When I was a child I was naive, like all children. Indeed, no, I was even more naive than the average.
My buddies and they were playing soccer fans. I did not play a calcio perché non mi riusciva. Avevo i cosiddetti "piedi a banana": colpivo la palla per mandarla a destra ed andava a sinistra. Il risultato era ovvio: quando si facevano le squadre per giocare in cortile, io ero sempre l'ultima scelta e puntualmente venivo messo in porta per limitare i danni.
Per questi motivi il calcio non mi piaceva, né da giocatore né da spettatore. Non avevo una squadra preferita e non seguivo i risultati delle partite, ma questo mi rendeva "diverso" rispetto ai miei compagni di scuola e di giochi: quando mi chiedevano "tu per chi tifi?" io rispondevo che non mi interessava e loro mi coprivano insults.
Thus - and here we return in theme with today's post - that I decided I need a "team of the heart" that cheer, like all other children.
Scelsi Juventus. Chose it for two reasons: first, I liked the shirt in black and white stripes (the colors I've always had little familiarity, are more the type of drawing) and the second is ; that Juve won! Easy, right? Having to root for someone, might as well do it for a winner. Or at least I thought so then.
I was really naive! So naive as to not realize that you have chosen as "favorite team" quella più odiata dai miei amichetti, tutti rigorosamente "viola DOCG". Quando qualcuno di loro mi chiese nuovamente per chi tifassi, io risposi fiero come un'oca: "la Juve!". Quella volta anziché insulti arrivarono direttamente schiaffoni! Anzi, per usare un termine tecnico, "zuppe".
Ma lasciamo i miei amarcord (vi racconterò un'altra volta di come andò a finire l'epopea della mia scelta della "squadra del cuore") e restiamo in tema: è facile, comodo ed anche molto ingenuo fare il tifo per il più strong only because it is the strongest.
I am convinced that many people who vote for Berlusconi and his political creature, and now the first Forza Italy PDL, do so because they see him as a winner, a "lover", someone who always manages to do what wants. Can identify with him and women who dream of a trumpet horn him, that he will vacation in Sardinia that he does, to have a crowd of toadies as does he have his money, success, its villas, its companies ... and the vote, he and his henchmen, or rather its schedules, so that they always and only his name as a symbol (see for example the list for Lazio reading "Berlusconi Polverini).
Berlusconi as a winner, and in fact there is no denying that it is.
bad that he always think about winning for himself and not for fools who vote for the villas, farms, women are hers, and certainly not divide the populace with which the wave as it passes him. Now the bubble has burst
lists for the regional Lazio and Lombardy Tarot signatures, authentication, missing or different, missed deadlines, sandwiches, call ... and the icing on the cake: the decree "interpretation." As a citizen
honest, law-abiding (even when I think they are just absolutely right) progressive, democratic, I felt very offended by what happened. I agree that democracy has been raped once again by this despicable chicanery.
On the other hand I understand the frustration of voters of the center-right have no idea of \u200b\u200btheir lists in the next election. In fact, nothing but frustration, should be furious!
But with whom?
should blame those scoundrels their representatives who have not been able to do the obvious, obvious, predictable and organization of the world: gathering signatures for the listings, authenticate them for good, presentation to competenti entro i termini previsti.
E' l'ABC della democrazia! Dei politici di professione dovrebbero fare queste cose ad occhi chiusi, in scioltezza. Invece, in scioltezza fanno tutt'altro: mangiano panini, fanno telefonate, sistemano appalti, prenotano massaggi... e si scordano di fare le cose più elementari. Evidentemente questi signori hanno altre priorità e le regole del gioco, per loro, sono solo un'inutile perdita di tempo.
Se io fossi un elettore del PDL sarei furente contro i leader del mio partito per aver permesso a dei cialtroni di occuparsi di cose serie ed aver compromesso la partecipazione alle elezioni. Se io fossi un elettore del PDL vorrei veder cadere delle teste (metaforicamente parlando, s'intende!) per questa figuraccia!
E' un pensiero che ho avuto molte volte nei giorni scorsi.
Ma poi mi sono detto: io non sono un elettore del PDL. Non penso come un elettore del PDL. I miei sentimenti di onestà, rispetto, democrazia mi impediscono di votare PDL, quindi fra me e gli elettori del PDL ci deve, necessariamente, essere una grossa differenza.
E mi sono chiesto quale sia, questa differenza...
Ed ho ripensato a quando tifavo Juve.
L'elettore medio del PDL, quello che non è socio di Confindustria, che non partecipa agli appalti per le grandi opere, che non riscuote il pizzo, che non trading exchange vows ... in short, that slice of normal civil society who vote Berlusconi (there, I am convinced that it exists), how can evaluate all of this mess?
In a simple way and that is very much in favor of Berlusconi when something obstructs the winner, this simply can fix things, removes the obstacle and is a winner! A winner is that it continues to win, always, even when things may go wrong.
And it is exactly what Berlusconi. Vince. Removes barriers.
Risk of jail? We descend into politics and solve everything.
Difficulty in driving the appalti? Si agisce in deroga ed in emergenza.
La magistratura non si rassegna? Qualche leggina ad hoc e la si rende cieca, sorda e con le mani legate.
Oppositori scomodi? Ci pensano i servizi segreti delle testate scandalistiche.
Programmi televisivi imbarazzanti? Editto bulgaro e successive repliche.
E se qualche passacarte del suo partito fa qualche pasticcio con le liste elettorali, lui fa un bel decreto per risolverlo e continua a vincere.
Quindi, tutti coloro che votano Berlusconi (e di conseguenza il PDL) perché è un vincente, continueranno a farlo, perché ha dimostrato ancora una volta di esserlo. Uno che alla fine la spunta sempre.
Ora sta agli altri, a tutti quelli Berlusconi who do not vote or that they realized that they no longer have interest to do so, perhaps a little 'to do and resolve this serious problem that is undermining democracy in our country irrevocably. All those that are on equal rules for all, honesty, integrity (right and left: These are not values \u200b\u200bof a single array!) It is good that your brains and invent a way honest, legal, ethical, to give a resounding send-off to that man (and crackers attached).
And you have to hurry! Before
also Article 1 of the Constitution (which states that "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work. The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution. ") Is interpreted in another way by the government.
Finally a quick message to our Interior Minister Roberto Maroni (and I stress Minister! Of Interior! That is, not one who was passing by chance ... ). I quote from the press
his words: "The current rules are not changed but has been given an authentic interpretation, so that the Tar can properly apply the law as interpreted by the legislature, in this If the government gives to the law. "
Mr. Maroni, in elementary school for Civic Education taught me that the government holds the executive power, while the parliament has the legislative power. So this is done, which one of them falls within the definition "the legislature" means the government or parliament? Take time, do not rush, there is a good reflection ...
Now we wait sixty days and see if "the legislature agrees with the government (Ops! I gave the answer !!!). Among the other end sixty days after the election. If the parliament would not convert dl into law on interpretation, what would happen? Elections invalidated? Must do it all again?
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