On April 6, 2009 near L'Aquila, in Abruzzo, there has been a fairly strong earthquake.
At four in the morning my wife and I have received a telephone call in-laws, L'Aquila, which warns us "not to worry," that "were all good," that there was a strong shock, but the damage to Fortunately they were not significant.
One receives a phone call at four in the night, was heard to say "no worries" and, of course, immediately began to worry. It is good!
But let's step back.
L'Aquila is a (pleasant?) Cities of Italy. And 'city Art is a university city, is home to an important school of the Guardia di Finanza and is also the capital of the region of Abruzzo. Quell'Abruzzo that when I was a child still at school called "Abruzzi e Molise" even though they had already separated the two regions for some time.
As the Abruzzo region was little known to most people, so L'Aquila city was not well known. I've known for a boy with my parents spent a month's vacation in the mountains of Abruzzo. It was then that I saw in person the famous fountain of 99 spouts that was always shown every time there was talk of L'Aquila on any text, school or not. So I, as a boy, I knew more or less exactly where is the Eagle. The rest of my friends and acquaintances do not. For them, L'Aquila was an abstract concept, a city (probably) who was in some undefined place in the area bounded by Lazio, Marche, Campania and Puglia. The Abruzzo region as usual was not recalled. The eagle was often identified as a city "near Rome" or "near Naples." Aquila's speech (which, in time, I learned) was regularly mistaken for Roman, or more frequently, Naples. A L'Aquila
I found a wife. Or rather, before I found (elsewhere) and then I discovered that it was de L'Aquila. From our first met I started learning more about the city and its surroundings, its inhabitants from the very special character, the tastes, traditions and concerns of the younger generation. And despite all my knowledge of L'Aquila was still very early.
few years later we married and I have thus acquired a new family Abruzzo, huge for my standards and not so large for them. Weddings in Abruzzo. For me it was the size of an international convention, but for them it was perhaps a little 'resigned.
Then came the earthquake.
now everyone has heard of L'Aquila. I do not know how many have actually learned where it is, but at least you no longer feel say "huh?" When you say that your wife is L'Aquila. Now I respond "really?" And with eyes wide. L'Aquila now exists in the collective, although there is much less than before in the concreteness of facts.
For a few weeks after the "strong blow" to the earthquake, in L'Aquila, there was a veritable procession of politicians, religious artists. The televisions have made special investigations.
Then the noise has been reduced.
After exactly one month after the earthquake, only Bruno Vespa urged to bring guests on this painful topic to try to unpick them more money for reconstruction.
Now if anyone wants to know something about the earthquake, the only source of information is the network. The television and newspapers are too busy to talk about the girlfriends of the premier and the upcoming elections.
Be ', my dear (four) readers, the scoop is this:
Although not talk about it anymore, the situation is far from resolved!
There is an entire city, plus a large number of villages in the surrounding is completely displaced.
Even if you are fit for use can not come home yet, partly because the orders come out a little 'time and a number unique to each property (still very few compared to the total number) partly because the aftershocks continue and people have a fifa blue! He is afraid to return home and contend falling apart because the swarm has not yet stopped and many people expect to do so only after giving another "strong blow", as seems to have already happened in the past (if you're curious, take a trip on Wikipedia http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/L% 27Aquila and read the section "The earthquakes in the history of ' Aquila ").
There are sixty thousand people accommodated in tent camps and hotels on the Adriatic coast. Some have sought alternative accommodation, renting a house or going elsewhere in other cities as guests of friends and relatives. All the old town of L'Aquila is the "red zone" is reached only escorted by the police or fire departments. All businesses, offices, schools, everything that was inside the city center there now. At best, remains "suspended" until the center is made safe and that we can enter freely again, but it is obvious that for shops and catering this is a lethal blow.
currently lack the stable, which are damaged, mancano i lavoratori, che sono sfollati, e mancano anche i clienti, che sono sfollati anch'essi. L'Aquila è una città svuotata. Tipo le "ghost town" dei film western, ma molto più bella e ricca e tristemente desolata.
Per assorbire il colpo, rimettersi in piedi e ricominciare a vivere normalmente a L'Aquila serviranno molti anni. Per ora non abbiamo neanche iniziato. Per ora si è pensato a dare una sistemazione di sopravvivenza per tutti, e non è poco, anzi, è moltissimo per chi si è ritrovato dalla sera alla mattina senza casa, senza lavoro, a volte anche senza alcune loved ones. But it's nothing, I repeat, NOTHING to restart.
The government has prepared a decree. Someone called the decree "abracadabra". I tried to read it and I was very, very, puzzled. This decree is now passing through Parliament for its approval. During this process were presented the amendments. To keep the wire I'd need a Parliamentary good, honest, diligent and practical laws. Practically impossible to achieve. From L'Aquila
an initiative was launched. It's called "One hundred%. It 's a petition addressed to parliament to ask, the occasion of the discussion of this decree, which is guaranteed a total reconstruction, with full transparency and full participation of local people.
If you want, you can also join online at: http://www.100x100aq.org/
A quick paste the signature form in this blog.
you can do it, if you think it's worth it.
's just a gesture, to begin with. Then you will need to do much more.
In closing: Tuesday, May 30, there will be a demonstration in L'Aquila to request the reopening of the city center. The
G8 is around the corner, the police are under pressure for some time, the displaced people now live for two months in extreme conditions.
I hope with all my heart that this event be successful, it is a peaceful path of vindication and affirmation, and should not enter in the news for reasons far more sad. I am very nervous about this. We hope that nothing bad happens.
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