Thursday 14/1/10 I attended the meeting of the People of Florence Viola held SMS Andrea del Sarto. I have closely followed the first phase of the debate, which dealt with broader issues, and I have been brooding all the time I wanted to share some observations, but struggled to adjust mentally. I thought to write and then post them here.
The main thing that I think we should clarify is: who are we?
What the People of Florence Viola? But first: what is il Popolo Viola?
Il Popolo Viola è un MOVIMENTO: una moltitudine magmatica e variegata di persone che si sono riconosciute il 5 dicembre 2009 in una parola d'ordine collettiva, per rivendicare la quale si sono mobilitate.
La parola d'ordine era semplicissima: "Berlusconi, dimettiti! Berlusconi, fatti processare!"
Se vogliamo, da questo concetto ne possiamo derivare molti altri (rivendicazione della legalità, difesa della costituzione, no alla mafia nello stato, no alla politica corrotta, difesa della magistratura, ecc.) ma prima di cominciare a dettagliare e specializzare, col rischio di dividere e confondere, io penso che si debba fermarsi a moment here, on the initial password that has been able to mobilize "90000" people who have done a wonderful event in Rome. So wonderful that seemed a million! In
slogan "Berlusconi, resign! Berlusconi, without trial, "you may recognize many people, even very different from each other. In
square I saw many post-communist party militants Italian, but there were militants IDV, there were certainly many moderates. Maybe the streets were not there, but I am convinced that many people recognize it right in this sentence: all those people who think that the merits should be rewarded and that the criminals should be punished. I'm sure there are!
It 's a concept sure to cut across religious orientations: an atheist, an agnostic, a Catholic, a Muslim. What should distinguish, when you are talking about allowing a multi-investigated and prosecuted and not hide in the parliament, government, laws to be tailored to escape the prison? Nothing, I believe.
So I see the Purple People as a large group of people of all ages, all religions, all sexes, all professions, united by a desire to see Berlusconi in court to answer for it ; that have been challenged.
I am convinced that these are a few million people in Italy. A Euro, things more or less, we have seen the show in Rome, but for sure for every person who found the time and opportunity to attend the event, there will be three or four that have not been able to do so.
Conversely, every 40, 50, 100 people marched in the procession there were two or three who had taken the trouble to prepare for the event: writing, printing and distributing flyers, building kiosks, hire coaches, spreading the news .
aftermath of the 5 / 12, it is about these people that I have put my hopes, believing that they would not let go after seeing the success of the event. I was sure that the promoters and organizers at all levels, from the capital to the most remote village in the suburbs, they would have liked to continue to maintain contact, to work hard to not stop there. And it is just going like this: There was a national meeting in Naples, you are promoting sit-ins across Italy to defend the constitution, we are strengthening local groups of people before 5 / 12 even knew each other but now they want to work together to achieve something concrete. So the answer to
question is: Purple people is a social creature density is not uniform.
. E 'consists of a small population of volunteers that has worked hard to organize the demonstration on 5 / 12 and continues to remain in a state of agitation.
. Then he made one million people around who are willing to sacrifice their time on a Sunday and a few dozen of their money to pull € publicly and loudly shouting: "we're there, we have not drunk the falsehoods that we served up daily by newspapers and TV and we are not going to look inert ruin our country. "
. Then composed of a few million more sympathizers, who share the idea but have no means or desire to do something more.
And then I think there is some of the other million people that have the potential to be part of the Purple People, but you are distracted by the commitments and the entertainment, which is not willingly follow the policy because "it's all a magna-magna "and prefer to retreat into their private sphere, without looking around too. These people, if properly stimulated and informed, they could easily change his mind, at least on something so basic and fundamental as not to be ruled by a corruptor odor in the mafia.
How can move this creature "on non-uniform density? As is his nature: non-uniformly. Its objective is clear, but it is not easy to reach and then we will need to be working on several fronts, with several initiatives, seeking to exploit the differences between groups several that belong to it. The only limit to the possible initiatives is our imagination. There will be some more effective than others. There will be some shared by all and others will turn up their nose at someone, but the thing we must not Purple people forget is that it is a movement, made up of very different realities, values \u200b\u200band opinions that may have very different, except that they are all united by the desire to see B . in court to answer for his actions.
It 's very important to keep this thing. The Purple People
is not a party. There is no membership card, there is no filter to accessions,
Anyone can join and decide if only the common cause.
There are the "sections" or "circles" the official, anyone can form a group purple as and when it wants, regardless of those that already exist. In Florence, for now only one exists, but I hope that soon they'll form another. The Facebook group "The People Viola Florence has more than two thousand members, while at the last meeting there were about thirty. Many others may begin to come together and decide to do something concrete.
More local groups means more work, more autonomy, more comfortable to participate. The Purple People
no central committee, there is no "direction". At most there may be "leader" recognized but are not hit by anyone and are not guaranteed to remain so. Who has opened a group on FB is just like the other one. E 'owner of the group on FB but not the Purple People in real life. And the same goes for those who have beaten to organize the demonstration on 5 / 12: have done leafleting, organizing buses, kiosks have taken are all good things that we are all grateful, but it does not mean that the Purple People is the prerogative only of those people.
At the same time, it is understandable that these people remain of course a reference point: that others look to them as a guide because they already have proved to be serious and have a passion and dedication to the common cause.
We have in mind the difference between the authority of one who is recognized as a leader and spontaneously the charge of an agent who is appointed during the meeting, by a vote. They are two different things, both legitimate, but they apply to different contexts. Purple people, at least for now, as any movement does not have a "leader" elected, not a "summit" elected, has no "officials" did not "provincial or municipal secretaries."
Finally, more importantly, the Purple People no centralism: the decisions are made not by a "summit" is not there. Anyone can propose an initiative and anyone can decide to join, and it's put into practice. It is not necessary to the coherence of actions among all members of the People Viola. It is not necessarily a bad thing that there are uncoordinated movements, because the multiple nature of the movements necessarily lead to a multiplicity of points of view, sensitivity, and therefore of practical measures arising from . Some may consider most useful
sit-in, someone will prefer Gathering intelligence on the network, someone will choose type steps striking the flash-mob, someone will support symbolic acts more "soft" soaps such as scarves or give MPs ... and maybe someone will organize prayer groups, why not? If the Ursuline sisters decide to hold a week of prayer for B. see sense, to resign and face trial, could be said to be fully part of the purple people! Why the People
Viola is a movement.
not religious and not secular. It is not straight and is not gay. It is not black and white. It is not right and not left. It is not young, not old. It is precarious and is not an entrepreneur. It is not poor and not wealthy. Or rather, it is all these things and many more, but this is not what characterizes it.
The only thing that characterizes the People Viola is that all its participants want to see Berlusconi to resign and go to civilly deal with its processes, not to violate the law and groped the state to spring up the ass. Point.
There are no other purposes. The Purple People not born to fight world hunger, capitalism, communism, sexism, racism, pollution, global warming, vivisection, the pharmaceutical lobby, the digital -divide, illiteracy, the electro, the PM10, the ticks on the trains, the incompetence of managers and their compensation in the billions, job insecurity, ignorance, rudeness, dirt, the drop in vocations, the loss of faith, cynicism, selfishness or whatever ... Honourable all causes (according to the point of view) but that has nothing to do with the raison to be the manifestation of the 5 / 12 last year and, consequently, the Purple People.
If we begin to include other topics in the Purple People, began to divide, to highlight the differences that are there and are so many! Why are so many, we are different, we have so many different minds and hearts of many, and what unites us is a single thing very clear that we all desire strongly:
"Berlusconi, resign! Berlusconi, without trial, "