Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Womens Bmi Considered Skinny

At the start! Almost Winter

The thought of my first round this morning I accompanied smoothly throughout the day.
I found myself smiling to myself between the pages of the book I'm studying or walking alone on the street, a beautiful day, finally!
Now I have to piece together the emotions, which fortunately have been many.

Against all odds, last night I asleep without too much trouble, knowing that the next day was full of novelty.
He woke me with a sky full of clouds, however, has graciously waited for my debut, in itself, let it fall down on the highway to the sad drizzle of These days.
car was too tight and attentive to the road to realize how strong was the impact that I would shortly thereafter.

Then, once I breathed in the parking lot stronger, the first test had gone, was now the second, more difficult.
I waited Cocci Nella, who came "charge" as the spring when he spoke for the first time I knew this project, and from then on it was all natural.
again in the role of ELISA scared but at the same time, amused by the new situation, I made acquaintance with the first time that I hope will become family.

We first talked with Mary, visibly happy to exchange a few chat with us, and then with the girls parking.

It has been a 'very warm welcome!
In the lobby there were Varechina and Paul on the docks, and see familiar faces was another little 'charge, a bit of strength that increases when we are many to believe it.

And so, to prepare the nurse in the room of Pediatrics, she, with many smiles, gave us permission to use.
E 'was the first time, what an honor that I had!
So slowly green sock after sock blue braid after braid, I became Chlorophyll!
Once put nasino magico è iniziato lo spettacolo: un bel sorriso è sbocciato sulla mia faccia, aiutato da quello contagioso di una Cocci Nella, con cui mi sono trovata a mio agio dal primo istante!
E via, salutando le persone, regalando sorrisi e ricevendone altrettanto siamo planate in sala prelievi, e lì, devo essere sincera, sono stata un po'incerta, impacciata, ma comunque è andata!
L'impatto con tante persone che ti guardano, che forse si aspettano qualcosa da te, è stato al primo istante strano, poi, sempre più spontaneo, nei limiti della prima volta!

Poi dialisi: che persone forti.

Ho avuto il piacere di sentire spezzoni di vita di anziani, con cui purtroppo ho poco modo di interagire nella vita quotidiana, di rivivere guardandoli negli occhi l'autenticità dei loro ricordi.
Mi sono sentita accolta, benvoluta, aiutata e sostenuta oltre che da Cocci Nella anche dalle persone della dialisi, da Pietro che avuto il piacere di conoscere e di cui leggerò a breve un libro, alla dolcissima Margherita, a Bruna, a Bruno, a Francesco e agli altri di cui non ricordo name.
I found comfort in a department sadder than others: how much strength I have to learn from those who suffer!
Dialysis me loose: even by myself I found myself talking with people, and it was intense.

Pediatrics Then: there was only a small principality older with a great star fell from the theater, with a beautiful family of players behind him.

I did not think the nose red had all this magic, this ability to bring smiles and make you peaceful.
I left in disbelief, he was gone, everything was more natural than I thought: I enjoyed it and I received much in return.
