Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tropical Exterior House Colors

Il nuovo fumetto di Bonelli parla del terremoto de L'Aquila!

not true. Does not mention it at all. And yet ...

We start from the premise that the Bonelli comics before arriving at newsstands have gestation times from two to four years at least. So there is no doubt that Caravan, the new mini-series of 12 numbers published by Sergio Bonelli Editore, whose first issue was released a few days ago, was conceived, written and drawn much prima che si verificasse il terremoto del 6 aprile scorso nei dintorni del capoluogo abruzzese.
Eppure le somiglianze ci sono, sono tante ed inquietanti. Forse le noto solo io perché sono stato toccato da vicino dal terremoto (amici e parenti) e quindi ho il nervo un po' scoperto... ma leggete il seguito e giudicate voi stessi.

La serie parla di un evento misterioso ed imprevisto che costringe tutta la popolazione di una piccola cittadina a lasciare in fretta e furia le proprie case, senza avere il tempo di prendere con sé più che poche cose indispensabili. Un esodo forzato, controllato dal rigido braccio armato dell'esercito, che costringe nell'immediato i cittadini to live in their cars, waiting for alternative accommodation and driven from unknown.
The personal stories are overwhelmed by the unexpected and a lifetime of citizenship changes, bringing to light hidden aspects of the character of the characters, set in a dramatic way to an uncertain fate and extremely precarious.
The second number in the series, on sale from July 9, will speak to someone who, impatient to order the iron administered by the military, seek to escape their control. We can imagine the dramatic developments of the story.
The third issue of the series, on sale from 11 agosto, parlerà del sindaco della cittadina che decide di capeggiare la rivolta dei cittadini esasperati contro la gestione militare dell'emergenza.

Si tratta di una storia, una narrazione di intrattenimento, l'analogo di un film di azione o di una fiction TV, ma provate ad immaginare come sarebbe il terremoto de L'Aquila se venisse romanzato un po' per farne una trasposizione televisiva. La descrizione sommaria che ho dato sopra dei primi tre episodi potrebbe calzare a pennello, con la sola correzione di sostituire all'esercito l'accoppiata Protezione Civile/Forze dell'Ordine.

Poi, entrando nei dettagli, le differenze ci sono eccome: non c'è terremoto ma un misterioso fenomeno meteorologico che interrompe tutte le linee di comunicazione, non ci sono tendopoli ma una colonna di sfollati in movimento di cui non si sa la destinazione, è ambientato negli Stati Uniti... ma, si sa, la fantascienza utilizzando la metafora ci parla di noi stessi e di casa nostra mentre ci racconta di alieni e viaggi spaziali... o di americani e viaggi misteriosi.

Fra tutti i paragoni che mi sono venuti in mente (e sono tanti!) mi ha fatto sorridere soprattutto l'immagine del sindaco Cialente (o forse calzerebbe meglio la presidentessa della Provincia, Pezzopane?) che affronta di petto il "generale" Bertolaso in tuta mimetica, to claim the right of citizens to be helped Abruzzo honestly and concretely by the State. Just yesterday there was a demonstration in Rome to Abruzzo earthquake which was also attended by politicians from the two mentioned above, while the House is discussing the "Decree Abruzzo," what has been dubbed "Decree Abracadabra" for play money materializes out of thin air, spread over three decades and claiming Derivation from scratch & win.
It seems that all the promises of Berlusconi on the extension and expansion of the protections contained in the decree is not stayed nothing more than hot air. But we are not all that surprised. Who knows how

continue the adventures of our heroes?


Reality 20e% 20Tributi / 2009/06/decreto-abruzzo-aula-camera.shtml

Friday, June 12, 2009

Women In Saree Showing Breasts

Per essere Franchi...

A "sniper" is one who votes in secret is not following the directions of the party.

Yesterday, the House of snipers in the classroom as they voted on the bill, there were no interceptions.

Let's step back and let's figure out what happened: you must vote in the House the bill on wiretapping. The government, which obviously wants to put pressure on parliament, put the confidence or approving, or the government falls. It 'clear that in this context, the compact majority vote in favor.

The PD has requested that the vote by secret ballot. He was granted.

What's the secret ballot at a time like this? Who is in the majority would vote against the bill, and in doing so may not only fail the law but also bring down the government to which it belongs. It would, indeed, a "sniper". It 'clear that this thing can affect only someone who is willing to deliberately bring down the government. But who could it be? I regret AN? The League? Some maverick? It seems to me highly unlikely that some members of the majority, the social and political context of these days, might have an interest to do such a thing.

So why the secret ballot?

The other possibility is that you want to hide the vote are those who do not want the opposition to vote against!
With the ballot, a vote in favor if you see it, you can accuse him. However, with the secret ballot, some "center-left" who does not like the interception he felt free to vote in favor of this law without any hindrance. Who could it have been? For example, someone who has already had problems with interceptions ... do you remember them times Unipol-BNL? Or someone who fears for the future interception ... someone used to doing favors for friends of friends, make such changes to zoning in order to bring entire neighborhoods built illegally ... for example ...

short, if "twenty" circa di deputati dell'opposizione ha votato a favore del ddl sulle intercettazioni, dopo che la stessa "opposizione" ha chiesto di votare a scrutinio segreto, secondo me non si può parlare di franchi tiratori. Si deve parlare invece di politici in odore di illegalità che vogliono tutelare se stessi e riescono a farlo anche pilotando le mosse pubbliche della loro compagine politica: la richiesta, appunto, di voto segreto.
Non sapremo mai chi è stato a votare a favore, di che partito sia, perché l'abbia fatto, ma di certo possiamo dire che non è andato contro le indicazioni del suo partito, perché l'indicazione his party was "voted as you like, so much is secret!"

Among other things, by forcing the trust, these gentlemen were quietly confident that the bill would pass anyway . So could collect the result and also make a good impression clearly voting against. But no. They were so afraid it will not pass that we have put up more votes security.

These are our representatives.
People who are afraid of the "red togas" even when in opposition ...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Best Of The Uk Gay

immortality Network

I turned on the computer without having the slightest intenzione di scrivere un post, ma come potrete notare ho cambiato rotta.
Considerando che i miei neuroni sono in stand-by e che questo sarebbe un momento di riposo dall'embriologia, non garantisco niente.
Prendete un po'quello che mi viene, sempre che vi vada di leggere queste due pensieri buttati là e scritti anche male.
Gli argomenti di cui vorrei parlare sarebbero due, ma forse è meglio "riflettere"solo sul primo.

Domenica il mio caro bel computerino è morto, o meglio, la sua anima è uscita dal corpo.
L'hard disk se ne è andato verso più bei luoghi, mentre le membra sono rimaste in camera mia.
Ed ecco fatto: in un batter d'occhio tutte my stuff written, photographed, downloaded in the past two years have vaporisation.
Why? Because something did not work.
I know bullshit when something does not work in our car, which we ourselves, is clearly much worse, but still want to talk about the monster, technology, which, like everything else, when you want to take away material things which, in a sense, hold a lot.
not want to take the intelligent object that got sick of doing his duty, the idiot just me that I have saved all on an external hard drive or on a wiki page, let alone the same thing that happened to my sister a month ago.

However, and here the eulogy at the Web 2.0, he holds, resistant, tough and does not break. But
is immortal?
Since it was created by us and that nothing enduring can not exist, the answer is certainly not.
The network is a living thing, the Prof told us in "Cultivating Connections", and I can only say that if it's alive can die.
'm not an expert in computer, the beginner and for me having a blog is so much already, and hence, ultimately, the foundations do not know how this amazing thing that will allow contact with the outside anywhere (or almost) you are.

Obviously you can not even predict, although it is very remote and unthinkable, that jumps around.
But it can happen, I guess. For
how it's done, at least outwardly, seems invincible over the Internet to share the opportunities it offers and for the immense size of information, views and contacts who were born there.
E'umano not conceive the idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of black out, in every field, but what if the end coincides with the loss of something that has never been "real" in the sense of tangible, is even more strange.

And here I come to say that would not be a problem.
temples, statues, buildings and the various forms of art were made by man to be looked touch and feel of concrete nell'accezione term.
Internet, when used in a sense, is a set of tools that lead to reflection, to the care and development internal only feed the soul, as do the forms of art, but in a different way.

The rest that is out, the one created by man, must remain, to be kept as long and can not evolve: it always shows the same way (think of a painting) and must reach the most over time because it will certainly something different to say to them, depending on the historical period of personal preference and many other things. The observation, knowledge and experience will come from there other ideas that hopefully will not erase what is stato, ma partano da lì per migliorarsi e per andare avanti. La Rete, invece, è costruita in modo da rinnovarsi e superarsi di attimo in attimo, quasi fosse davvero naturale e non statica, come molte delle cose che noi costruiamo.

E se si rompe,pace: verrà ricostruita meglio, con idee nuove.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How To Remove Baby Mucus

fish cakes and chocolate

Finalmente una torta vera!
Mi sono decisa a fare una Torta, senza la solita attenzione a cercare la meno calorica possibile!
Anche se dove potevo, ho ridotto le dosi.
Sinceramente l'aspetto non è dei migliori, lascia alquanto a desiderare, ma è buonissima!

Quindi se siete depressi da istologia/embriologia, magari indulge a sweet moment of pause, and improvised pastry.
I sometimes need.

still leaves the recipe.

Running time: 1 hour

  • 600 g peaches (I used walnuts, but the same!)
  • 200 g of dark chocolate;
  • 60 g butter (I made 60, although the recipe was written 100 g. It 'a little light, but I do not think you feel the difference);
  • 3 eggs (they wanted 4: see above reason my discount!)
  • 100 g of white sugar;
  • 50 g of flour.
  1. Far scottare le pesche in acqua in ebollizione, per qualche secondo, scolarle e farle raffreddare in acqua fredda. Scolarle di nuovo, privarle della buccia, eliminare il nocciolo e tagliarle a fette abbastanza spesse.
  2. Spezzettare il cioccolato, unire il burro e farli fondere in un tegamino a bagnomaria.
  3. Dividere i tuorli d'uovo dagli albumi. Mettere in una terrina i tuorli, aggiungere lo zucchero e lavorarli fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro e spugnoso; unire la farina setacciata e incorporarla delicatamente.
  4. Montare gli albumi a neve.
  5. Aggiungere al composto il cioccolato e il burro fusi, gli albumi montati a neve e incorporare il tutto con un mestolo Wood, then join the peach slices.
  6. Pour the mixture into a buttered and floured, place it in the oven at 180 ° and bake the cake for 35-40 minutes.
  7. Remove the pan from the oven and serve the sweet, warm, in the same pan.
Good sweet!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ron Pope Free Sheet Music

7 ° Assignment: Poppy, sleep and oblivion

I landed myself on .
As always, the first feeling I see strange things that do not understand is an initial refusal, followed by the strongest curiosity that brings me back then, in this case, the site had closed early because they do not understand anything c'avevo. Then very slowly start
to take its first steps and then, gradually, I run.
My race has led me to find many interesting algorithms, which I think will be useful to first contact with the patient.
We need to build some sort of pattern, precise, accurate, on which then the uncertainty will be inserted in turn.
This system is a kind of balance: to understand the limits of certainty without relying totally or her, or uncertainty.
The speech comes back, is due to the chaos, order, madness and reason.

I felt pretty soon the usefulness of, but not having the necessary tools to do a search in the medical field, pretty decent, I tried something totally inutile: ricondurre attraverso l'esame delle urine se un paziente ha abusato di semi di papavero e quindi si è intossicato.
La ricerca è un po'sulla solita linea d'onda di quella che feci su PubMed riguardo alla cadaverina e la putrescina: a prima vista sembra inutile, ma poi non è così, almeno per me!
Avremo le orecchie piene di malattie comuni o meno comuni (non vedo l'ora!), ma appunto il bello sta nei casi meno comuni: l'incertezza dà il brivido.
Per adesso non siamo in grado di costruirci un solido bagaglio di esperienza, almeno all'interno dell'università, e quindi le cose diverse bisogna un po'inventarsele!

Inserisco un breve passo tratto dal libro"I paradisi della droga", the heading "What are the drugs" of Nedd Willard explains that at the elementary level as the products are various kinds of drugs, in this case, opioids.
The book does not think that is still published.

"... When you scratch the capsule of the poppy flower or practice is an incision, leaving a resin paste: opium.
In this form it can be eaten raw, or drink, or smoke. The extraction procedures in order to obtain morphine and another powerful product, heroin. Whatever their form, the overall effects of these substances remain roughly the same. Opium and opiates calm and suppress the pain, and relieve anxiety. The mechanism of their effects is poorly known. They seem to exert a sedative effect on certain regions of the central nervous system and thus tends to reduce hunger, thirst, fear and pain. they do not seem to diminish the ability of everyone to work, or to react in different situations in different experiments. "

That said, just to bring to mind the subject, declare that I have chosen this theme because maybe could happen the case of a child who ingested poppy seeds and has certain symptoms explained in the algorithm.
Just to remember: I do not know how many gems from small poppy I opened to see if the flower would be born red or not! (Actually, I think the lighter ones were simply younger. That was cruel.)
Me I'll be eaten someone, even if I removed!
However what I am talking about is I was Papaver somniferum, which grows in our lawns, even if the substances are the same, but present in smaller quantities.
However, the poppy, the magic flower, has the power to attract with its almost transparent fading.

If you are interested go to and, after joining, write poppy.
The page is the first I've seen (there are only two items that come from research!)
I provato a mettere il link all'articolo, ma non si può: è necessaria la registrazione a