Thursday, December 17, 2009

Non Irritant Anti Perspirant

The dust that has invaded my blog, and this disturbs me.

not exceed either one of the desk, nor on the books of Biochemistry, nor that of the mailbox, or one that is accumulating on me. But that

el blog in any way I want to fix it.
remains my blog, even if the bird in the background is ugly and I never liked it.

In reality more than dust would call it ice, is more uniform, compact, slippery and treacherous dust.
Ice is transparent, you are attacking him without that we look, it's just a bit 'cooler.
The ice makes you fall in the street. All

diversity becomes even under a thin layer of ice.

This winter is taking its fair share of ice for everyone.
With me it was very generous.
Thanks Winter.
And you have yet to come.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Type Of Engineer Designs Cars

E poi mi sveglio tutto sudato

Yeah ... sometimes it is nice to dream ... I wonder if you realize

just a snippet of what I wrote?

Baby Tattoos With Wings


I enjoy because I'm happy.

I'll settle for a million people (and perhaps even more) that since nothing has been spilled into the streets to say to our Prime Minister: "resign", "without trial."
An event not called by parties, not called by trade unions ... which says a lot about how parties and unions are made today and how low-cut by the company, whose instances are now no more representation.

Dear gentlemen, the people who are scesa in piazza il 5 dicembre scorso voleva dirvi una cosina, una sola, semplice, se volete addirittura banale: non vogliamo essere governati dai delinquenti!
Quindi, cari signori, decidete un po' da che parte stare, perché oggi abbiamo assunto consapevolezza di esserci, di saperci organizzare anche senza di voi e che voi siete stati assolutamente incapaci di rapportarvi a noi.

Godo perché ho sfilato all'interno di una manifestazione composta, serena, dignitosamente incazzata, composta da una marea di giovani ma anche di tanti signori come me, di una certa età, di una certa onestà, che si sono rotti le scatole di vedere che in parlamento conta solo chi ha avuto almeno un avviso di garanzia.

Godo perché mi aspetto che adesso, di quel milione di persone, almeno poche migliaia sparse in tutta Italia cominceranno ad organizzarsi perché tutto questo non vada perso. Quelli che hanno organizzato i pullman, quelli che hanno fatto i banchetti ed i volantinaggi, quelli che hanno scritto sulla rete per chiamare alla partecipazione, tutta questa gente che ha dedicato un po' del proprio tempo a far sì che la manifestazione riuscisse: tutti loro hanno visto chiaramente che avevano ragione a darsi da fare, ad impegnarsi, e che se si muovono loro allora si muovono un sacco di persone.

Godo perché sogno un parlamento in cui il popolo viola riesce ad infiltrarsi, un po' per volta, prima uno, due, poi qualcuno di più, e piano piano far fuori le cariatidi del potere, quelli che sono eletti e rieletti da una vita perché controllano i partiti (e magari perché sono collusi con la malavita organizzata).

Ieri ho scritto su Facebook: io non voglio essere governato da dei delinquenti, Berlusconi o altri che siano!

E mi sono obiettato da solo: ma come fai a dire che Berlusconi è un delinquente?

E, ovviamente, mi sono anche risposto: non sta a me dirlo! Lo deve dire la magistratura, che è l'ente preposto a questo. Quindi, visto che la magistratura qualche doubts have it, let it free to do his job. We carry out 'sti cabbage processes Berlusconi and then let's put where it deserves, will decide where to put the judiciary.

Now it's time to plan.
must think about how to consolidate the protest, which clearly revealed by the company. You have to think
to maintain and enrich the network of contacts that has been created around the event.
We need to start thinking about tomorrow, you can spend a lifetime demonstrating just because you get tired and then spring. No, you have to think in more concrete ways to intervene in society to ensure that the protagonists of this new energy find themselves seeing protest made, at least in part, their goals.
A network that aims to train a new political class, a new team of public administrators, disconnected from the old rulers, but able to study the problems, devise solutions and make choices.

We need counselors, district councilors, mayors, governors of the region, there are parliamentary. This is laying the groundwork for the replacement of a mammoth bureaucracy. You can not think of doing it in a day and you can not think of doing without specific skills: We need laboratories public administration where to begin to shape our future leaders purple, that does not take bribes, not tarot contracts, which does business with organized crime, that does not feel compelled to please the big industry, the remnants of nobility, masonry ...

... to put it in one word: a generation of honest people who administer public affairs honestly, without private purposes or shameful skeletons in the closet.

It will take decades at least, and we have against everyone: all those who have power in hand now. All tell of being masters of exemplary honesty (Berlusconi in the first place), but all are where they arrived as part of this system of division.

will be a long battle and learn, but if we do say we have made a full revolution! And maybe we'll even

the tricolor listing violates a third republic!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thick Lotion Like Discharge After Ovulation

Anticorpi democratici - 3

We were talking about Berlusconi ...

Paradoxically, the greatest exponent of this system is doing the worst possible service to the system because of its boldness and stubbornness: many people start to get bored of its excesses, there is no figure in the political system that is opposed to this so seriously to do (except maybe Peter, but also on him are been raised many doubts, rightly or wrongly) and decides to sever the umbilical cord with the old party system, based on a delegation to their white leader, starting to think for themselves and make their own decisions: where go and find information, exchange news and views with like-minded people, how to organize an opposite effect to this fake democratism oligarchy.

- the first antibody of true democracy in this

The network was essential. With the spread of the Internet more and more people have decided to create a website, where to put personal information, list their passions, but also where make available to others their own specific skills and where to find equally skilled partners and lovers, who in everyday life it is hard to find. This applies to the leisure, hobbies, and for information, news of all kinds.
After an initial period of low prevalence, which was mainly populated by nerds, the network has slowly become a place of public domain where the individual may become extremely visible even with little means. First, following the newsgroups and forums are places where opinions are compared. On the blog you expose what you think. Word of mouth is raised to the system until the advent of social networking.

Online you will find hospitality e successo personaggi che nel "mondo reale" vengono emarginati dal sistema di potere. Beppe Grillo col suo blog diventa un caso dirompente. Sulle sue pagine (ma anche sul proprio blog) trova visibilità Marco Travaglio. Molti altri giornalisti non allineati trovano nella rete il canale per comunicare con persone che desiderano disperatamente un altro modo di fare informazione. Chi riesce a trovare un blog interessante lo segnala ai suoi amici. Il tam-tam degli utenti non è mai stato così potente ed efficace. Internet rende estremamente facile la comunicazione ed amplifica gli effetti del pensiero indipendente.

- dal virtuale al reale, il cerchio si chiude

La combinazione di frustrazione verso i partiti politici e gli organi information, searching for something alternative network, then end up with a return to the "real" life: Marco Travaglio stakeholders is to establish a new daily paper, based on the knowledge of having already on a "hard core" of players it follows from the blog and can not wait to get my hands on a paper different from others. Beppe Grillo launched the initiative of civil lists, stressing that civil society must get involved in the first person to get rid of the parasitic system of political parties. Thanks to its support and network response you get good results at local and European elections. Now is launching a movement to introduce in the next election for regions.

last in order of time, but perhaps more importantly, the demonstration of the Day No Berlusconi This time there is a charismatic figure like Grillo Travaglio or dragging the ground. This time the mass has moved on its own, astounding even those early bloggers that, after the Constitutional Court ruling on the Lodo Alfano, had planned to launch an initiative to request the resignation of Prime Minister. Open a group on Facebook is something that does not cost anything, so much so that if they are many frivolous way, but this time there were people interested and motivated, so much so that in a short time the membership fee on FB has received more than 350 thousand .

From the Net up the road may be harder than expected to join something online does not cost anything, just one click, back up your ass and go to Rome to attend an event is already something more concrete.
course, still not enough. Not enough: if the problem of our pseudo-democratic system is that the population does not use enough and your brain does not move quite the ass, a demonstration is not enough to change things.
But meanwhile, you can take note of the fact that a party does not need to hold an event (with all due respect Mrs. Finocchiaro). Then find out how much Italy is moving against those 350 thousand accessions virtual and will be a challenge interessante.
Poi, soprattutto, la rete di persone che si è organizzata per noleggiare pullman, montare palchi, gestire interventi, organizzare il servizio d'ordine e la comunicazione, dal 6 dicembre si troverà con molti più contatti rispetto a prima, con un precedente di autoorganizzazione e magari con il gusto e la voglia di continuare a farlo.

- dove andremo a finire?

Qualche giorno fa ho scritto sul mio profilo FB che "un nuovo barlume di speranza sta nascendo in me".
Forse sto caricando eccessivamente di significati questo evento. Però, con i miei trascorsi politici, la militanza giovanile in un partito dell'estrema sinistra, il sogno della rivoluzione democratica, la delusione and frustration in daily contact with people who do not want to hear, not want to see, do not want to think about ... Upon release, all because I was convinced that there was more hope that people get up and head light the brain, now I begin to see something move. When I was a Trotskyite
my party was fighting like a lion trying to reach the roof of a thousand members. I am sure that today, 350 thousand among those who clicked "become a fan" there are certainly more than a thousand who would be leaders of a real change in our society.
Someone has already begun to call it the "purple revolution", recalling the color revolutions in other countries.
I do not know if it will be a revolution, I do not know if it can affect short-term policy framework on the Italian, in fact, I think not. But I am convinced that it could be a revolution in the minds of those who have worked hard to organize and advertise the initiative.
I hope strongly that the civil lists of Beppe Grillo, Done by the readers of The Daily, the organizing committee of the No Day Berlusconi began to flourish a new democratic consciousness in people. Antibodies true democrats, for once and for all get rid of the smell of the monarchy, it is overt or covert.


Copycat Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Recipe

Anticorpi democratici - 2

- The age of movements (il'68, the 70s)

missed some step not to bore too much and so I apologize for the excessive synthesis of this point.
The idea is that in the '60s and '70s, there are strong popular movements, student, workers, claiming instances suggest a popular and advancement of democratic conditions in the country, through the awareness of the lower classes and the assertion of their claims.
E 'was an exceptional phase of our history, whose achievements are still some today, but it is also an objective that the political and economic power has made square and used the systems more violent and barbaric to subdue the spirit of the demonstrators. Assisted in this, in my opinion, even by the Left parties and the unions, working full-time movements to harness and ride them, to make the leap and go also to manage their public affairs.
I know that many do not share my position. I repeat that I am shown to better than I'd like, but I can not put me to write a book, we are on a blog (and also very popular!).
The fact that the "peace" back in the country and that many militants defers good, flattered by the parties, poker from power or even satisfied with what they were nevertheless able to achieve. The following years will be sufficiently quiet and calm to bring back many consciences in torpor.

- the false democracy unveiled

It 's time in which begins to take shape a new phenomenon of rampant political partition of malfeasance in public management that will explode a few years later, following the investigations of the pool of "Clean Hands". But what was happening in practice? That employers subsidize the policy to derive economic benefits (you know what a surprise!), That the politicians did favors for friends (you know what a surprise!), Which in the circles of power fucking and blowjob (originali!). Well, simply that the new cast, after some 'time in which it was settled and well-established in its place, had stepped up its corporate interests and lost some' of shame in being your own business.
The king gave assignments to those who wanted him, receiving gifts and making. Corruption was not called because that was how the system works. Politicians have simply learned to do by kings and are nestled comfortably on the throne.
"Clean Hands" uncovers a Pandora's box. It raises the popular indignation of all those honest citizens who took it for granted that even the mighty were fair (poor deluded!). Some new political benefits from it to throw darts, look good and collect votes (Forza Italy and the Lega Nord, in this case).
Birth of the "second republic" that today we can say that again, they were created as the first march. So much so that "the left" of the past no longer exists (transformed in a hybrid Frankenstein former Democrat), who have climbed the mafia and corruption institutions and we got to the point where laws are made to make discounts to mobsters that are dirty from abroad and return capital to clear the corruption trials of some prominent politicians.
The king did not need all this: more than any opponent was imprisoned or executed. But in "democracy" in order to rule the country by corrupt require a constitutional law that enshrines, complete with a blessing of the opposition of "left".

- The role of Berlusconi

Old Democrat leader acted with some class and discretion in dealing with nepotism, patronage, favoritism. Con l'avvento del socialismo craxiano la faccia di bronzo è cresciuta a dismisura, ma ancora la gente era convinta che fossero singoli casi di politici corrotti. Ultimamente, però, gli scandali coinvolgono indistintamente destra e sinistra, rendendo impossibile per il cittadino onesto scegliere serenamente una delle due compagini politiche.
Di Pietro si è dato alla politica evidenziando questa situazione col nome del proprio partito - l'Italia dei Valori - ed ergendosi a paladino della legalità nel cuore del covo del nemico. Gli scandali imperversano, toccando personaggi a prima vista assolutamente integerrimi (vedi caso Marrazzo). Il mondo del giornalismo non ci fa una figura migliore, dimostrando continuamente di essere asservito ad interessi higher.
All this is crowned by the emblematic figure of the "Cav" entrepreneur votatosi policy in a very suspicious smell in collusion with the Mafia, accused of a series of crimes with a common denominator: money. Paid to political parties, hidden abroad, used to bribe witnesses and judges, perhaps emanating from organized crime.
Despite all these shadows, the Cavalier gets great results in the elections, important alliances with parties that until the day before they advertise honesty and fairness as core values, repeatedly fails to take the reins.
Yet something is wrong. Its too much to feel the protagonist, idol, capopopolo, the belief that they can afford everything because "elected by the people" (and here we return to Fuorionda Fini's comments, quoted at the beginning of the previous post) led him to overdo it. Berlusconi is revealing all the limits of Italian democracy precisely because it is perfectly convinced that he can do what they like. Where foreign politicians try to hide even the most maniacally slight trimming of their honor, he reverses the value system and boasts of what it should hide. Brings up the whole rotten system of a faux-democratic, where friends of friends always count more than others and where you do favors, speculation and trumpet as a time when there was the king.

Indeed, he is the king!

In the next (and last?) Bet: the flight on the internet, independent thinking, a return to real life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When Do You Fertilize Apple Trees

Anticorpi democratici - 1

La rivoluzione francese

E 'for a long time that these ideas in my mind, but I never found time to record them with a minimum of order and thoroughness.
In recent days, this need has become urgent in view of the event 5 December: "No Berlusconi Day."
Today, finally, I read the dialogue between Fini and Trifuoggi, a "Fuorionda" about Berlusconi

Trifuoggi: "He was born with a few thousand years of delay, the Roman emperor wanted to do"
Fini: "But I told them ... confuses leadership with absolute monarchy ....

(The Fact Daily, 2/12/2009, page 3)

this exchange has made the move "landslide" of my thoughts, in part because it anticipates my thoughts and in part because it is unintentional confirmation. But the matter is complex and must proceed in stages.
Indeed, let us say in installments. Let's start with the first:

- The power in the history

do not wish to professor of history, a field in which they are poorly shod, but I think we can do a quick summary of the forms of power in our European civilization / West in recent centuries in these terms: before the powers were absolute monarchies, dictatorships, empires. Then came the first card again in the presence of constitutional monarch. Finally, we have established the republics (but some still resist the king or queen).

In absolute regime, the monarch makes virtually whatever it wants, which usually took the form of: extracting wealth to the people doing favors for his friends (parentame, nobility), trumpets a lot of courtesans grant favors in return, to kill whoever was unpleasant, to wars, etc. ...
The circle of those who enjoyed the power of the sovereign was quite restricted: the nobility and courtiers, with few if any religious appendix.

With the rise of the bourgeoisie, the system has had to expand and provide some self-rule, because if the bourgeoisie felt harassed and incited the people killed tyrants. In this way the king has nevertheless continued to fuck like a hedgehog, have her circle of licking, grant favors, but also the upper middle class (much more numerous than the nobility) has had access to the corridors of power. And what has he done? Well, 'what you do with power: they trumpet a bit', you do favors for friends, we are enriched.

disappears when the figure of the monarch, the nobility also be de-legitimized and you must convert to upper middle class (but with the stench in the nose!). Failed the most discretionary power, they begin to believe that the constitutional system now reflects the democratic ideal. But it is not so! In a country with large pockets of poverty, with a school yet to be invented, without utilities, in fact people who have access to the halls of power continue to be few: former nobles and rich merchants. In fact, a caste. But
disguised as democracy! Universal suffrage, even to women (!), Which leads us to believe Now everyone can have their say on the administration of public affairs, through their representatives. But who are these representatives? Always members of the caste of the above: the only ones able to manipulate large segments of civil society to encourage them to vote and to vote on them in particular.
I think the only substantial change in Italy has been the entry of the communists in parliament, but ultimately is not that Gramsci and company were the peons! In order to debating policy in the late nineteenth century, however, had to have some 'family of money, otherwise they should be studying and politic is going to work with children.

What I want to conclude this brief review of pseudo-history? That in the midst of a mass of ignorant, a small circle of wealthy and educated people can manage the power as long as it continues to be a distinct and separate social caste. Increase the nuances rispetto alle vecchie monarchie, si allarga la composizione, ma non si può dire che sia vera democrazia quando i cafoni vanno comunque a votare per il signorotto locale.

Un po' come a Ceppaloni, per capirsi...

Nella prossima puntata: movimenti, terrorismo, il boom economico, il craxismo, Berlusconi... probabilmente ne serviranno un altro paio! Ma seguiteci con fiducia: c'è il lieto fine!!!