 구조 Clf2


foto presa dal sito della Camera

Stasera da Gad Lerner si parlava di Di Pietro.
Una parola che è ricorsa continuamente è stata "giustizialismo". Siccome sono puntiglioso e mi sentivo toccato dove duole sono andato innanzitutto a controllare la definizione corretta del termine. Non si sa mai, ci si potrebbe sempre confondere...

Il buon De Mauro recita:

1 TS polit., dottrina e prassi politica che ispirarono il governo dell'uomo politico argentino Juan Domingo Perón (1895-1974), caratterizzate da un acceso nazionalismo e da un programma di riforme sociali con spunti anarchici e corporativi; estens., atteggiamento o movimento politico populistico e antiparlamentare
2 CO nel linguaggio giornalistico e politico, tendenza a utilizzare la magistratura come strumento per conseguire obiettivi politici

Non sono uno studioso di storia. Non conosco Peron. So a malapena che su sua wife has written a musical. It 's true, I'm ignorant, but those who spoke for Lerner are perhaps even more than me, because the words used inappropriately. But back to the point: I doubt that Peron has to do something with it. I doubt also that we can even remotely support that Di Pietro has anti-parliamentarian attitudes. Populists, according to some.
But I feel I can say that the term "justicialism" was used in transmission within the meaning number 2, saying that Di Pietro is one who wants to use the judiciary (and the courts and processes) as a tool to achieve political objectives.


In my opinion, saying that criminals should stay in jail is not justicialism. It 's the basis of legality. The very foundation of the minimum, without which we can no longer say that there is justice (for men) in our country. If political objective means of making offenders go to jail, well, 'then I think a more than legitimate policy objective and that, necessarily, must pass for the judiciary to be realized. But there is a

I doubt not that those who accuse Di Pietro justicialism actually think that criminals should stay in jail there?? Or at least some offenders against whom Di Pietro rages?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mera Naam Joker Hot Secne Only


Dear colleagues,
I am surprised that none of you has bothered yet to speak of vespasiano /orinatoio/pisciatoio (chiamatelo un po'come vi pare!) di Viale Pieraccini .
Quindi ho preso la parola.
Non mi dite che non l'avete mai notato, che non avete mai assistito all'indecente spettacolo di un caro vecchietto che continua il suo bisogno incurante di te, che stai mangiando, felice e beato, la brioche di prima mattina, e ti concedi una sorta di passeggiata prima di finire al Cubo?
Emana un odore repellente ed è l'anti- igienicità allo stato puro e, da notare, è alle porte di Careggi !
Un minimo di civiltà: ci sentiamo so over the parts, so civilized and forward, but we are not able to eliminate what's negative educational impact in the city, in a busy street like that.
Let's take a nice picture of progress.

But is not the fault of the individual who receives the service, but who allows it.
There are no public toilets in Florence.

I dare not imagine the amount of bacteria / amoeba / protozoa that are happily lambing while we pass undisturbed nearby.

cholera, where? Near Careggi .
Obviously this is a paradoxical example, thankfully, but what irritates me is the beginning and the hypocrisy that they are around certain things.

We complain and outraged with all the ease of this world against people who smear the walls and doors of beautiful buildings with spray cans and can not do it, but we all able to use this urinal: If c ' is in use, is legal.

fine example.

Now, I'm not a deranged woman who has nothing to think about anything else ... there are other real problems of Italy and also in Florence, but I deemed it appropriate to devote a post to my indignation.
all. Express yourself, if you have it!

If it interesting to someone else maybe you could make a petition, but in short, maybe you have not even noticed, and if you've noticed, maybe it has not bothered enough.

Nauseous Dizzy Stinky Pee

3 rd Assignment: Cultivating connections

This article has the ability to not leave anyone indifferent, something that should not be underestimated.
At the same time send a multitude of stimuli that are difficult to manage and direct to a single thesis.
I shall follow the issues that I have been most affected.

Firstly I can not be so pessimistic about our society. The good news is, the difficulty is to know to see.
I recognize that this "has the inability to grasp the value of the new" but I do not feel I have to give tutta la colpa alla scolarizzazione: il nuovo ha sempre creato disagio e non accettazione anche in società "primitive", intendendo come tali le società non "sopraffatte" dalla scolarizzazione.
Lo smarrimento e il timore che accompagna questo tipo di passaggio è insito nell'uomo e la Scuola, benché arma potentissima, non è in grado di combatterlo: magari potesse farlo.
Con questi presupposti riconosco però che la rigidità sia assolutamente negativa.

Il sistema di Istruzione/formazione è una cosa viva in quanto ha le caratteristiche che il Professore considera peculiari per la vita, e che io condivido: "ha capacità autogenerative ed è in grado di impiegare i propri componenti per trasformare o costruire nuovi componenti".
La Scuola essendo fatta di persone, le stesse che stanno dietro ad un nick , per definizione è un qualcosa, un'istituzione è riduttivo, di basilare e di potenzialmente potente.
Il problema però solo gli stessi individui che da una parte le danno vita e dall'altra uccidono parte del senso di tutto questo terreno che non è sterile, ma potrebbe essere molto più fecondo.

Sinceramente non riesco a concepire l'idea di apprendimento trasversale. Nei prossimi giorni leggerò "Lettera a una professoressa" ma per adesso rimango scettica. Non conoscendo a fondo il tipo di insegnamento non posso give me a real vision about it, but at least I can say that now, with my pattern of thinking and that "Anything 'other' which fortunately is not within the scheme, I can not imagine this kind of learning.
Let me explain.
The school, in my opinion, must be hierarchical, at least at first.
The task of the young is rather to learn from the adult who understands more than he did, for a variety of reasons.
Any kind of knowledge, the most practical and everyday to the most refined, must be submitted in order to be received.

The problem lies in the means of passing on of this information.
learning course depends on the intention and the attention of those who give and those who receive, but it is the giver who has the ability to model the receiver to learn.

The curiosity of the boy in the rule should be stimulated from the outside so that the stimulus is transformed in the midst of new learning. The boy has exceptional sensitivity and ability to find itself in sense and reason of internal and external search.

Unfortunately I think I can say in the ranks of those so-called "normal", whose curiosity is stimulated by someone over who is able to feel that he "understood" if not all, that is impossible, at least something di complesso da raggiungere, e che è in grado in aiutarti a farlo a tua volta.

Senza volerlo sono giunta a parlare del Maestro, dell'anziano che ti prende per mano senza che tu te ne renda conto e che al momento giusto ti lascia percorrere la strada che da oscura e priva di significato è diventata, per la tua percezione, una danza di vita.

Questo è ciò che si spera di trovare all'interno della classe, noi nostalgici. E'raro, ma anche lì si può trovare il Maestro. L'obiettivo verso cui dovrebbe mirare l'istruzione dovrebbe essere proprio questo,ma proprio nel momento in cui le mie dita stanno scrivendo, la ragione mi riporta sulla terra e mi dice che è pura utopia: ad ognuno il His Master.

that the professor talk about PLE as a kind of teacher that you create?
might be a possibility.
Potentially, it strikes me, but they are too much (or too little?) share and educated to believe in full.

Regarding the Internet, and the life that flows into it, I realize that learning is a means of uplifting at the same time, dispersive.
As we established connections between network nodes, can only be considered good practice and training, to understand the importance of all this there must be, in my opinion, something real, breathing that can make you appreciate the button and make life andare oltre la freddezza dello schermo.
Io, da retrograda, vedo il Maestro, il mio Mastro in qualcuno che mi insegna a guardare negli occhi,nel cui sguardo riesco a vedere gli anni e i pensieri che lo hanno accompagnato, che con la sua esperienza mi mette davanti la vita in modo che io possa capire, con lui, ma da sola, l'importanza dei rapporti umani, della modulazione della voce e che mi insegna con semplicità a vivere là fuori, cosa che lui lo sa fare ed io ancora no.

Là, dietro lo schermo , tra le righe di un libro e nei silenzi di una scena cinematografica ci possono stare dei mezzi, degli aiuti a capire.
I più fortunati già da soli capiscono l'importanza di tutto questo. Io, forse,ho avuto più fortunate to have a teacher who gave me the need to understand my path and the keys to follow it's up to me in tracing them. "The seeds of the new sprout when the soil is ready to welcome them": it will take time.

But whatever means are convinced that there is real need someone to give them to you, so you become a master of your time for someone else. Nietzsche said "there's nothing to do: every teacher has only one student, and this becomes unfaithful because he too is destined to become a Master."
For now I do not know the possibility of teachers are not true, but not prevent it.
I think it's just more have a real education.

The ultimate goal is still learning to walk in the woods just do not forget that the inner search is more constructive.

add that I lose myself in the Net: the Masters, the respective Network, as Delicius are useful, but if I had not had the school, with transportation, and Master, with the solutions, I would lose too 'I, as yet I do.
Education creates doubt and question the knowledge.

I live in a really quite small, but the sense of community is disappearing. In this vortex I still have the chance to talk to older people and also of keeping them: their nodes are closer than ours.
One of these elders told me that "man is the only animal that destroys the natural environment." At first this statement seems right but my thinking went that destroy only the physical environment. Now I can say that the natural environment of man are the goals and the reality of the street blogoclasse , and somehow we must stop the destruction process and continue to cultivate those connections real and virtual. The ideal is balance, as always.

conclude by saying that learning to use the Internet need something: if I had not been to school I would post some questions to be explored in Network and I would not be able to find new and exciting.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Famous Hispanics Quote


a bit of time I decided to write a post on the donation of blood and, knowing that I will not say anything new and illuminating I will try to say my opinion about it.
I believe that this practice, widely publicized, has not entered with "arrogance" in the lives of most of the population enjoys good health.
For myself, I know very few people who donate, many do not consider the least the possibility and not assessing its importance.
blogoclasse I hope that in the environment of the situation is somewhat different, in fact I am sure, but I put a poll on your relationship with your donation.
The reason I did is because when we are faced with a question, ponder.

E'normale that reflection leads to the evaluation of their behavior and perhaps this may trigger something.
I want to emphasize that I did not quote to make you feel guilty about those who do not give, nor to feel better than those who do not.
might think that the articles written on topics of this type have as their goal to feel my conscience is clear: I do not think so.
not worth the consequential "if I give more then they are good and good for you."
In fact, in my opinion, the simple act of giving is an act of civil, common sense, is not heroic to give a practical example is how to call 118 if you are in front of an accident.
In my mind, the mechanism is much the same.
"I'm healthy and well, me I do all this if my blood marrow may very well play it quickly, while the other can not? ".
I get, as I call 118: in both cases does not cost me anything.
I think it should be mandatory to donate, if you have the requirements.
Donated blood is key to the so-called "multiple transfusions" or patients with leukemia, thalassemia, haemophilia, liver disease and various anemias, but also for direct transplants.
We currently depend on foreign and since
blood is a good renewable seems almost paradoxical to be self-sufficient.

Of course I hope that someone decides to donate after responding to a trivial question.
I want to clarify that the reasons that prompted me to write a post on this subject was the news some time ago on artificial blood, which all have heard.
If you have not done click here.
However, in short "a British research center has promised over three years will be developed artificial blood".
's news to itself is formidable.
Just a moment, though, to realize that behind such a brilliant discovery, there are a number of logistical issues but also economic.
Who knows how much this will cost blood bionic?
And who knows how long a resource will be used in our hospitals?
Maybe when we are already retired.
So, why wait on our hands with these 3 or more years?
Just find some time: the Cube is in front of the plate Services, but in every hospital there is the Blood Transfusion Centre.
I have waited a long time before donating: no agofobica-exist? - Nor particularly fond of my blood a little the we-all! - , but between one thing and another, while Having always had a desire to donate, I decided to do only a few months ago, after having sent a lot of times.
I hope my voice will be heard at least, if not heard: "Be the change you wish in the world" Gandhi.
I invite you to leave your opinions and experiences.
Surely some of you will be part of an association di donatori, può gentilmente spiegarmi le differenze che ci sono con chi non è iscritto, ma comunque dona?

P.S: Non mi tornano due cose sui requisiti per i donatori:
  • Peso maggiore di 50 Kg. Se uno è 50 Kg ma è molto basso perchè non dovrebbe donare? Andrebbe considerato il rapporto peso/altezza;
  • Bisogna essere maggiorenni per donare, ma perchè si può guidare il motorino a 14 anni? Assurdo. Magari dipenderà dalla sviluppo, ma penso che in linea di massima a 16 anni si sia già sviluppati e maturi(in teoria) per decidere cosa fare del proprio sangue.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maizemeal Cornmeal Difference

Abbiamo bisogno di Radio Londra?

le radio di una volta
The information in Italy is worth. If one still does not think so, I think it's impossible to make him see the reality, apparently lives in a parallel mental reality, in which MPs are honest people, journalists are independent and there is organized crime.

Who has not turned off the brain should instead, just for the sake of contradiction, and listen to Marco Travaglio Beppe Grillo. Listen. Do not drink. Listen, reflect and evaluate. The information for Labor and Grillo sull'asservimento information to political-economic (cheaper than political) Italian are distressing.
I have seen on TV by Grillo D'Amico Exit. I do not care about the controversy "heard so-adversarial no. "I do not care about the susceptibility of the guests who have felt belittled by the fact that Grillo did not want to listen to their ... ... their arguments, say so. Instead pisses me off like a snake that rightly Grillo complaint the next day on his blog :

"..." people mentioned "that did not even dare to mention. All the media reported the escape of Grillo (...) No one has reported the names of "people mentioned." The unmentionable. La Repubblica yesterday in a short article, he wrote a violent attack Grillo. Without specifying against whom, why, with reference to such facts. In the program I mentioned samples of the Italian economy. Managers Wanted. Colaninno, Geronzi, Ligresti, Scaroni. "

The same celebrities who so often heard in Report. Those for which you are saving more bankrupts or apply changes to planning regulations to remedy the abuses of building speculators.

And those who spread the news in Italy?
Report Milena Gabanelli
Riccardo Iacona
Marco Travaglio ( on his blog and in AnnoZero )
Beppe Grillo


Marco Travaglio echoes Grillo on his blog when he speaks of the genesis of Forza Italy . We are still in 1993, Berlusconi has not yet stato due volte Presidente del Consiglio, non ha ancora fatto tutte le leggi che sappiamo...

" una conferenza stampa in quei giorni a Torino, al Lingotto, io gli chiesi se era vero che Craxi avesse partecipato a queste riunioni e lui, invece di rispondermi, mi disse "si vergogni di farmi questa domanda". Era una conferenza stampa: in un altro paese immagino che tutti i giornalisti avrebbero rifatto la stessa domanda fino a ottenere la risposta, invece i colleghi, che sono quelli che fanno parte del codazzo, che sono ormai quasi di famiglia per lui, mi guardarono come dire: "ce lo disturbi, così ci rimane male, ci rimane storto per tutta la giornata". Io mi ritirai in buon ordine, non conoscendo queste usanze altamente democratiche."

Chi è che in Italia ci parla di collusione fra Forza Italia e criminalità organizzata? Chi è che denuncia i problemi di una finanza che truffa i cittadini? Chi è che racconta la tragedia dei "derivati" che metteranno in ginocchio l'amministrazione pubblica italiana? Chi è che racconta il mondo dei precari? Chi parla della ricerca che scappa all'estero?
Sono sempre loro.
Finché durano sono loro.

Oggi fa scalpore l'ennesima gaffe di Berlusconi a proposito dei terremotati "in campeggio per il fine settimana". Mi sono ascoltato il testo integrale e, sinceramente, non è quella gran gaffe che sostengono i quotidiani di tutto il mondo... ah, già, perché è all'estero che questa notizia ha fatto scalpore, mica in Italia!
Guardate qua:
Telegraph, El Pais, Le Figaro, Spiegel, El Mundo, riportano una notizia che in Italia non c'è. Semplicemente non c'è. Neanche sui giornali dell'opposizione! Se ne parla solo su Google News, giustamente a proposito della polemica internazionale. Non è che la notizia in sé ci interessi, no. Ci interessa solo che dall'estero ci danno addosso e se qualcuno si pronuncia, è per insorgere strenuo in difesa del premier, vedi Messaggero e fonti ufficiali dello Stato.

E Here we return to the license application.
During the Second World War, Italy was ruled by Benito Mussolini. I do not want to make comparisons. It 's a simple fact. The media were controlled by the regime's propaganda, the one that mocks so well with his Corrado Guzzanti Fascists on Mars. If an Italian wanted to hear a bell had a different tune at night, secretly of course, on Radio London that transmitted information in Italian on the international situation. He thought foreign to give the Italians a bit 'of information not controlled by Italian power.
They had their own interests, of course. England was at war with Fascist Italy and this was a great way to fight fascism fomentando l'opposizione al regime e la Resistenza dei partigiani. Nessuno fa niente per niente. Ma dal mio punto di vista facevano bene.

Abbiamo di nuovo bisogno di questo?
Dobbiamo di nuovo rincorrere la stampa estera per capire che cosa succede in Italia?
Da 15 anni Internazionale fa proprio questo: ci offre in italiano estratti dalla stampa estera, su argomenti di attualità e sull'Italia.
E lo fa ancora, stando in Italia.

E poi c'è la rete. Ci sono i blog, ci sono le piccole realtà di informazione parallela, spesso gestite da privati in prima persona ma che in molti casi sono fondamentali per far girare le notizie. Cercate su un motore di ricerca la chiave "berlusconi camping" and you will see that in Italy the news has circulated mainly on private sites.

In short, the answer to my question, for now, is "maybe not". We still have a television (only one!) That houses three programs, in fact two and a half (okay Travaglio, but just can not stand Santoro, sorry) very important, and we have the Internet on which Travaglio, Grillo, and many others may still speak ... at least until the gag law on "online publications" will not be properly prepared and then approved, perhaps even without much fanfare the opposition, which in this case has already given rise to extreme concern.

Personally I try not to miss an episode of Report and I are in writing, via RSS, blogs Travaglio and Grillo. And on my
blogghettino nerd I try to do a little 'ping-pong ...

... and will also bounce this cartoon, my friend Fabio Lai , because I really think you deserve!