Thursday, November 13, 2008

Templete For Tractor Cake

Parolacce svedesi e parabole romane

Mjolnir: il martello del dio Thor
This morning on the bus, I became aware of the fact that there is a Ombuds Office at the Tuscany Region . I had never heard of before.

advertising (yes, I discovered it because it spoke a poster advertising ) is scritto: “Il Difensore Civico della Toscana può aiutarti a difendere gratuitamente i tuoi diritti nei confronti della Regione, dei Comuni, delle ASL, degli altri Enti Pubblici e dei Gestori di Pubblici Servizi. Non può intervenire in questioni tra te ed un altro cittadino, può agire solo quando la questione riguarda te e gli Uffici Pubblici.”

Curiosamente, la mia prima reazione non è stata: “Che bello! Un patrocinio gratuito per le beghe con gli uffici pubblici!”. No, al contrario, è stata: “Ma che paraculata! Uno che dovrebbe difenderti dalla pubblica amministrazione ed il cui stipendio è pagato proprio dalla pubblica amministrazione!”
In alcuni cases this thing called "conflict of interest ...

I went to the ombudsman's website and saw that this position is usually covered by important people: academics, politicians, a former mayor. I also saw that these guys usually end up having to do with the EOI, the European Ombudsman Institute. My simian curiosity led me to wonder "who the hell is a ombudsman?" And of course I also gave an answer (always looking on the internet): " ombudsman is a Swedish term that is currently used to define the Ombudsmen which literally means “uomo che funge da tramite”... un mediatore ... o un mezzano ?

Come per incanto mi è tornato alla memoria un concetto dimenticato fin dai tempi delle scuole: il tribuno della plebe. Ho dovuto fare qualche ricerchina per rinfrescarmi le idee ed è saltato fuori Menenio Agrippa.

Menenio Agrippa forse non è mai esistito ed è un personaggio immaginario, una metafora, una leggenda inventata da Tito Livio... o forse è esistito davvero come ci è stato raccontato... ma sta di fatto che incarna proprio la figura dell’ombudsman come l’ho immaginata io.
Menenio Agrippa, secondo Tito Livio, riuscì a fare un figurone durante una rivolta of the Roman plebeians.
first went to the Senate (the politicians) to say he would think he then went to talk with rebels (citizenship), and led them to more merciful tell a good tale about the fact that they, not the patricians against whom they were rebelling, not going anywhere. The plebeians, who were as poor and ignorant even of coglionazzi, the tale would be drunk and would travel back to work, except the fact of having achieved a small victory: the establishment of the tribunes of the people.
And who were the tribunes of the people ? The ombudsman official. Defended by the patricians and plebeians were untouchable (in the sense of "not perseguibili”).

Leggendo tutto questo discorso non vi è venuto in mente il sindacato?

Il sindacato dovrebbe essere un organismo dei lavoratori che nasce per coordinare l’azione e difendere i diritti dei lavoratori nei confronti del padrone. Ma cosa è successo da che mondo è mondo e da che esistono i sindacati? Che il sindacalista, a forza di frequentare il padrone, comincia a pensare come lui, ad ottenere dei privilegi, a simpatizzare per l’altra parte o, se volete, a diventare “consapevole” delle “difficoltà” del gestire un’azienda e comincia a volerlo fare lui, a dire al padrone come migliorare la produttività, anche se a scapito di qualche worker who loses his job (but still less than what would be fired if the boss had a free hand !!!).
short, the trade unionist, as a parasite, it enters the body symbiotic master-worker (a bit 'as they were symbiotic plebeians and patricians second Agrippa), which however is not part (because it does not work and is not the master of nothing) and from which it sucks the lifeblood that makes it more powerful and fat. The only task that must be undertaken to inflate the stomach is to act as a mediator (ops!) between these two entities, of course under monopoly. Beware if the workers are represented by themselves (such as base unions, you know? Those things strane dove i rappresentanti sindacali sono anche lavoratori e sottoposti al controllo dei loro colleghi affiliati che li hanno eletti) o se il padrone prendesse accordi direttamente con loro.

Ma prendiamoci un istante per assaporare una gustosa metafora...

Si dice che un martello sia solo un utensile: a seconda di chi lo usa e di come lo usa, può fare il bene o il male, può costruire una casa (metafora un po’ all’americana, visto che loro hanno tutte case di legno costruite dai carpentieri) o spaccare una testa.

un martello è un martello è un martello...
L’ombudsman è come il martello: può rappresentare giustamente gli interessi del cittadino / lavoratore / consumatore, oppure può fungere a buffer cushion for those powers (state and corporate) who need to maintain control of the situation.

If an ombudsman is a political money from the region, the interests of those who will? Citizens? Or the equipment?
If a union is a person who no longer works for 20 years, living on rent by the broker, who will make the interest? Workers? The ruling class? Or simply of himself and his own category?
Menenio Agrippa was a plebeian? It was the interests of the plebeians? He seems to have been consul, that is something like "Prime Minister" (and two consuls were commanded at all). He was carrying all of Rome ... è possibile che fosse un poveraccio e che parteggiasse per i poveracci?
I tribuni della plebe dovevano essere plebei di nascita, ma c’era la fila di patrizi vogliosi di ricoprire quella carica (che aveva un certo potere, per esempio potevano condannare a morte chi interferiva con lo “svolgimento” delle loro “mansioni”, scusate se è poco!) disposti a farsi adottare dalla serva pur di farsi nominare tribuni. E lo facevano! E poi dicevano di difendere la plebe mentre difendevano i propri interessi e quelli della loro casta...

Ed ora un breve excursus fuori tema (ma non troppo)...

Qualche anno fa ho sostenuto un esame universitario di Economia ed Organizzazione Aziendale. Nelle slide the professor argued with disarming clarity unhealthy dichotomy.
The owner of the company "old style" is more interested in operating the company, because it enjoys the profits directly, but it can not grow beyond a tot because they do not have sufficient means and has no adequate preparation for management. This growth, however, can be created by a corporation that collects more money than I could have the contractor and is managed by professional managers more competent management of the entrepreneur himself. However, these managers, end up only to take care of their bonuses and privileges of their assignment, only to become in turn an obstacle to the smooth functioning of the company.
not hard to believe, looking at how many CEOs in Italy go around from company to company, taking mind-blowing bonuses that alone could settle the holes (always larger) of the companies they managed.

Finally, what is the moral of the story?
In a perfect world, no dignity, there are no values, there are ideal, there is fairness, there is collaboration. In a perfect world, the hammer is required to build houses. In an imperfect world
the hammer breaks even some head, the ombudsman for the administration makes some public at the expense of the citizen, the ombudsman is derived from some present business under the table, the union takes good workers and negotiates its own interests with the owner, managers are sinking companies and gotten fabulous prizes ...

... and citizens / workers / consumers in the take baogigi !

At least until they really decide to organize on their own ...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where To Buy Shoestring Black Licorice

Esprit de finesse

I figli di puttana e troia sono pregati di non lasciare bottigliette lattine ecc..
This gentle warning is proudly displayed near one of the shipyards of Tramway in Florence, to be exact on the perimeter of an area to store materials inside the train station Santa Maria Novella.

The sentence reads: "The sons of a bitch and slut are requested not to leave bottles, cans, etc. .." Read it

m'è built a semantic question: the status of "sons of bitches and bitch" depends of leaving waste in that area or not? From a simple logical analysis of the text it would seem not. Sound a bit 'like this: "Those who actually are the children of these ladies are requested not to leave litter."
But it makes little sense. It 'obvious to a simple analysis of the humoral time that the epithet is aimed at those who already' have left waste. To paraphrase the text: "Those who waste leaving the children here are the usual sir, do so in order to stop, please. "

At this point, however, a curious cycle of syllogisms, in which the two meanings of the phrase chasing each other without end:
- if you leave the waste here, you are the children of those ladies
there - if you are the children of those ladies there, you should not leave litter
here - if you do not leave any litter here, you are not the children of those ladies
there - but if you are not the children of those ladies, then you can not litter, but becoming so children of the same and thus losing the right to do so

The logic does not go hand in hand with the heat ...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Letter To Penthouse Free

Autovelox e Duralex

bicchieri Duralex
Italians are truly exceptional.
It is a law, you begin to implement it and now, magically, it turns out that's not good.
Even the simple things, those that seem common sense at all ... but as long as we do not touch each other in person, otherwise it is no longer good.

The lanes, for example.
To help the public transport to avoid traffic bottlenecks, states that are created may transit only lanes where buses, taxis and ambulances. It seems like a smart thing, supported, appreciated.
yet, just put it one, we see that motorists want to spend the same, even if they do not law. They begin to pass in the lane reserved happily and maybe even someone complains of this malpractice (someone who never goes in the car over there!). Then the Police Station sends a pair of auxiliary do some fine, well, by way 'of deterrence.
And that's where the madness is unleashed! They leave
fines and motorists do not accept them. They get angry with the auxiliary. Submit that they were "quite visible" and if the policeman on duty is not "quite visible" then the fines which are not valid ...

Here is where I wanted to go.
Italy is a country where the law applies only until proven otherwise. In case, it does not matter that a motorist has committed an offense and who has been sanctioned accordingly. No. There is invented to avoid the incredible fine. And the weirdest thing is that the concept goes! Ends up on television, with representatives of the committees of angry motorists who say "is not disputing the fact of having committed the offense: it is the way in which the fine was made that there is fine."

And why do not you well? On what principle? Obey the law if you do not check anyone? Then when you are not controlled, are you allowed to steal, evade taxes, to kill someone ?!?!?

It is argued that speed cameras are legitimate only if the position has been previously reported on the ministry and if there is a plethora of signs that warn of the location of the device.
But what's the point? "This road is subject to electronic speed control" on main roads ... you can do the fuck you think ... I do not know: it is a way of enforcing this law?

Here, I would like, the exact opposite of what was claimed by these gentlemen, that the monitoring of the traffic was absolutely invisible. That fines on offenders arrived without any justification other than the fact that they have committed an offense. You have exceeded limits? Fine. Have you mailed in a fast lane? Fine. Without vigilant visible. Without auxiliary fluorescent jacket. Without signs that forewarn the beginning of the road "look that we control."
If the law is correct, it should always be respected.
If it is not right, you fight to have it removed.
want the speed limit to 300 km / h? You want the buses and ambulances are incolonnino in traffic like everyone else? Well, take a collection of signatures, tantalise your politicians, let's hear, but say it! Say it clearly, instead of hiding behind some ridiculous excuses.

Otherwise do as that guy who says "if I tried is because we have with me, and if everything falls in prescription then I am innocent "... but perhaps that person is where he is thanks to you!